Resultaten (88)
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Leon Loewentraut
Painting for Passion
2022 || Hardcover || Albrecht Behmel || Persell Trading
The first, lavishly produced monograph on the paintings, drawings, and sculpture of Leon Loewentraut, (b.1998) a young and upcoming star on the German and international art scene. Text in English and German.
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A Passion for Aesthetics
2022 || Hardcover || Ute Laatz || Persell Trading
This extraordinary coffee table book is dedicated to the concept of aesthetics from the personal perspective of star interior designer Thai Cong, and becomes a design piece itself with its layout and content.
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Blind Date Renaissance and Baroque
Portraits from the Phoebus Foundation
2020 || Hardcover || Katharina Van Cauteren e.a. || Hannibal
BOEKFICHE The Bold and the Beautiful - In Flemish Portraits
Men in stately black, women with huge ruffs, children with golden rattles, old women with wizened faces, and self-satisfied artists… These are the main players in just about every portrait ever painted in the Southern Netherlands. From the fifteenth to the seventeenth centuries, the tract of land that we today call Flanders was the economic, cultural, intellectual and financial heart of Europe. And money flows – with everyone who ...
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Tami Amit
Last Night I Met Snow White
2022 || Hardcover || Ory Dessau || Mer
Tami Amit’s self-titled monograph compiles reproductions of her recent work on paper and canvas. Amit’s practice is a particular mode of action painting which processes childhood memories and issues of self identity and expression. This is her first monograph as a painter.
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Dieric Bouts - Creator of images
creator of images
2023 || Hardcover || Peter Carpreau || Hannibal Books
A contemporary view of the masterly works of Dieric Bouts
Dieric Bouts (ca. 1410/20-75) is one of the most elusive figures in the history of Western art. Flemish primitive of the second generation, painter of silence – such are the labels that are usually attributed to him. But was the Master of Brabant not more than that?
This book, published in association with the exhibition, DIERIC BOUTS. Creator of Images, at M Leuven, attempts to get closer to this enigmatic figure. Dieric Bouts had b...
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Phoebus Focus XXXV: The Holy Family in Nazareth
On Diego Quispe Tito (c.1611-1681), the Art of Cuzco, and Antwerp as Hollywood on the Scheldt
2024 || Paperback || Katharina Van Cauteren || Hannibal books
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Permeke (ENG)
2024 || Paperback || Hannibal Books
A new look at Constant Permeke
Although the work of Belgian artist Constant Permeke (1886–1952) is generally classified as Expressionism, he explored a multitude of registers. From the very beginning of his career, Permeke gained widespread international recognition with recurring subjects such as domestic scenes and people engaged in everyday activities. His landscapes and seascapes exude a hushed, sometimes sublime warmth.
For Permeke, art and life were closely linked. His oeuvre shimmers...
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Maaike Schoorel
Vera Icon
2021 || Paperback || Melissa Gordon e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers
De Nederlandse kunstenaar Maaike Schoorel (1973) behoort tot een nieuwe generatie internationaal georiënteerde schilders wiens werk refereert aan de traditionele schilderkunst en de mythische status van Nederland als schilderland. De onderwerpen van haar schilderijen, ontleend aan vertrouwde ervaringen en alledaagse ontmoetingen, openbaren zich pas na lang en geconcentreerd kijken. Schoorel gebruikt fotografische bronnen als startpunt voor haar schilderijen, die op hun beurt geworteld zijn i...
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Magali Reus
Red Roses
2024 || Paperback || Rebecca May Johnson e.a. || nai010 uitgevers/publishers
Magali Reus. Rode Rozen toont de buitengewone artistieke praktijk van deze internationaal geprezen kunstenaar uit Londen en winnaar van de prestigieuze Prix de Rome 2015. De publicatie bevat een scala aan recent werk. Het werk van Reus verkent onze relatie met utilitaire objecten en de onlosmakelijke context van de consumptiemaatschappij. Haar virtuoze objecten lijken functioneel, maar onthullen niet expliciet wat hun werkelijke functie is. Door onze relatie met objecten te onderzoeken, zoekt...
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The Avant-Garde in Georgia (1900-1936)
2023 || Hardcover || Nana Kipiani e.a. || Hannibal Books
A short but flourishing era of Avant-Garde in Georgia brought back to life
In the turbulent global context following the fall of the Russian Empire and the October Revolution, Georgia declared its independence in 1918. Between then and the beginning of Soviet rule in 1921, an Avant-Garde creative scene burgeoned. Artists met, mainly in the many taverns and cafés in Kutaisi and the capital Tbilisi, to organise multidisciplinary events. Their frequent collaborations and interactions, which bor...