› Jantinus Mulder (9)
› Henk Visser (6)
› Ab Hoving (5)
» Toon alle opties (17)
› Henk van der Biezen (5)
› Alex Poldervaart (4)
› Peter Sigmond (4)
› Bert Lamers (3)
› Dick Huges (3)
› Edwin Hoogschagen (3)
› Nico Braas (3)
› Pieter Spits (3)
› Arne Zuidhoek (2)
› Bart M. Rijnhout (2)
› Dick Beumer (2)
› Evert Stel (2)
› Henk van de Biezen (2)
› Jeroen van der Vliet (2)
› Rindert van Zinderen B... (2)
› Siebren van der Werf (2)
Resultaten (52)
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from Columbus to William Barentsz for the modern sailor
2021 || Paperback || Siebren van der Werf e.a. || Lanasta
Taking the height of the poleFor the sixteenth century navigator this meant finding your latitude. Five centuries ago, to the year, the first nautical handbooks on celestial navigation appeared in print with declination tables written for 1517-1520. They explained how you can find your position taking the height of the sun or the Pole Star. And which course to steer to find your port. These are techniques that have proven their value through the centuries. In this book Siebren van der Werf a...
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Warship 3: Hr.Ms. Jacob v. Heemskerck
2013 || Paperback || Rindert van Zinderen Bakker || Lanasta
The ships of the Jacob van Heemskerck class of the Royal Netherlands Navy were constructed as specialised air defence frigates. It was a further developement out of the Standard-frigates. Two ships were built. They served for about twenty years in the R.Neth. navy. Since 2005 both are in service as the Almirante Latorre class in the Chilean Navy.
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Warship 10
Type 47b destyroyer Drenthe
2020 || Paperback || Jantinus Mulder e.a. || Lanasta || met inkijkexemplaar
To counter a growing threat of Soviet submarines and aircraft shortly after WWII, the Royal Netherlands Navy ordered new ships. Classified as ASW destroyer (onderzeebootjager), but so close to contemporary destroyers in terms of specifications. Still suffering from the havoc of war the national industry managed to design and construct these ships in two classes.
Drenthe was of the more capable Type 47B series.
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Scheepshistorie 20
2015 || Paperback || Henk van der Biezen e.a. || Lanasta
De Zutphense Stadts Aeck
Constant Willems
Wapens ter zee
Jan Piet Puype
Hollands fluitschip ontloopt Barbarijse kapers
Peter Sigmond
17e-eeuwse Hollandse Scheepsbouwliteratuur (deel 4)
Ab Hoving
Een vloedpunter voor de veiligheid
Jan G. Braaksma
In Memoriam Jan Gerrit Braaksma
Duitse Rotterdam-konvooien 1940-1945 (deel 5)
Jac. J. Baart
Pijpenleggers verbinden werelden
Wouter Heijveld
In Memoriam Cor Emke
Ab Hoving
'Hoy varen was mijn plesier'
Meindert Seffinga
Museum Vlaardingen...
morgen verzonden
Scheepshistorie 26
2019 || Paperback || Graddy Boven e.a. || Lanasta
In dit nummer van Scheepshistorie staan de volgende artikelen:
- Een biografie van de IJsselkogge - Wouter B. Waldus
- Relatie tussen kanonnen opgevist bij Messina en Terschelling - Nico Brinck
- Oorlogschepen voor het buitenland - Wilma Gijsbers en Ab Hoving
- Erven van scheepstimmerwerven in zeventiende-eeuws Amsterdam - Wilma Gijsbers
- Hollandse scheepsbouw volgens Peter de Grote - Ab Hoving
- De schepen van de achttiende-eeuwse walvisvaart - Jaap R. Bruijn
- Jan Blanken waterbouwkundige ...
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Warship 12
Guided missile frigate Tromp
2021 || Paperback || Jantinus Mulder e.a. || Lanasta || met inkijkexemplaar
Both Tromp-class frigates entered service in 1975/76. Their primary task was area air defence. They acted as flagships for the COMNLTG (Commander Netherlands Task Group).
Because of their large radome (wich housed a 3D radar antenna) the ships had the nickname “Kojak” after the bald-headed actor in the famous action crime tv-series.
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Warship 06: HMCS Haida
2014 || Paperback || Rindert Zinderen Bakker || Lanasta || met inkijkexemplaar
HMCS Haida was a destroyer of the Tribal-class serving in the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) from 1943-1963. During World War II, Haida sank more enemy surface tonnage than any other Canadian warship. In the Korean War the ship did two tours of duty.
Nowadays she is the only surviving Tribal-class destroyer out of 27 units that were constructed between 1937-1945 for the Royal Navy, Royal Australian Navy, and the Royal Canadian Navy.
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Scheepshistorie 27
2020 || Paperback || Graddy Boven e.a. || Lanasta || met inkijkexemplaar
Van de Velde onvoltooid - Martin Bijl
Een Schotse Zeeman - Anton Wiegman
Een theoretisch bekeken scheepswrak - Ab Hoving
Het vergaan van de Woestduyn, 1779 - Ab Hoving
Twee schilderijen - Ab Hoving en Jeroen ter Brugge
Franse kaapvaart: Les corsaires - Sien van Eeten
Overgave Nieuwediep 1799 - Elisabeth van Blankenstein
De kleur blauw in de historische scheepsbouw - Dr. Joachim Müllerschön
Paul van Vlissingen en de ‘Fabriek met de lange naam’ - Peter Sigmond
Barend Jacobs Duyf - Jan Pra...
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Mitchell Masterpieces 3
An Illustrated History of B-25 Warbirds in Business
2023 || Paperback || Wim Nijenhuis || Lanasta
This is the third and final book about the North American bomber B-25 Mitchell. Volumes 1 and 2 of the 'Mitchell Masterpieces' described B-25s in service with the U.S. Armed Forces and with other foreign military forces. Volume 3 is about B-25s operating in civil service after World War II.
Mitchell Masterpieces 3 contains an overview of the companies, organisations and owners of the B-25s after 1945. This history of the B-25 in civil service contains around 900 pictures, many in colour.
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Zeevaart en scheepsberging in de 21e eeuw
Meningen van een zeeman
2024 || Paperback || Jan ter Haar || Lanasta
Jan ter Haar schrijft uit 'ergernis' over de 'Ever Given' die was vastgelopen in het Suezkanaal en over de 'Costa Concordia', waarvan de kapitein voor jaren de bak indraaide. In dit boek geeft Jan ter Haar zijn mening over de zeevaart en scheepsberging in de 21ste eeuw.