Resultaten (11)

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Scratching the Surface

An Exploration of Graffiti and Street Art

2024 || Hardcover || Stephen Burke e.a. || Mondriaan Fonds

Scratching the Surface is a collection of essays that delves into the world of graffiti and street art, offering reflection and analysis. Commissioned by the Mondriaan Fund, this publication brings together eight experts who share their insights into these dynamic art forms and explore their future trajectories. What developments are shaping the scene and what can we learn from graffiti and street art today?

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met 5% korting 18,99

Bert Willems. Kunstenaars denken

De Academische Context

2024 || Paperback || Bert Willems || Mer

Kunstenaars en academici; hoe ver staan ze werkelijk van elkaar? In zijn essaybundel Kunstenaars denken verkent prof. dr. Bert Willems de positie van kunstenaars in de academische wereld vanuit een radicaal positieve instelling. Hij stelt voor om kunstenaars als integraal onderdeel van de academische gemeenschap te beschouwen en benadrukt dat het unieke denken van kunstenaars van waarde kan zijn voor alle betrokkenen. Het ‘kunstenaarsdenken’ biedt een verfrissend perspectief in vergelijki...

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On the Contrary

Rethinking Engaged Art in an Age of Social Unrest

2024 || Paperback || Eef Veldkamp || ArtEZ Press

'On the Contrary: Rethinking Engaged Art in an Age of Social Unrest' is a collection of essays that re-evaluate key artistic concepts that influence the way in which engaged practices are conducted. Historically produced ideas about, for example, spectatorship, autonomy, what an artwork is, and the political role of the artist determine to a large degree how contemporary practices constitute themselves. Might these concepts be faulty when acted out in practices that occupy fundamentally diffe...

Vandaag besteld,
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met 5% korting 14,20

Gesprekken met Michelangelo

De kunstenaar als leraar

2024 || Hardcover || Jeroen Lutters || ArtEZ Press

In deze essaybundel van Jeroen Lutters staat de verbeelding van de scheppende mens centraal. Dit is het verhaal van de mens die door zijn scheppende kracht in staat is chaos te veranderen in orde, vormeloosheid te transformeren in vorm en duisternis te veranderen in licht. Michelangelo’s werk, het hoogtepunt van de Renaissance, is de belangrijkste bron in dit boek. Michelangelo brengt het idee van de universele menselijke scheppende kracht in beeld, die zich kan manifesteren in ieder indivi...

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Queer Culture+

2024 || Paperback || Dirk Reynders || Owl Press

Queer Culture+ explores the rich intersection of queer studies and art, emphasizing how these two fields coalesce to challenge societal norms and redefine identity, gender, and sexuality. Queer studies, an inherently interdisciplinary field, delves deep into understanding and critiquing traditional concepts of gender and sexuality while embracing non-normative identities. The text situates queer art within this context, illustrating how it has evolved from marginalized expressions to mainstre...

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Art, Media, Design Education+

2024 || Paperback || Dirk Reynders || Owl Press

Media, Arts & Design Education+ explores the dynamic intersection of arts education and global diversity, offering insights into how inclusive and innovative educational practices are reshaping the field. This volume features contributions from international scholars and practitioners, examining how arts education evolves in response to societal shifts, digital innovation, and the growing need for inclusivity. Through critical discussions and case studies, the book highlights the transformati...

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Scratching the Surface

Een verkenning van graffiti en streetart

2024 || Hardcover || Stephen Burke e.a. || Mondriaan Fonds

Scratching the Surface is een essaybundel die reflecties en analyses biedt over de complexe wereld van graffiti en streetart. In opdracht van het Mondriaan Fonds brengt deze bundel acht experts samen die hun inzichten delen in deze dynamische kunstvormen en verschillende toekomstperspectieven verkennen. Welke ontwikkelingen bepalen de scene en wat kunnen we vandaag de dag leren van graffiti en streetart?

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Exploring Relationships between Artists and Technology in Education

2024 || Paperback || Fabiola Camuti e.a. || ArtEZ Press

By investigating the interplay of technology and education within the arts, this publication reveals the often unnoticed structures of domination that influence our interactions with digital and learning environments. It challenges the perceived neutrality of technology and proposes a radical rethinking of our relationships with the tools we use to create and learn. It is also a call to action, encouraging artists, educators, and technologists to forge paths towards a more inclusive and equit...

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Care where no-one does

On progressive cultural production, from neoliberal to national conservative times.

2024 || Paperback || Freek Lomme || Set Margins' publications

Urging a grassroots style based on activist engagement, entrepreneurship, design, and more, this book offers opposing perspectives on independent, progressive cultural production stemming from small initiatives. Similar to a pamphlet or a bundle of essays, it considers the formal frameworks and cultures of an independent and truthful undercurrent to move upwards. The book offers no evidence but shares experiences and perspectives with analytical support, which equally brings a rhetorical styl...

Vandaag besteld,
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met 5% korting 14,24

How to Be a Super Awesome Artist

20 Art Projects Inspired by the Masters

2024 || Paperback || Henry Carroll || Laurence King Publishing

With 20 exciting challenges inspired by great artists, experiment with art styles, build your creative confidence and maybe even create a masterpiece of your own!

Take inspiration from some of the world's greatest creators and become a SUPER AWESOME ARTIST! With real works of art to spark your creativity, this great book features 20 art challenges for you to try, as well as helpful 'know-how' features on how to shade with pencils, get creative with collage and make the most of colour.
