Resultaten (140)

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Solar Futures

How to Design a Post-Fossil World With the Sun

2022 || Hardcover || Marjan van Aubel || Jap Sam Books

SOLAR FUTURES: How to Design a Post-Fossil World with the Sun by solar designer Marjan van Aubel explores the future of solar energy.

Solar energy needs a new narrative – one that says goodbye to old perspectives and only talks about efficiency and the payback time of blue solar panels. This publication illustrates what we need to know to transition from solar technology to solar design using everyday integrated aesthetic solutions.

This publication is divided into three parts: the first pa...

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Beginning in the Middle

Conversations on the Post-Soviet

2022 || Paperback || Elsbeth Dekker e.a. || Jap Sam Books

Beginning in the Middle. Conversations on the Post-Soviet, edited and compiled by Elsbeth Dekker and Robbie Schweiger, explores the works, lives and travels of artists coming from a (post-) Soviet context. The conversations delve deeper into questions of art and (de)colonisation in countries in the Caucasus and Central Asia, most of which recently celebrated their 30th anniversary of independence.

Departing from Dutch collections and exhibitions, the conversations try to grapple with question...

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TOUCH. Caren van Herwaarden

2023 || Paperback || Merel Bem e.a. || Jap Sam Books

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Displace. Elena Khurtova

2023 || Paperback || Elena Khurtova e.a. || Jap Sam Books

Displace explores the process of entering into a dialogue with soil as a living entity. It offers an intimate insight into Elena Khurtova's artistic research and process during her residency at 3bisF, on the site of Montperrin Psychiatric hospital in Aix-en-Provence, and delves into her personal connection with displaced soils.

Extending the sensitive experience of touching red and yellow soils into the materiality of the book, Elena Khurtova and graphic designer Tariq Heijboer experiment wit...

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2023 || Paperback || Mirte van Duppen || Jap Sam Books

AgriValley is a long-term poetic study of Dutch agriculture. In her cinematographic representations, video artist Mirte van Duppen brings together various production landscapes as a social construct: here, humans and machines live and work side by side. The futuristic, almost dreamlike images give an insight into the enormous impact of technological innovation in the agricultural sector.

Van Duppen shows the contemporary landscape in associative analyses, using visual rhyme and essayistic cam...

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Anton Rooskens

Beyond Cobra / Voorbij Cobra

2023 || Hardcover || Marguerite Tuijn e.a. || Jap Sam Books

Anton Rooskens (1906–1976) made a significant contribution to modern art in the Netherlands as an artist affiliated with the Cobra group, but also afterwards. His paintings are included in leading museum collections in the Netherlands and abroad. It is time for a new, comprehensive publication on this important Dutch twentieth-century painter. Over the past years, art historians Marguerite Tuijn and Eliane Odding have delved into his oeuvre and life. Based on previously unused sources from ...

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met 5% korting 28,50

The File on D. / Dossier D. - Arianne Olthaar

2023 || Paperback || Arianne Olthaar e.a. || Jap Sam Books

Tweetalige publicatie:

Arianne Olthaar (NL, 1970) portretteert en documenteert verdwijnende, verborgen en fictieve interieurs in film, fotografie en miniatuurmodellen. Haar werk is internationaal vertoond tijdens diverse tentoonstellingen en op filmfestivals waaronder International Short Film Festival Oberhausen, EMAF, New York Film Festival, Videoex, Media City Film Festival, IFFR, Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin. Tussen 2008 en 2012 bezocht Olthaar een aantal voormalige staats- en l...

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iA 1

2007 || Paperback || Kas Oosterhuis e.a. || Jap Sam Books

- non-standard- building relations- open sourceThe iA bookzine series will consist of twelve issues, bi-annually published over a period of six years under the supervision of Prof. ir. Kas Oosterhuis., director of the Hyperbody at the Delft University of Technology. Contributors to this first issue of iA are Cas Aalbers, Ayssar Arida, Henriette Bier, Nimish Biloria Michael Bittermann, Sven Blokker, Sander Boer, Lukas Feireiss, Chris Kievid, Christian Friedrich, Hans Hubers, Tomasz Jaskiewicz,...

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Seoul Scape

towards a New Urbanity in Korea

2008 || Paperback || F. Sanin || Jap Sam Books

In Zuid-Korea is een enorme ontwikkeling waar te nemen op het gebied van architectuur. Het land heeft zich razendsnel ontwikkeld, momenteel is het de elfde wereldeconomie. Door de snelle ontwikkeling zijn er zowel in de hoofdstad Seoul, momenteel een van de compactste steden van de wereld, als in de rest van het land, veel plannen op het gebied van architectuur en stedenbouw.'SeoulScape. Towards a New Urbanity in Korea' brengt een overzicht van het werk van zes gerenommeerde Koreaanse archite...

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Essayreeks Fonds BKVB Koolhaas in Beijing

2010 || Hardcover || Edzard Mik || Jap Sam Books

Anders dan kunstenaars opereren architecten per definitie vanuit het centrum van de samenleving. Als een van de weinige architecten toont Rem Koolhaas aan dat je vanuit dat midden toch een kritische distantie in acht kunt nemen. Is in zijn strategieën een hint gelegen voor kunstenaars om betekenisvolle kunst te scheppen in een wereld waarin betekenis geen enkele kans meer lijkt te hebben?

Schrijver Edzard Mik bezocht het door het OMA ontworpen CCTV hoofdkantoor in Beijing en schreef een lyri...