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'U heeft nog 25 jaar'

Over de zin en onzin van vroegdiagnostiek

2022 || Paperback || Loek Winter e.a. || S2 Uitgevers

Jaarlijks laten miljoenen mensen zich screenen op bijvoorbeeld kanker. Dankzij de

innovaties op het gebied van vroegdiagnostiek, zal een arts in een steeds vroeger stadium

ziekten ontdekken, of de patiënt kunnen wijzen op het risico erop. En hoe eerder een

behandelbare ziekte wordt ontdekt, hoe groter kans op herstel. Toch? Vroegdiagnostiek

lijkt dus een no-brainer.

Maar zo simpel is het niet.

Zo hebben de bevolkingsonderzoeken naar kanker feitelijk weinig meerwaarde:

zeer veel gezonde mense...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Atlas of Normal Roentgen Variants That May Simulate Disease / 9th edition

Expert Consult - Enhanced Online Features and Print

2012 || Hardcover || Theodore E. Keats e.a. || Elsevier

Seeing is believing with the Atlas of Normal Roentgen Variants That May Simulate Disease, edited by the late Theodore Keats and Mark W. Anderson. Now streamlined into a more concise, portable print format, with a wealth of additional content online, this medical reference book's thousands of images capture the roentgenographic presentation of a full range of normal variants and pseudo-lesions that may resemble pathologic conditions, helping you avoid false positives.

You'd be hard pressed to ...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Head and Neck Pathology / 3th edition

A Volume in the Series: Foundations in Diagnostic Pathology

2018 || Hardcover || Lester Thompson e.a. || Elsevier

An essential foundation text for residents and pathologists, the third edition of Head and Neck Pathology, a volume in the Foundations in Diagnostic Pathology series, has been fully revised to include recent advances in the field. Featuring a highly templated, easy-to-use format and new information throughout, this practical, affordable resource by Drs. Lester D.

R. Thompson and Justin A. Bishop is ideal for study and review as well as everyday clinical practice.

Inclusion of a wide range of ...

Levertijd: 22 werkdagen

Diagnostic Pathology / 3rd edition

Neoplastic Dermatopathology

2021 || Hardcover || David S. Cassarino || Elsevier

This expert volume in the Diagnostic Pathology series is an excellent point-of-care resource for practitioners at all levels of experience and training. Covering all areas of neoplastic dermatopathology, it incorporates the most recent clinical, pathological, and molecular knowledge in the field to provide a comprehensive overview of all key issues relevant to today's practice. Richly illustrated and easy to use, Diagnostic Pathology: Neoplastic Dermatopathology is a one-stop reference for ac...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing - 2-Volume Set / 12 edition

Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems

2022 || Paperback || Mariann M. Harding e.a. || Elsevier

Gain the knowledge and skills you need to succeed in medical-surgical nursing with this leading textbook! Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing, 12th Edition uses a conversational writing style, a focus on nursing concepts and clinical trends, evidence-based content, and basic pathophysiology review to provide the solid foundation needed in a rapidly changing healthcare environment. Comprehensive chapters cover topics including nursing management and collaboration, health promotion, acute interven...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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Modern Man in Search of a Soul

2024 || Paperback || C.G. Jung || Taylor & Francis Group Limited

Modern Man in Search of a Soul is the perfect introduction to the theories and concepts of one of the most original and influential religious thinkers of the twentieth century.

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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Contact Lens Complications / 4th Edition

2018 || Hardcover || Nathan Efron || Elsevier

In this thoroughly updated fourth edition, award-winning contact lens author, lecturer, and researcher, Professor Nathan Efron, presents an easily accessible, systematic account of how to identify, understand, and manage contact lens complications. Professor Efron is renowned for his ability to distil often-complex principles of ocular physiology and pathology into a clinically-friendly format. The subject matter is arranged logically by tissue structure - which is the way practitioners natur...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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Clinical Procedures in Primary Eye Care / 5th Edition

2020 || Paperback || David B. Elliott || Elsevier

Well organized and easy to read, Clinical Procedures in Primary Eye Care, 5th Edition, takes an accessible, step-by-step approach to describing the commonly used primary care procedures that facilitate accurate diagnosis and effective patient management. This practical, clinically-focused text offers succinct descriptions of today's most frequently encountered optometric techniques supported by research-based evidence. You'll find essential instructions for mastering the procedures you need t...

Levertijd: 8 werkdagen

How to Implement Evidence-Based Healthcare

2023 || Paperback || Trisha Greenhalgh || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

From the author of the bestselling introduction to evidence-based medicine, this brand new title makes sense of the complex and confusing landscape of implementation science, the role of research impact, and how to avoid research waste.

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Implementing the Expressive Therapies Continuum (e-book)

A Guide for Clinical Practice

2017 || E-book via Bookshelf || Sandra Graves-Alcorn e.a. || Taylor & Francis

Implementing the Expressive Therapies Continuum aims to explore the use of the Expressive Therapies Continuum (ETC) in the form of specific expressive therapy initiatives intended to be used in both educational and professional settings.