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Christelijke Hogeschoo... (2)
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met 5% korting 18,04

The Happy Writing Book

Discover the Positive Power of Creative Writing

2021 || Paperback || Elise Valmorbida || BIS Publishers

Harness creativity for self-care. 100 prompts and exercises that show how the practice of creative writing - being expressive, exploring ideas, crafting words, shaping stories - can also deepen your appreciation of life.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

A Student's Introduction to English Grammar / 2nd edition

2021 || Paperback || Rodney Huddleston e.a. || Cambridge University Press

A new edition of the ground-breaking undergraduate textbook on modern Standard English grammar, now reorganised to align fully with the award-winning reference work, The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language. This edition has been rewritten in an easy-to-read conversational style with a minimum of technical and theoretical terminology.

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An Introduction to Sociolinguistics / 8th edition

2021 || Paperback || Ronald Wardhaugh e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

The new eighth edition of An Introduction to Sociolinguistics brings this valuable, bestselling textbook up to date with the latest in sociolinguistic research and pedagogy, providing a broad overview of the study of language in social context with accessible coverage of major concepts, theories, methods, issues, and debates within the field. This leading text helps students develop a critical perspective on language in society as they explore the complex connections between societal norms an...

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met 5% korting 46,55

Understanding Games and Game Cultures

2021 || Paperback || Ingrid Richardson e.a. || SAGE

No longer a marginal media form, the study of digital game industries and 'gameification' is more popular than ever. Hjorth and Richardson bring you Understanding Games and Gaming Culture; the must-read guide to global games studies. Giving students the tools to conceptually navigate contemporary game studies, this book examines game development, audience and profit in the context of contemporary global debates and media.

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Knuffelcontacten en waterwappies

De kracht van nieuwe woorden

2021 || Paperback || Vivien Waszink e.a. || Scriptum || met inkijkexemplaar

Betekent knuffelcontact hetzelfde als knuffelmaatje? Zijn waterwappies klimaatknuffelaars of juist niet? Behoren applauskinderen tot de achterbankgeneratie of tot de havermelkelite? Je kunt last hebben van hoestschaamte, bedrijfswagenschaamte en singleschaamte, maar waar kun je je nog meer voor schamen? Waarom heet de goede huisvader nu voorzichtig en redelijk persoon?

Taalkundigen Vivien Waszink en Veronique De Tier (Instituut voor de Nederlandse Taal) beschrijven de nieuwe woorden van dit j...

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met 5% korting 35,10

A study of Syntax

2021 || Paperback || Marina Bouckaert-den Draak e.a. || Acco

A Study of Syntax beschrijft hoe binnen de Engelse taal woorden samen woordgroepen en

zinnen vormen. Het boek bevat gedetailleerde analyses, uitgebreide toelichtingen, voorbeeldzinnen

en praktische oefeningen. Het is dan ook onmisbaar voor studenten Engels die zinsbouw

volledig willen doorgronden.

In plaats van te kiezen voor een benadering waarbij zinnen worden opgebouwd vanuit woordsoorten,

is in A Study of Syntax gekozen voor een opzet waarbij de zin zelf het startpunt is.

Het is dus niet ...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Story of English

2021 || Paperback || Robert McCrum || Faber & Faber

The Story of English is the extraordinary tale of the origins and development of the English language. Two thousand years ago English was confined to a handful of savage tribes on the shores of north-west Europe; More widely scattered, written and spoken than any other language in history, English has become a global phenomenon.

Vandaag besteld,
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met 5% korting 42,75

Race, Culture and Media

2021 || Paperback || Anamik Saha || SAGE

Anamik Saha has taken an integrative approach, combining both cultural studies and political economy perspectives in a cutting-edge book that covers representation and beyond. A wide-ranging exploration of both theory and research, Saha broadens the scope out to also cover postcolonialism, audiences, policy, production and digital race studies.

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

New Practical Chinese Reader vol.2 - Textbook

2021 || Paperback || Liu Xun || Beijing Language & Culture University Press China

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Media/Society - International Student Edition / 7th edition

Technology, Industries, Content, and Users

2021 || Paperback || David R. Croteau e.a. || SAGE

Media/Society: Industries, Images, and Audiences provides a framework to help students understand the relationship between media and society and helps students develop skills for critically evaluating both conventional wisdom and one's own assumptions about the social role of the media. The Seventh Edition retains its basic sociological framwork, but also includes additional discussions of new studies and up-to-date material about a rapidly changing media landscape. This edition significantly...