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met 5% korting 24,69

Grenzeloos God

Integraal kijken naar God, mens en wereld

2023 || Paperback || Tilmann Haberer || Skandalon Uitgeverij B.V.

De Duitse theoloog Tilmann Haberer ontvouwt de christelijke traditie als een kosmisch drama. Het verhaal van God en de wereld begon met de oerknal en leeft sindsdien in iedere nanoseconde. Op elk moment en in alles gaat een liefhebbende wil schuil.

Zowel de ontwikkeling in onze persoonlijke overtuigingen als de traditiegeschiedenis van de religies doen ertoe. Vanuit een integrale manier van spreken over God, plaatst hij kernthema’s van het christendom (o.a. schepping en opstanding) in een be...

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God underccover

Een missionair concept met het sublieme als leidraad

2023 || Paperback || Herman Heijn || Skandalon Uitgeverij B.V.

Levertijd: 8 werkdagen

Critical Terms for the Study of Buddhism

2005 || Paperback || Donald S. Lopez Jr. || The University of Chicago Press

Through incisive discussions of topics ranging from practice, power, and pedagogy to ritual, history, sex, and death, the authors offer new directions for the understanding of Buddhism, taking constructive and sometimes polemical positions in an effort both to demonstrate the shortcomings of assumptions about the religion and the potential.

Levertijd: 15 werkdagen

Muslim Identities

An Introduction to Islam

2013 || Paperback || Aaron W. Hughes || Columbia University Press

Rather than focus solely on theological concerns, this well-rounded introduction takes an expansive view of Islamic ideology, culture, and tradition, sourcing a range of historical, sociological, and literary perspectives. Neither overly critical nor apologetic, this book reflects the rich diversity of Muslim identities across the centuries and counters the unflattering, superficial portrayals of Islam that are shaping public discourse today. Aaron W.

Hughes uniquely traces the development of...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Introducing Judaism

2008 || Paperback || Eliezer Segal || Taylor & Francis

Introducing Judaism is the ideal starting point for students beginning their studies of this fascinating religion. Eliezer Segal takes a historical approach, focusing on religious aspects of Judaism, and introducing themes as they emerge from authentic Jewish documents. Students will gain an understanding of how Judaism is lived by its adherents and the historical and geographical diversity of Jewish beliefs and practices.

The book has a clear and accessible structure. Part One presents the h...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

The World's Religions

2011 || Paperback || Peter Clarke e.a. || Taylor & Francis

* Gives an account of the history, the theological basis, the practice and the current state of the study of religion and religions throughout the world* Combines a clear and non-technical style of presentation with a structure and range of contributions which reflect the richness and complexity of religion itself, of the religions of the world and the study of religions* Comprehensive index, bibliographies and suggestions for further reading`Intriguing philosophical questions are raised abou...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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A Girl's Initiation Ceremony Among the Bemba of Zambia

2024 || Paperback || Audrey Richards || Taylor & Francis Group Limited

Chisungu is widely hailed as a classic of anthropology and African and gender studies. This Routledge Classics edition includes a new foreword by Jessica Johnson and an introduction by Jean La Fontaine.

Levertijd: 8 werkdagen

Introducing the New Testament / 2nd Edition

A Historical, Literary, and Theological Survey

2018 || Hardcover || Mark Allan Powell || Baker Publishing Group

This lively, engaging introduction to the New Testament is critical yet faith-friendly, lavishly illustrated, and accompanied by a variety of pedagogical aids, including sidebars, maps, tables, charts, diagrams, and suggestions for further reading. The full-color interior features art from around the world that illustrates the New Testament's impact on history and culture. The first edition has been well received (over 60,000 copies sold).

This new edition has been thoroughly revised in respo...

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Our Orthodox Holy Family: A Joyful Journey with Jesus and Mary

2023 || Paperback || Deacon David J.D. Lochbihler || Glagoslav Publications Ltd

Sacred Scripture quotes Jesus Christ only once during the first thirty years of His life on earth. The twelve-year-old asks two precise and profound questions: “Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business (Luke 2:49 NKJV)? Other translations say “about My Father’s house.” Neither the Greek word for “business” nor “house” is found within this pivotal verse. For centuries Biblical scholars delved deeply into this interpretive predicament. De...

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Prayers to Our Lady East and West

2021 || Paperback || Irina Goraïnoff || Glagoslav Publications Ltd

I learned about the Blessed Virgin Mary as a child attending a superb Roman Catholic grade school and as a teenager studying at an excellent Catholic high school. My friendship with Our Lady was nurtured at the University of Notre Dame and deepened throughout my adult life. Later as a Wesleyan pastor, I missed the Virgin Mary as an intimate and important part of my life. Finally coming home, called in significant part by my yearning for Our Lady, I fell in love with the Theotokos as a Deacon ...