
Maritieme Techniek (2)
Voorgeschreven bij
Hogeschool Rotterdam (2)

Resultaten (15)

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Instrumentation and Control Systems / 3rd Edition

2021 || Paperback || William Bolton || Elsevier

Instrumentation and Control Systems, Third Edition, addresses the basic principles of modern instrumentation and control systems, including examples of the latest devices, techniques and applications. The book provides a comprehensive introduction on the subject, with Laplace presented in a simple and easily accessible form and complemented by an outline of the mathematics that would be required to progress to more advanced levels of study. Taking a highly practical approach, the author combi...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering Technologists

2021 || Paperback || T.D. Eastop e.a. || Pearson

Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering Technologists provides a complete introduction to the principles of thermodynamics for degree level students on courses in mechanical, aeronautical, chemical, environmental and energy engineering and engineering science courses. The fifth edition of this classic text for applied courses has been completely revised and updated to take account of modern teaching methods and perspectives, with the emphasis placed on the application of theory to real process...

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Scheurgedrag vervorming & courante gevallen

2021 || Paperback || Jan Ritzen e.a. || Academia Press

De reeks Betonbouw is uitgegroeid tot een standaardwerk.

Deze editie van deel 2 houdt rekening met de meest courante wijzigingen. De cd-rom met rekenprogramma geeft de student of de professionele gebruiker beter inzicht in de materie.

Tevens kan men met dit gebruiksvriendelijk programma snel rekenresultaten bekomen, bewaren en afdrukken. Dit boek en het rekenprogramma sluiten perfect aan op deel 1.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Modern Control Systems / 4th Edition

2021 || Paperback || Richard Dorf e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook

For courses in Control Theory. Progressively develop students' problem-solving skills through an integrated design and analysis approach to real-world engineering problems Modern Control Systems presents the structure of feedback control theory and provides a sequence of exciting discoveries as students proceed through the text and problems. Written to be equally useful for all engineering disciplines, this text is organised around the concepts of control systems theory in the context of freq...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Design and Analysis of Experiments / 10th Edition

2023 || Paperback || Douglas C. Montgomery || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

Design and Analysis of Experiments provides a rigorous introduction to product and process design improvement through quality and performance optimization. Clear demonstration of widely practiced techniques and procedures allows readers to master fundamental concepts, develop design and analysis skills, and use experimental models and results in real-world applications. Detailed coverage of factorial and fractional factorial design, response surface techniques, regression analysis, biochemist...

Levertijd: 9 werkdagen

Engineering Circuit Analysis / 12th edition

International Adaptation

2021 || Paperback || J. David Irwin e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

Circuit analysis is the fundamental gateway course for computer and electrical engineering majors. Irwin and Nelms' Engineering Circuit Analysis has long been regarded as the most dependable textbook on the subject. Focusing on the most complete set of pedagogical tools available and student-centered learning design, this book helps students complete the connection between theory and practice and build their problem-solving skills.

Key concepts are explained multiple times in varying formats ...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Scientific American Environmental Science for a Changing World

2021 || Paperback || Susan Karr e.a. || Macmillan

Real science.Available for the first time with Macmillan's new online learning tool, Achieve, Susan Karr's Environmental Science for a Changing World 4e uses an engaging, journalistic approach-real stories about real people-to show students how science works and how to think critically about environmental issues.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen


2021 || Paperback || Johnny Saldana e.a. || SAGE

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

The Agricultural Notebook / 21st editon

2021 || Paperback || Richard J. Soffe e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

Offers a complete update and revision to the manual for agriculture, geography, and rural studies

The 21st edition of the quintessential reference book on agriculture is filled with updated and new material that provides those in the farming profession with everything they need to know about today's agricultural industry. Filled with contributions from top experts in the field, it provides not only the scientific explanations behind agriculture, but also a range of further reading .

The Agric...

Levertijd: 9 werkdagen

Total Facility Management / 5th edition

2021 || Paperback || Brian Atkin e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd


A comprehensive review of what facility management means to owners, operators, occupiers, facility managers and professional advisors

The newly revised Fifth Edition of Total Facility Management is an accessible and practical text that shows readers how the concept and principles of facility management can be implemented in practice. The book deals with the most common and intractable challenges facing professionals, academics and students in the field and provides p...