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Resultaten (189)
morgen verzonden
Counselling in a Nutshell
2010 || Paperback || Windy Dryden || SAGE
Counselling in a Nutshell does what it says on the tin - it is the most concise, accessible and AFFORDABLE introduction to counselling in general. In this second edition Professor Windy Dryden updates his succinct discussion of key concepts and ideas of the therapeutic approach.
Understanding Religious Ethics / 1st edition
2010 || Paperback || Charles Mathewes || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
This accessible introduction to religious ethics focuses on the major forms of moral reasoning encompassing the three 'Abrahamic' religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Draws on a range of moral issues, such as examples arising from friendship, marriage, homosexuality, lying, forgiveness and its limits, the death penalty, the environment, warfare, and the meaning of work, career, and vocationLooks at both ethical reasoning and importantly, how that reasoning reveals insights into a reli...
morgen verzonden
The SAGE Handbook of Communication and Instruction
2010 || Hardcover || Fassett || SAGE
Suitable for scholars, graduate students, and general readers interested in the intersections of communication and instruction, irrespective of paradigm, method, or disciplinary background, this title compiles original research and reviews of research in the intersections of communication and instruction from key figures in the disciplines.
morgen verzonden
What is Youth Work?
2021 || Paperback || Janet Batsleer e.a. || SAGE
A highly accessible and up to the minute introduction to youth work for new students and those considering entering the profession
Export Management: A European Perspective (e-book)
2010 || E-book via Bookshelf || Hans Veldman || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar
This new English edition of Export Management is more accessible and transparent, using the export strategy as its structuring principle. The book focuses on the integration of all aspects of the export business and the implementation of export strategies in the daily business practice.
morgen verzonden
The time of your life
time management
2010 || Paperback || Ron Witjas || Uitgeverij Thema
Who wouldnt love to get more work done in less time, have time for family, sports and hobbies, thus creating a relaxed way of life? Trouble is, between the dream and the reality theres a clock in the way, and it only let you have 24 hours in any one day. Theres no way round that.
Most people find being under time pressure very unpleasant; the awful realisation that 24 hours just arent enough to do what they want or have to do. Sound familiar? You can do something about that against...
morgen verzonden
Sowing the seed? / druk 1
2010 || Paperback || W. Out || Leiden University Press
In 2006 Leiden University has initiated a series Leiden Dissertations at Leiden University Press. This series affords an opportunity to those who have recently obtained their doctorate to publish the results of their doctoral research so as to ensure a wide distribution among colleagues and the interested public. The dissertations will become available both in printed and in digital versions. Books from this LUP series can be ordered through www.lup.nl.
The large majority of Leiden dissertati...
morgen verzonden
Set eSourcing Capability Models (eSCM Set)(english version)
2010 || Paperback || Van Haren Publishing
morgen verzonden
The EU Competition Rules / druk 3
2010 || Paperback || Floris O.W. Vogelaar || Uitgeverij Paris B.V.
This book aims at providing the Legal Masters student throughout Europes universities with a thorough selection of case law that would be of direct help when studying the subject for the first time. The primary criterion for selection has been whether a particular case has contributed to the development of one of the doctrines or notions that are so important to the understanding of EU competition law. All cases and decisions have been incorporated with their key recitals and texts only, so...