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Resultaten (43)
morgen verzonden
Biology A Global Approach + MasteringBiology Student Access Kit / 12th edition
2020 || Paperback || Neil A. Campbell e.a. || Pearson
Get a true understanding of the essential concepts in Biology with trusted content that sets the standards for excellence, accuracy, and innovation. Biology: A Global Approach, Global Edition, 12th Edition is the latest version of the ultimate text in the field coming from a leading team of authors, advancing Neil Campbell's vision of delivering an accurate and pedagogically innovative experience. This latest version reflects the most recent developments in the field, with hallmark and new fe...
Structure Determination of Organic Compounds / 5th Edition
Tables of Spectral Data
2020 || Paperback || Ernoe Pretsch e.a. || Springer
This succinct compilation of essential reference data for the interpretation of NMR, IR, UV/Vis, and mass spectra also provides a hands-on guide for interpreting experimental spectral data and elucidating the structure of the respective compounds behind them. This fourth edition of the highly successful and concise textbook contains about 20% new data.
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Talentenwijzer / Druk 3
Toolkit talentontwikkeling met online test
2022 || Paperback || Djoerd Hiemstra || Boom || met inkijkexemplaar
Dit product bestaat uit een boek inclusief website met hierop o.a. het online boek.
Talentenwijzer biedt een toolkit voor talentontwikkeling. Deze
toolkit helpt je om het beste uit jezelf en uit je studie te halen.
Waar ben jij van nature goed in? Wat vind je leuk om te doen?
Waarin wil jij uitblinken? De oefeningen in dit werkboek geven je
inzicht in je persoonlijke kwaliteiten en leren je hoe je deze optimaal
kunt gebruiken en ontwikkelen in je studie, werk en vrije tijd.
Talentenwijzer is ...
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Chemometrie / Druk 4 (Heruitgave)
2019 || Paperback || J.P.M. Andries || Syntax Media || met inkijkexemplaar
Chemometrie is een nieuwe discipline binnen de chemie die zich in de analytische chemie een belangrijke plaats heeft weten te veroveren. Door toepassing van chemometrische technieken kan de kwaliteit van chemisch onderzoek worden verbeterd en kan er meer informatie worden verkregen uit de grote hoeveelheden data die tegenwoordig door moderne analyse-instrumenten in de laboratoria worden gegenereerd.
Sinds het verschijnen van de voorgaande drukken van dit boek hebben er belangrijke ontwikkeli...
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Quantitative Chemical Analysis / 10th edition
2019 || Paperback || Daniel C. Harris || Macmillan
The gold standard in analytical chemistry, Dan Harris' Quantitative Chemical Analysis provides a sound physical understanding of the principles of analytical chemistry and their applications in the disciplines. Dan Harris presents the subject in a rigorous, readable and interesting manner, lucid enough for non-chemistry majors but containing the depth required by advanced undergraduates. For the first time since the book was published in 1978, Harris has worked with a new contributing author,...
Molymod MMS-072
Molecular Set for Inorganic & Organic Chemistry, 72 atoms
2017 || Paperback || Royal Society of Chemistry || Royal Society Of Chemistry
These popular molecular modelling sets can be used to make many different molecules. This makes them ideal for student use and also for educators and researchers. The set contains 72 colour-coded atoms, 105 links and 5 lone pair electron clouds.
The shorter links can be used for single bonds, while the longer, flexible links can be used for double or triple bonds. Using molecular models can help students to visualise concepts such as isomerism through hands-on learning. The models can also be...
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Chemistry: A Molecular Approach / 5th Global Edition
2020 || Paperback || Nivaldo Tro || Pearson
For courses in chemistry. Nivaldo Tro's Chemistry: A Molecular Approach presents chemistry visually through multi-level images-macroscopic, molecular, and symbolic representations ? to help students see the connections between the world they see around them, the atoms and molecules that compose the world, and the formulas they write down on paper. Interactive, digital versions of selected worked examples instruct students how to break down problems using Tro's unique "Sort, Strategise, Solve,...
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Chemistry plus Modified Mastering Chemistry with eText / 5th Global edition
A Molecular Approach
2021 || Paperback || Nivaldo J. Tro || Pearson
Actively engage students to become expert problem solvers and critical thinkers
Nivaldo Tro’s Chemistry: A Molecular Approach presents chemistry visually through multi-level images–macroscopic, molecular, and symbolic representations ― to help students see the connections between the world they see around them, the atoms and molecules that compose the world, and the formulas they write down on paper. Interactive, digital versions of selected worked examples instruct students how to brea...
Organic Structures from Spectra / 6th edition
2020 || Paperback || L.D. Field e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
The derivation of structural information from spectroscopic data is now an integral part of organic chemistry courses at all Universities. A critical part of any such course is a suitable set of problems to develop the students' understanding of how organic structures are determined from spectra. The book builds on the very successful teaching philosophy of learning by hands-on problem solving; carefully graded examples build confidence and develop and consolidate a student's understanding of...
Physics for Scientists & Engineers with Modern Physics / 4th edition
2013 || Paperback || Douglas C. Giancoli || Pearson
For the calculus-based General Physics course primarily taken by engineers and science majors (including physics majors). This long-awaited and extensive revision maintains Giancoli's reputation for creating carefully crafted, highly accurate and precise physics texts. Physics for Scientists and Engineers combines outstanding pedagogy with a clear and direct narrative and applications that draw the student into the physics.
The new edition also features an unrivaled suite of media and on-line...