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Resultaten (37)
HSK Standard Course 1 - Workbook
2014 || Paperback || Jiang Liping || Beijing University Press,China
HSK Standard course 1 workbook bevat oefeningen voor elk van de 15 lessen in het leerboek, één HSK niveau 1 proeftoets en één inleiding tot de HSK niveau 1 toets. Door dit boek te gebruiken, kunnen cursisten de kennis verwerven die nodig is voor de HSK niveau 1 toets en een beter begrip krijgen van de toets zelf. Het boek is geïllustreerd met foto's die overeenkomen met de stijl van de toets en is in kleur afgedrukt.
De luistergedeelten in het boek zijn voorzien van audio-opnamen, die k...
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Schaum's Outline of Discrete Mathematics / 4th edition
2021 || Paperback || Seymour Lipschutz e.a. || McGraw-Hill
Study smarter and stay on top of your discrete mathematics course with the bestselling Schaum's Outline-now with the NEW Schaum's app and website! Schaum's Outline of Discrete Mathematics, Fourth Edition is the go-to study guide for more than 115,000 math majors and first- and second-year university students taking basic computer science courses. With an outline format that facilitates quick and easy review, Schaum's Outline of Discrete Mathematics, Fourth Edition helps you understand basic c...
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Klein's Organic Chemistry / 3rd edition
Global edition
2018 || Paperback || David R. Klein || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Klein's Organic Chemistry, Global Edition is not merely a compilation of principles, but rather, it is a disciplined method of thought and analysis. Success in organic chemistry requires mastery in two core aspects: fundamental concepts and the skills needed to apply those concepts and solve problems. This book employs a skills-based approach to bridge the gap between theory and practice.
It provides extensive coverage of the principles and helps students become proficient at approaching new ...
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Quantitative Chemical Analysis / 10th edition (Book + Access)
with 12 months access card Achieve
2020 || Paperback || Daniel C. Harris || Macmillan
The tenth edition of Quantitative Chemical Analysis continues to set the standard for learning analytical chemistry with distinguished writing, the most up-to-date content, and now the acclaimed Achieve program, supporting exceptional problem-solving practice. New author Charles Lucy joins Dan Harris, infusing additional subject expertise and classroom experience into this edition.
Macmillan’s new online learning platform, Achieve is the culmination of years of development work put toward c...
Fundamentals of Software Architecture
A Comprehensive Guide to Patterns, Characteristics, and Best Practices
2020 || Paperback || Mark Richards e.a. || O'Reilly
Salary surveys worldwide regularly place software architect in the top 10 best jobs, yet no real guide exists to help developers become architects. Until now. This book provides the first comprehensive overview of software architecture's many aspects.
Aspiring and existing architects alike will examine architectural characteristics, architectural patterns, component determination, diagramming and presenting architecture, evolutionary architecture, and many other topics. Mark Richards and Neal...
Concise Chemical Thermodynamics / 3rd edition
2010 || Paperback || A.P.H. Peters || Taylor & Francis
The first two editions of Concise Chemical Thermodynamics proved to be a very popular introduction to a subject many undergraduate students perceive to be difficult due to the underlying mathematics. With its concise explanations and clear examples, the text has for the past 40 years clarified for countless students one of the most complicated branches of science. Following in the tradition of its predecessors, this Third Edition continues to offer a practical, example-based exploration of a ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's Dictionary / 9th edition
2018 || Paperback || Collins || HarperCollins
The 9th edition of the Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's Dictionary has been revised and updated to include detailed coverage of today's English in a clear, attractive format. Ideal for upper intermediate and advanced learners of English, this dictionary covers all the words, phrases and idioms that students need to master in order to speak and write effective English. Thousands of updated examples taken from the 4.5- billion word Collins Corpus, show learners how the words are used in authe...
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Data Science / 2nd Edition
Concepts and Practice
2018 || Paperback || Vijay Kotu e.a. || Elsevier
Learn the basics of Data Science through an easy to understand conceptual framework and immediately practice using RapidMiner platform. Whether you are brand new to data science or working on your tenth project, this book will show you how to analyze data, uncover hidden patterns and relationships to aid important decisions and predictions. Data Science has become an essential tool to extract value from data for any organization that collects, stores and processes data as part of its operations.
This book is ideal for business users, data analysts, business analysts, engineers, and analytics professionals and for anyone who works with data. You’ll be able to: Gain the necessary knowledge of different data science techniques to extract value from data. Master the concepts and inner workings of 30 commonly used powerful data science algorith...
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European Union Politics / 3rd edition
2020 || Paperback || John McCormick || Bloomsbury Publishing
Cutting through the jargon of EU politics, the third edition of this engaging and informative textbook examines the history, institutions, processes and politics of the European Union with unprecedented clarity. The EU is a fascinating political experiment in regional integration and it has changed our understanding of Europe, how Europeans relate to one another, the role Europe plays in global politics and has even shifted our understanding of politics itself. Helping to make sense of it all...