Resultaten (40)

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Rembrandt Seen Through Jewish Eyes

The Artist’s Meaning to Jews from His Time to Ours

2023 || Hardcover || Mirjam Knotter e.a. || Amsterdam University Press

The earliest painting by Rembrandt whose owner is documented depicts the prophet Balaam, on his way to blessing Israel. The man who bought it was a Sephardi Jew in the service of Cardinal Richelieu of France. The first known buyer of an etching plate by Rembrandt, depicting Abraham Dismissing Hagar and Ishmael, was a Sephardi Jew of Amsterdam. Seen through their eyes, Rembrandt was the creator of images with a special meaning to Jews. They have been followed through the centuries by Jewish c...

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Comparing Law

2023 || Paperback || Bert Demarsin e.a. || Amsterdam University Press

Our society has never been so internationally connected. Companies operate worldwide, retail shelves are filled with products from far and wide, people travel like never before and maintain contacts from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe. Distant countries have never been so close. Anyone who is practising law today cannot escape this and will increasingly be confronted with cross-border legal issues. Therefore, today’s jurists are expected to have knowledge of their own legal system as well as the l...

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Jan van Gijsen (1668-1722), een journalistieke broodpoëet in de Jordaan

2023 || Paperback || Anna de Haas || Amsterdam University Press

Eind zeventiende eeuw verruilde Jan van Gijsen (1668-1722) zijn geboortestad Haarlem voor de Amsterdamse Jordaan en enige jaren later zijn beroep van wever voor dat van schrijver. Voortaan zou hij zijn brood verdienen met de pen. Hij begon met verzen over de actualiteit voor de Antwerpse courant, maar zijn journalistieke ambities kregen pas echt de ruimte in zijn eigen wekelijkse Amsterdamsche Merkurius (1710-1722), ’s lands eerste nieuwsblad op rijm. Dat leverde hem vrienden, maar ook vija...

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Capitalism Reconnected

Toward a Sustainable, Inclusive and Innovative Market Economy in Europe

2023 || Paperback || Jan Peter Balkenende e.a. || Amsterdam University Press

Capitalism has gone astray. Today we face ecological exhaustion, persistent inequality, financialization, stress on communities, short-termism, and new power concentrations.

An avalanche of new economic thinking and a reorientation of European values show the way toward a different economy. A new perspective is necessary if we want to implement the Sustainable Development Goals and if we consider our planet as ‘Our Common Home,’ for present and future generations.

This book argues that ...

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The Green Middle Ages

The Depiction and Use of Plants in the Western World 600-1600

2023 || Hardcover || Claudine Chavannes-Mazel e.a. || Amsterdam University Press

How ‘green’ were people in late antiquity and the Middle Ages? Unlike today, the nature around them was approached with faith, trust and care. The population size was many times smaller than today and human impact on nature not as extreme as it is now. People did not have to worry about issues like deforestation and sustainability.

This book is about the knowledge of plants and where that knowledge came from. How did people use earth and plants in ancient times, and what did they know abo...

Leverbaar vanaf 1 mei 2025

De leeuw en de kameel

Venetië en het oosten

2023 || Paperback || Maurits de Leeuw e.a. || Amsterdam University Press

De stad Venetië heeft altijd tot de verbeelding gesproken. Religie,

rechtspraak, literatuur en beeldende kunst van deze lagunestad zijn

gevormd door de culturen uit het oostelijke Middellandse Zeegebied.

Eeuwenlang was de invloed van de Arabische en Byzantijnse rijken

beeldbepalend. Met hun inname van Constantinopel in 1453 maakten

de Osmaanse Turken definitief de dienst uit in de regio. Er ontstond

een haat-liefdeverhouding die zich uitte in talrijke oorlogen, maar

ook bijvoorbeeld in de na...

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Tussen erfgoed en eredienst

Meervoudig gebruik van vier monumentale stadskerken

2023 || Hardcover || Elza Kuyk || Amsterdam University Press

Some multiple-used city churches are neither fully in use by a faith community nor fully allocated to new forms of use, but are shared by both a (protestant) faith community and secular users. By sharing the church building, the diverse users and communities get in touch with each other. Eventual (slight) offenses between them can often be traced back to their respective relationships with the church building. Each church building has a specific history of the use of the building, its own arc...

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met 5% korting 28,45

Jews in the Netherlands

A Short History

2023 || Hardcover || Tirtsah Levie Bernfeld e.a. || Amsterdam University Press

Most people know little more than fragments of Dutch Jewish history: the Portuguese Jews of Amsterdam; Jewish socialism; the devastating years of the Second World War. So where is the storyline? What happened to the Jews in the Netherlands from the moment they first settled there permanently? This book answers that question. It presents the central points of 700 years of Jewish history in the Netherlands briefly and succinctly. One hundred elements of the story have been chosen that taken as ...

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met 5% korting 47,49

The Future of the Dutch Colonial Past

Curating Heritage, Art and Activism

2023 || Hardcover || Emma van Bijnen e.a. || Amsterdam University Press

Institutions across the globe are increasingly questioned on how their foundations are rooted in colonialism and how they aim to ‘decolonize’. The Future of the Dutch Colonial Past provides an overview of critical scholarly reflections on the history of Dutch slavery and colonization, as well as how this translates into critical cultural practices. It also explores possible futures: What can heritage institutions learn from (international) best practices regarding the ‘decolonization’...

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Verlichte verhalen

De omgang met het verleden in de Nederlandse Verlichting

2023 || Paperback || Eleá de la Porte || Amsterdam University Press

Al vroeg in de achttiende eeuw omschreven Europese denkers het tijdvak waarin zij leefden als verlicht. Het besef onderdeel te zijn van een ontwikkelde, beschaafde en commerciële periode schiep een nieuwe verhouding tot het verleden. Veel geschiedschrijvers schreven een historisch verhaal van vooruitgang – van de klassieke oudheid via de barbaarse middeleeuwen naar het moderne Europese statensysteem – om deze verlichte eeuw te verklaren. Hoewel dit fungeerde als een gedeeld Europees verl...