Resultaten (15)
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My Name is Bridget
human beings are worthy
2014 || Paperback || Ineke Bosman || Brave New Books
Bridget is a young Ghanaian woman born with cerebral palsy, a physical disability.
She had the fortune to survive because of her exceptional mother and grandpa in a village that thought of her as a worthless if not dangerous being.
Bridget, now 25 years old, looks back and still wonders if she is worthy of living the life of a normal human person...
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My name is bridget
2014 || Paperback || Ineke Bosman || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar
The story of Bridget is about hope and will as well as luck. How many girls called Bridget survive after all? It is about love, the love of a mother and grandfather in a hostile society. It is most of all about the capacity to fight. Fight for the survival of a twitching baby who can neither suck nor crawl nor later walk. Fight for a person to be called human even if all the odds seem against it because of a traditional belief system.
Those around her in her local society mumble: Isn t sh...
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Sick Poultry, Pet Birds, Pigs, Cows and Dromedary Camels cause Diseases in Humans
2014 || Paperback || Peter Holst || Brave New Books
We remember still a single farm with chickens and pigs on the farm and cows in the pasture. Increasingly we see grain silos appear with large livestock farming, whose pigs, chickens or cows never outside come. Diseases, which can be transmitted from animals to humans, are the result.
Prevention is essential for all of us in order to make our environment healthier and reduce the increase of chronic diseases.
Lifestyle changes, such as the purification of drinking water, sewage treatment and t...
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Beware the dromedary flu / druk 1
2014 || Paperback || Peter Holst MD PhD || Brave New Books
We remember still a single farm with chickens and pigs on the farm and cows in the pasture. Increasingly we see grain silos appear with consumption animal farms, whose pigs, chickens or cows never outside come. Diseases, which can be transmitted from animals to humans, are the result. The expansion in the intensive livestock and tropical bird breeding threatens the health of us all. It is of great importance that the air we breathe indoors in private homes, public transport, public buildings ...
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The Last Chimpanzee / druk 1
Somewhere in the 21st century, the last chimpanzee will die.
2014 || Paperback || Peter Holst MD PhD || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar
Only man is capable of birth-control, both population growth and contraception. The explosive growth in population and famine on earth has led to the breeding of animals solely for consumption. Genocide, the accelerated extinction of species, and Ecocide, large environmental damage are the consequences. This process is self-ending .... and forces us to reconsider. Sooner or later in the 21st century the chimpanzee will die. Wild life conservation, restoring the amount of available wild fish...
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Harmonisation of Private International Divorce Law in Europe
development of a unified system of choice of law rules on divorce and matters of parental responsibility in the EU
2014 || Paperback || S.A. Hartog-Malysheva || Brave New Books
The construction of European family law is a very complicated process which requires time, patience and effort. On one side, the EU Member States share a common vision of the future, they are united in diversity and they work together on building a sound construction of a common European system of family law. On the other side, the Member States have different historical backgrounds, cultural values and social views on such delicate subjects as family law. The Member States are keen to prot...
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The shallow man guide to dating the Dutch / druk 1
2014 || Paperback || Simon Woolcot || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar
Only three months after the succesful launch of his debut book The Amsterdam Confessions of a Shallow Man, Simon Woolcot releases his second book, The Shallow Man Guide to Dating the Dutch. He continues where his first book stopped: dating. Simon reached out to his more than 9000 Facebook followers and asked them to share their dating experiences in the Netherlands.
This must read book on the Dutch dating scene provides advice on how to hook up with this world s most spoiled men, and accordi...
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Earth on the Road / druk 4
2014 || Paperback || Pepijn de Jonge || Brave New Books
The Pictures in this book are also available as postcards, posters or stamps.
Check out www.earthontheroad.com
All images © 2013 Artist Pepijn de Jonge
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Road to Libya Boat to Italy
stories of ghanaian emigrants
2014 || Paperback || Ineke Bosman || Brave New Books
Truely amazing stories told by Ghanaian men who ventured over land or sea in search for a better future. They cross the Sahara desert to Libya where jobs are available if you accept the insults that go with them. Then on into shaky boats for Europe...
Stories by Ghanaian emigrants that you can feel in all their raw resiliance and beautiful sense of humor.
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Teaching with simulations / druk 1
2014 || Paperback || Nico Rutten || Brave New Books
This dissertation is about inquiry-based teaching with computer simulations in science education. Research of the past decade shows that instruction can be enhanced by using computer simulations. For example, it can be an effective tool to prepare for laboratory activities. How to use computer simulations for teaching practices, however, is relatively unknown. How to teach with simulations is the main topic of the studies in this dissertation. Computer simulations allow for student-centered, ...