Resultaten (27)

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met 5% korting 22,79

De kern van de politiek

Herziene editie

2019 || Paperback || Cees van der Eijk || Amsterdam University Press

De kern van de politiek presenteert een kader van vragen en begrippen die helpen om politieke verschijnselen te begrijpen. Deze vragen en begrippen gaan over conflict en samenwerking, over de betrokken personen, groepen

en organisaties en hun doelen en mogelijkheden, over macht en invloed en hoe die kunnen worden bestudeerd, en over

de omgeving die politiek beïnvloedt. Dit kader is van nut voor het begrijpen van politiek, ongeacht waar en wanneer — zowel in het hier en nu als ver weg en la...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Geopolitics: A Very Short Introduction

A Very Short Introduction

2019 || Paperback || Klaus Dodds || Oxford University Press

Encompassing everything from great power politics to everyday objects such as smart phones, geopolitics affects citizens, governments, and international bodies, and is far more than simply the impact of geographical features on political developments. This book considers both geopolitics' intellectual historical origins and its current concerns.

Levertijd: 7 werkdagen

Politics in China / 3rd edition

An Introduction

2019 || Paperback || William A. Joseph || Oxford University Press

On October 1, 2009, the People's Republic of China (PRC) celebrated the 60th anniversary of its founding. And what an eventful and tumultuous six decades it had been. During that time, under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), China was transformed from one of the world's poorest countries into the world's fastest growing major economy, and from a weak state barely able to govern or protect its own territory to a rising power that is challenging theUnited States for global in...

Levertijd: 8 werkdagen

Critical Issues in Contemporary Japan / 2nd edition

2019 || Paperback || Jeff Kingston || Taylor & Francis

This new and fully updated second edition of Critical Issues in Contemporary Japan provides undergraduate and graduate students with an interdisciplinary textbook written by leading specialists on contemporary Japan. Students will gain the analytical insights and information necessary to assess the challenges that confront the Japanese people, policymakers and private and public-sector institutions in Japan today. Featuring a comprehensive analysis of key debates and issues confronting Japan,...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 36,09

Global Europe

The External Relations of the European Union

2019 || Paperback || Otto Holman || Amsterdam University Press

The European Union is facing the worst existential crisis in its 60-year history. At the same time, it is confronted with old and new challenges in its environment that call for joint action. But how do matters stand with the EU's capacity to act? Does the EU manage to effectively combine the different components of its external relations-such as trade, development aid, and security policy-better than it did in the past? How is the EU's external action determined by the internal socio-economi...

Vandaag besteld,
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met 5% korting 146,30

Disaster Policy and Politics

Emergency Management and Homeland Security

2019 || Paperback || Richard T. Sylves || SAGE

Disaster Policy and Politics combines evidence-based research with mini-case studies of recent events to demonstrate the fundamental principles of emergency management and to explore the impact that disasters have had on U.S. policy. Paying special attention to the role of key actors—decision makers at the federal, state, and local levels; scientists; engineers; civil and military personnel; and first responders—author Richard Sylves explores how researchers contribute to and engage in di...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 36,09

Europa als wereldspeler

de externe betrekkingen van de Europese Unie

2019 || Paperback || Otto Holman || Amsterdam University Press

Een heldere analyse van de externe betrekkingen van de eu tot dusver verschaft ons een beter inzicht in de realiteitswaarde van op de buitenwereld gerichte eu-strategieën.