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Resultaten (223)
The Art and Archaeology of Ancient Greece
2015 || Paperback || Judith M. Barringer || Cambridge University Press
This richly illustrated, four-colour textbook introduces the art and archaeology of ancient Greece, from the Bronze Age through to the Roman conquest. Suitable for students with no prior knowledge of ancient art, this textbook reviews the main objects and monuments of the ancient Greek world, emphasizing the context and function of these artefacts in their particular place and time. Students are led to a rich understanding of how objects were meant to be perceived, what 'messages' they transm...
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The Short Story of Modern Art
A Pocket Guide to Key Movements, Works, Themes, and Techniques
|| Paperback || Susie Hodge || Laurence King Publishing
The Short Story of Modern Art explains the how, why and when of modern art – who introduced certain things, what they were, where they were produced, and why they matter.
Simply constructed, the book explores 50 key works – from the realist painting of Courbet to a contemporary installation by Yayoi Kusama – and then links them to the most important movements, themes and techniques. Accessible, concise and richly illustrated, the book reveals the connections between different periods, ...
Introduction to Comparative Public Administration / 2nd edition
Administrative Systems and Reforms in Europe
2019 || Hardcover || Sabine Kuhlmann || Edward Elgar Publishing
Focusing on the UK, France, Germany, Sweden, Italy and Hungary, countries that represent key variations in European public administration, this textbook explores how the cultural, organizational, personnel and financial dimensions of public administration compare. The guiding questions are whether, to what extent and why the politico-administrative systems and their reforms show convergence or divergence from Europeanization. Key features of the second edition: Country profiles, comparative r...
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Gainsborough’s Family Album
2024 || Hardcover || David H. Solkin || National Portrait Gallery Publications
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Love in Art
2025 || Paperback || Mary Knight Potter || E-Kitap Projesi & Cheapest Books
THE LOVE between man and woman has been told in story and poem since long before the days of Sappho. It forms, indeed, the subject of the great bulk of what we call literature. In music, love's domain is less extended. With the exception song and the opera, most of the greatest music has, in its title at least, no hint of the great heart historyof human kind.
In this respect the plastic arts are more allied to music than to literature. The masterpieces in painting and sculpture generally not ...
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Blinded by Curiosity
The Collector-Dealer Hadriaan Beverland (1650-1716) and his radical Approach to the Printed Image
2021 || Paperback || Joyce Zelen || Primavera
This book explores a phenomenon in the history of print collecting that has never been extensively investigated: the cutting and pasting of prints in the Early Modern period. The book focuses on the colourful Dutch classical scholar and libertine Hadriaan Beverland (1650-1716). Beverland was banished from the Dutch Republic in 1679 for publishing blasphemous, heterodox, and provocative scholarly texts on sex and sin. Books that dealt with e.g. prostitution in ancient times, original sin as th...
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Inleiding in de iconografie / Druk 5
enige theoretische en praktische kennis
2002 || Paperback || R. van Straten || Coutinho
De iconografie is die richting in de kunstgeschiedenis die zich bezighoudt met de onderwerpen in de beeldende kunst en hun betekenis. Vooral bij kunstwerken uit vroeger tijden treffen we vaak voorstellingen aan waarvan de inhoud de moderne beschouwer niet zo één-twee-drie duidelijk is. Wanneer een zeventiende-eeuwse schilder bijvoorbeeld een vrouw met een leeg weegschaaltje afbeeldt, is de kans groot dat hij daarmee niet zomaar een aardig tafereeltje uit het dagelijks leven wilde weergeven.
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The Paleev Collection
Ilya Paleev and Vladimir Paleev, collector and custodian
2019 || Paperback || Sjeng Scheijen || Pegasus, Uitgeverij En
After the death of Stalin, a small group of art enthusiasts in the Soviet Union started to collect modernist artworks that were considered formalist or anti-revolutionary, and were therefore ignored by official art institutions.
By doing so, these collectors played a pivotal role in the preservation of a crucial and now globally celebrated period of Russian cultural history.
The Paleev collection is the last of these private art collections to remain intact and in the hands of the family. It...
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Phoebus Focus IV Reynaert de vos, een kleine geschiedenis van het middeleeuwse dierenepos
Reynaert de vos, een kleine geschiedenis van het middeleeuwse dierenepos
2018 || Paperback || Niels Schalley || Hannah Thijs
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Rare and indispensable
Masterpieces from Flemish collections
2023 || Hardcover || Exhibitions International
Magritte, Bacon, Ensor, Moore, Jordaens, Rubens … These are just some of the world-famous names on display at the MAS in autumn 2023. The not-to-be-missed exhibition 'Rare and Indispensable' brings a unique selection of masterpieces from the Flemish masterpiece list. Works of art you would otherwise have to travel all over Flanders to see, or which were never even publicly accessible, can now be temporarily admired in one museum hall. All in honour of the 20th anniversary of the 'Flemish Ma...