Resultaten (41)
The Business of Platforms
Strategy in the Age of Digital Competition, Innovation, and Power
2021 || Hardcover || Michael A. Cusumano e.a. || HarperCollins
A trio of experts on high-tech business strategy and innovation reveal the principles that have made platform businesses the most valuable firms in the world and the first trillion-dollar companies. Managers and entrepreneurs in the digital era must learn to live in two worlds-the conventional economy and the platform economy. Platforms that operate for business purposes usually exist at the level of an industry or ecosystem, bringing together individuals and organizations so they can innovat...
Doing a Successful Research Project / 2nd Edition
Using Qualitative or Quantitative Methods
2014 || Paperback || Martin Brett Davies e.a. || Bloomsbury Publishing
This straightforward, student-friendly guide contains all the practical advice for successfully undertaking a research project, leading students through all the stages of the research process. The second edition of this no-nonsense textbook supports students in conducting their own research projects, whatever discipline they are from. Describing processes, tools and strategies in a simple, succinct way, it supports the reader carefully through the planning and design stages, to implementation...
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The Reflective Journal / 3rd Edition
2022 || Paperback || Barbara Bassot || Bloomsbury Publishing
This is the third edition of Barbara Bassot's hugely popular book, a uniquely inspiring introduction to critically reflective practice. Using bite-sized theory combined with plentiful guidance and supporting activities, this book gives the reader a place to reflect on their learning and use writing as a tool for developing their thinking. Critical reflection is an essential skill for anyone undertaking qualifying professional programmes such as social work, nursing, health, teaching, childhoo...
Contact! nieuw 1 licentie
Digitaal Tekstboek + Werkboek
|| Online licentie || Haverkamp || Intertaal
Ontwikkeld door het expertisecentrum van de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
eentalige NT2-methode voor klassikaal gebruik
gebaseerd op de oefeningentypologie van Neuner
afwisselende werkvormen en oefeningen
geeft op speelse wijze inzicht in de Nederlandse cultuur en maatschappij
interessante thema’s in een realistische, communicatieve context
Deze cursistenlicentie bevat zowel het complete tekstboek als het complete werkboek en is online en offline te gebruiken op verschillende apparaten. Het...
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Contact nieuw! Deel 1 (bundel)
2022 || Paperback + Online || Haverkamp || Intertaal
Deze set van Contact! – nieuw 1 bevat het papieren tekstboek en werkboek met online-mp3’s + de digitale cursistenlicentie van het tekstboek en werkboek samen. De digitale licentie is online en offline te gebruiken op verschillende apparaten.
De digitale versie van het tekstboek is voorzien van audiolinks, een zoek- en bladerfunctie, een zoomfunctie, een markeerfunctie en de mogelijkheid om notities te maken en op te slaan.
Het digitale werkboek bestaat uit interactieve oefeningen. Bij de ...
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The Pyramid Principle / 3rd edition
Logic in Writing and Thinking
2022 || Paperback || Barbara Minto || Pearson
GET THE MAXIMUM IMPACT WITH THE MINIMUM EFFORT. The Pyramid Principle is the international best-seller on how to think creatively, reason lucidly and produce crisp, clear, compelling business writing. Join the tens of thousands of people worldwide who have benefited from Barbara Minto's technique, to present your thinking so clearly that the ideas jump off the page and into the mind of the reader. Can your writing do without it?
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Testing Business Ideas / 1st edition
A Field Guide for Rapid Experimentation
2019 || Paperback || David J. Bland e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
A practical guide to effective business model testing 7 out of 10 new products fail to deliver on expectations. Testing Business Ideas aims to reverse that statistic. In the tradition of Alex Osterwalder's global bestseller Business Model Generation, this practical guide contains a library of hands-on techniques for rapidly testing new business ideas.
Testing Business Ideas explains how systematically testing business ideas dramatically reduces the risk and increases the likelihood of success...
Concise Guide to APA Style / 7th edition
2019 || Ringband || American Psychological Association || American Psychological Association || ook als eBook
Concise Guide to APA Style, Seventh Edition is the official APA Style resource for students. Designed specifically for undergraduate writing, this easy-to-use pocket guide is adapted from the seventh edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. It provides complete guidance for new writers on effective, clear, and inclusive scholarly communication and the essentials of formatting papers and other course assignments.
New to This Edition: full color throughoutcon...
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Ten influencing skills / druk 1
|| Paperback || Jan Bijker || Uitgeverij Thema
Manager, consultant, member of the Works Council: in any of these functions you
want to exert maximum influence to reach your goals. There are quite some ways to do this. You can reason and give logical arguments, you can paint a picture about an attractive future perspective or give compliments.
This book describes ten different influencing skills that you can learn to use and to apply yourself. Influencing is not about using communication tricks. It is essential that you use the influencing...
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Entrepreneurial Finance - CUSTOM
|| Paperback || Leach e.a. || Cengage Learning