Resultaten (52)
Mapping the Territorial Scope of EU Law
2024 || Hardcover || Wessel Geursen || Eleven international publishing
With globalisation, digitisation, more cross-border movement of persons and multinational businesses, events and cases have increasingly become transnational. Conversely, with the current geopolitical climate, the increase of migration and the recent pandemics, borders have regained importance. These developments raise questions about the territorial scope of legislation. In this book, 28 mechanisms have been identified which influence the territorial scope of EU law. With those mechanisms, t...
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Drone Law and Policy
Integration into the Legal Order of Civil Aviation
2021 || Hardcover || Ronald Schnitker e.a. || Eleven international publishing
The use of unmanned aircrafts, commonly known as drones, is developing at a fast pace worldwide. Drones are extremely versatile and capable of performing a wide variety of applications. However, applicable regulations are still lagging behind in technological progress and volume growth.
The authors provide an in-depth study on prevailing drone law and policy in order to achieve a seamless integration of drone technology into the legal order of civil aviation. The drone market largely depends ...
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The Status of Children Arising from Inter-Country Surrogacy Arrangements
|| Hardcover || Michael Wells-Greco || Eleven international publishing
Through a comparative review of eight legal systems, this book examines the legal aspects of parenthood and nationality following inter-country surrogacy arrangements and the influence of European and international human rights law on the determination of parentage, the establishment of nationality and the prevention of statelessness as well as identity rights, continuation of relationship rights and, more broadly, child protection. This research considers whether national laws on parenthood ...
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Environmental Procedural Rights in Africa
With Specific Reference to South Africa and Uganda
2020 || Hardcover || Peter Davis Mutesasira || Eleven international publishing
Environmental procedural rights, i.e. the right to access to information, public participation and access to justice, have become one of the means of fundamentally protecting the environment. Underfunding, inadequate financial resources, competition with other national priorities, corruption, poor implementation, limited manpower and human resources, poor coordination and cooperation among State agencies, fragmentation of laws and policies, are governmental challenges faced all over Africa, i...
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Recognition of Foreign Judgments
With A Special Focus on Maritime Judgments
2022 || Hardcover || Yuhan Ji || Eleven international publishing
The prevalence of the rules and practices on the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments gradually blurs the dividing line between ‘recognition’ and ‘enforcement’.
However, recognition is not an afterthought of enforcement. Recognition of Foreign Judgments explores how the courts in the selected jurisdictions, namely the European Union, England and Wales, and the United States, decide whether and to what extent to grant some preclusive effects to foreign judgments, while giv...
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Aviation Cybersecurity: Regulatory Approach in the European Union
|| Hardcover || Benjamyn Scott || Eleven international publishing
Key to the growth of aviation are the global, high levels of safety and security exercised by all stakeholders. However, as the aviation industry becomes more reliant on technology, which is increasingly becoming more interconnected, sophisticated and automated, the number of vulnerabilities is increasing, and this is impacting safety and security. This is because cyberattacks are becoming more prevalent, with the potential to cause accidents and incidents. Cybersecurity in aviation is becomi...
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International Civil Aviation: Treaties, Institutions and Programmes
2019 || Hardcover || Dick van het Kaar || Eleven international publishing
The author provides a comprehensive study of the relevant body of treaties, institutions and programmes with respect to international civil aviation – taking also into account the future needs of the aviation community – airports, carriers and passengers alike. Thereby, this study is not only intended as a compendium for aviation practitioners but also as a textbook for students dealing with this rather new and dynamic field of international law. All things considered, international air l...
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Festschrift Resi Hacksteiner
A Voyage Through the Law of Inland Shipping
2020 || Hardcover || Frank Smeele e.a. || Eleven international publishing
De bijdragen in dit Festschrift behandelen diverse onderwerpen van het binnenvaartrecht. Aan de auteurs die aan deze feestbundel hebben meegewerkt werd gevraagd hun bijdrage aan te leveren in het Nederlands, Engels, Duits of Frans, alle vier talen die Resi beheerst. Voor u ligt het resultaat van hun arbeid. De redactie hoopt dat de lezer evenals de jubilaris deze met vrucht en met plezier zal consulteren, en is ervan overtuigd dat dit Festschrift een waardevolle bijdrage zal vormen aan de rec...
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Freedom of Expression under the Cameroonian Constitution and International Law
A Critical Survey of Contemporary Challenges
2020 || Hardcover || Eric C. Muma || Eleven international publishing
This book examines the right to freedom of expression under the Cameroonian constitution and international law. It argues that the constitutional changes or reforms which have taken place in Cameroon since it gained independence, have resulted in the entrenchment of fundamental rights, including specific phrases in the preamble relating to freedom of expression. These phrases approximate to the standards provided for under international law on human rights. The book explains the extent to whi...
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Linking High-Level Accused to Sexual and Gender-Based Crimes in International Criminal Law
Theory and Practice of the ICTY, ICTR, and ICC
2022 || Hardcover || Sylvester Sammie || Eleven international publishing
Linking High-level Accused to Sexual and Gender-Based Crimes in International Criminal Law focuses on the theoretical and practical perspectives taken by the ICTY, ICTR, and ICC. It seeks to answer the question of how high-level officials can and should be investigated and prosecuted for their role in the commission of sexual and gender-based crimes.
The author examines the forms, types, and amount of evidence used to prove the role of these high-level accused in the commission of crimes by ...