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European environmental law / druk 4

after Lisbon

2020 || Hardcover || Jan H. Jans e.a. || Uitgeverij Paris B.V.

This leading monograph on European Environmental Law is now completely updated and revised. Taking into account new case law of the European Courts, recent environmental directives and regulations and the new provisions of the Lisbon Treaty. This book provides an in-depth analysis of important legal issues of European environmental law. What are the legal grounds for EU environmental policy and on what principles are directives and regulations based upon? To what extent precludes EU environme...

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met 5% korting 188,05

Hungarian Yearbook of International Law and European Law 2021

2021 || Hardcover || Marcel Szabó e.a. || Eleven international publishing

The Hungarian Yearbook of International Law and European Law comprises a collection of articles written mainly by Hungarian authors, covering developments in the field of international law and EU law, and progress in the domestic implementation and application of these fields of law. The thematic chapter of Vol. 9 (2021), entitled ‘Public Health Emergency: National, European and International Law Responses’, tackles different legal aspects related to dealing with the consequences of COVID...

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met 5% korting 132,53

Constitutional Review and Democracy

2015 || Hardcover || Miodrag A. Jovanovic || Eleven international publishing

This volume is a follow-up to the conference 'Constitutional Review and Democracy' organized from 24 to 25 November 2013 at the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade. The conference was convened as part of the ongoing project 'Constitutionalism and Rule of Law in the Nation-State Building - the Case of Serbia'. The aim of this volume is to shed new light on the complex relation between democracy and judicial review of constitutionality. The book starts off with some general and theoretical a...

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met 5% korting 112,58

New Politics of Decisionism

2019 || Hardcover || Violeta Beširević || Eleven international publishing

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met 5% korting 132,53

Obstructionist Behavior in International Commercial Arbitration

legal analysis and measures available to the arbitral tribunal

2013 || Hardcover || Alain Hosang || Eleven international publishing

Arbitration is still a time- and cost-efficient, professional way of resolving cross-border disputes. However, its advantages seem to vanish if one party is obstructive and tries to delay or even sabotage the proceedings. For example, a party may initiate state court proceedings in violation of the arbitration agreement, refuse to pay the advance on costs or fail to follow a document production order of the arbitral tribunal. This work first deals with the obligations that arise from an arbit...

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met 5% korting 174,33

The CISG Advisory Council Opinions / Druk 2

2021 || Hardcover || Michael Bridge e.a. || Eleven international publishing

In 2021, the CISG Advisory Council celebrates its twentieth anniversary. For this unique occasion the current Council members decided to publish the second edition of The CISG Advisory Council Opinions. This book contains all original Opinions and Declarations with their corresponding annexes, to which four new Opinions have been added.

The CISG Advisory Council Opinions is designed to facilitate the work on and with the The United Nations Convention on Contract for the International Sale of ...

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met 5% korting 151,53

Shareholder Democracy

analysis of shareholder involvement in corporate policies

2016 || Hardcover || M. Olaerts e.a. || Eleven international publishing

This book deals with the topic of shareholder democracy from a comparative point of view. Shareholders have important rights which they can exercise democratically at the general meeting. They have the power to control and supervise management of the company. The term shareholder democracy relates to the different ways in which shareholders can influence or even determine a company's course of life. One of the disadvantages of shareholder democracy is a risk that most democratic systems face ...

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met 5% korting 280,25

Europees Internationaal Rivierenrecht | 2 Volumes / Druk 2

2de volledig herziene editie

2023 || Hardcover || Marc De Decker || Maklu, Uitgever

Dit boek behandelt in extenso alle juridische aspecten verbonden met het gebruik van binnenwateren voor scheepvaartdoeleinden, met name door binnenschepen. Zowel publiekrechtelijke als privaatrechtelijke vraagstukken komen daarbij aan de orde.“Het voorliggende werk is monumentaal, niet enkel in omvang maar vooral naar inhoud. Mij is geen andere wetenschappelijke bijdrage bekend die op een zodanig alomvattende wijze het rivierenrecht situeert en analyseert en er eveneens in slaagt om het op ...

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met 5% korting 219,93

Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 2021

2022 || Hardcover || P.J. Blount e.a. || Eleven international publishing

This volume contains the proceedings of the 64th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space held virtually in October 2021, as well as the report of the IISL Standing Committee on the Status of International Agreements Relating to Activities in Outer Space.

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met 5% korting 151,53

Excess of Powers in International Commercial Arbitration

Compliance with the Arbitral Tribunal’s Mandate in a Comparative Perspective

2020 || Hardcover || Piotr Wilinski || Eleven international publishing

Although the idea of arbitral tribunal’s mandate is in everyday use in the international arbitration scholarship, it remains an elusive concept lacking any legal definition. Often associated with other notions such as the tribunal’s mission, powers, authority or even jurisdiction, the meaning of arbitral tribunal’s mandate remains a moving target and escapes easy classification.

Yet, perhaps somewhat surprisingly, a non-compliance with the arbitral tribunal’s mandate provides a basis ...