Resultaten (127)
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Gorki en los Países Bajos, 2ª edición
Los dioses recompensan a los audaces, Eneas.
2024 || Paperback || Frank Libertas || Brave New Books
En los últimos años, Kiev y Rusia han sido noticia casi a diario. En Occidente se sabe muy poco del país fronterizo más grande de Europa, y se le mira con ojos de rosa. A través de diversos temas sociales, el autor lleva al lector a un viaje por este país, antaño impresionante, con una historia y una cultura muy fascinantes, estrechamente entrelazadas con las de Rusia. En Occidente somos demasiado complacientes y podemos aprender mucho de Europa del Este. El objetivo de este libro es t...
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2024 || Paperback || Anna A. Ros || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar
Ant)h)ology is a bundle of essays on current main issues in society, politics, technology and climate. Written with the knowledge of the world literature of the past 200 years and the thoughts and solutions found in that literature that might help us finding a way out of all of that. Because the wisdom from the past is essential to the understanding of the challenges of today.
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ongelijkheid, de sluipmoordenaar / druk 2
en hoe eenvoud van regelgeving een uitweg biedt
2014 || Paperback || Peter Schuttevaar || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar
Dit boek is geschreven voor de gewone burger. Met vlotte pen laten Peter Schuttevaar en co-auteurs Peter van Hoesel en André Nijsen aan de hand van talloze voorbeelden zien wat economische ongelijkheid is en hoe het z n werk doet. Bovendien laten ze ook zien welke problemen we ons op de hals halen als we ons er niet tegen te weer stellen.
Dit boek biedt niet alleen inzicht maar zet ook aan tot actie. De structuren die ten gunste van ongelijkheid werken worden onverbiddelijk blootgelegd. En d...
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The Wrong Choices of Civilization
2016 || Paperback || Carl Denef || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar
Over the last two centuries humans in the Western World have become the only species living at an ever-increasing productivity and consumption. This is an astonishing paradox as all cultures originally developed intuitive understanding of limitation, the frailty of existence and the sacredness of natural environments. In search of prosperity modern civilization has forgotten what intuition had learned and developed an economic system that was primarily concerned with making money in an elitis...
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De sprinter columns
2017 || Paperback || Irene Janssen || Brave New Books
Als bestuurssecretaris van de Hogeschool Drenthe was Irene Janssen een kenner van het HBO. In haar columns die verschenen tussen de jaren 1999 en 2005, beschrijft zij met humor en ironie het reilen en zeilen van een kleine hogeschool in een kleine provincie. Als secretaris van OSHiNe (Overleg Secretarissen van Hogescholen in Nederland) is zij bij uitstek bekend met bestuurlijk landschap van de hogescholen. In de columns is er aandacht voor de 'grijze dakduiven' in grijze pakken, maar ook de g...
Het nieuwe progressieve denken!!
|| Hardcover || Eric Dardenne || Brave New Books
Dit boek is een heel mooi verhaal, en ondertussen wordt er voortdurend met heel belangrijke wijsheden gestrooid!
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Socrates was no midwife
|| Paperback || Richard Livingstone || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar
Socrates didn't operate as a midwife - contrary to what he said about himself.
Nor is it that God sent Adam to the world and then realised he had to send somebody extra, Eve,
in order to save it.
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The integration course for white people
2023 || Paperback || Mo Hersi || Brave New Books
.We live in a country with a multicultural society that goes back some 70 years. In a diversity of cultures and nationalities ,we live together, among each other and with
each other. In recent years, people of colour have been obligated to adopt Dutch norms and values. In my opinion, this has been one of the causes of increased polarization in
our country – thinking in terms of us versus them. Research also shows that Dutch people feel that polarization in this country is growing. 75 percen...
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Love - A History of Hate in SURINAME. Hide, Flee or Suicide
Execution – Extinction – Existence - Expression. An Insight into a Country’s Gay History
2023 || Paperback || Ivan Patrick Liesdek || Brave New Books
Six years of research with the purpose of having the untold account of Suriname’s LGBT history at long last comprehensively divulged and documented, has resulted in this publication:
Love – A History of Hate in Suriname - Hide, Flee or Suicide
Execution Extinction Existence Expression - An Insight into a Country’s Gay History.
Until now, due to taboo, legal and social repercussions from a repressive ‘heteronormative’ biased society, this has been a forgotten, concealed disguised o...
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Save the planet by doing nothing
Learn how!
2021 || Paperback || Arjan Mulder || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar
On average, mankind uses 1.7 Earths each year for raw materials, food and energy. Many countries even more. Most green initiatives call for action, but do not address the over-consumption and its causes. This manifesto shows our true escape: stop doing, degrowth and help Mother Earth to regenerate. Work with nature, not against it. The knowledge is still here.
People are doers and always call for action. But doing is exactly the root cause of the ecological problems we now face. All of our do...