Resultaten (86)
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Communicating with Data Visualisation
2023 || Paperback || Frost || SAGE
This book offers a four-step framework for transforming data into innovative, persuasive visualisations that will appeal to different audiences.
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Doing Qualitative Research
2021 || Hardcover || Silverman || SAGE
A practical, step-by-step guide to your qualitative research project, featuring interactive Silverman workshops to help you to think critically about research and choose the best path for your project.
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100 Activities for Teaching Research Ethics and Integrity
2023 || Paperback || Dawson || SAGE
This practical, user-friendly guide consists of 100 original activities that have been designed to inspire and support educators of research ethics and integrity at undergraduate and postgraduate level.
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The Craft of Qualitative Longitudinal Research
2023 || Hardcover || Neale || SAGE
This timely book showcases the variety of qualitative longitudinal methods and tools available to researchers today. It will help you find, generate, and manage data from a variety of research tools
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Doing Computational Social Science
A Practical Introduction
2022 || Hardcover || John McLevey || SAGE
Computational approaches offer exciting opportunities for us to do social science differently. This beginner's guide discusses a range of computational methods and how to use them to study the problems and questions you want to research.
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Grounded Theory for Qualitative Research / Druk 2
2023 || Paperback || Urquhart || SAGE
This book provides you with clear guidance on how to balance grounded theory and practice effectively by presenting multidisciplinary studies explained step-by-step.
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Statistics and Data Visualization Using R
2023 || Paperback || Brown || SAGE
Statistics and Data Visualization Using R: The Art and Practice of Data Analysis teaches students statistics visually, focusing on interpreting graphs and charts to learn statistical concepts, from the mean through regression.
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Writing and Representing Qualitative Research
2023 || Paperback || Lahman || SAGE
This book addresses foundational areas of qualitative writing (such as journal articles and dissertations), aesthetic representations (including poetry and autoethnography), publishing, and reflexivity in representation in one practical and engaging text based on real experiences.
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James Lee Byars
The Sage in the Tower
2020 || Paperback || Els Hoek || Museum Boijmans van Beuningen
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Working Through Colonial Collections
An Ethnography of the Ethnological Museum in Berlin
2022 || Paperback || Margareta Von Oswald || Leuven University Press
What are the possibilities and limits of engaging with colonialism in ethnological museums? This book addresses this question from within the Africa department of the Ethnological Museum in Berlin. It captures the Museum at a moment of substantial transformation, as it prepared the move of its exhibition to the Humboldt Forum, a newly built and contested cultural centre on Berlin’s Museum Island. The book discusses almost a decade of debate in which German colonialism was negotiated, and fu...