Resultaten (40)
Principles of Cognitive Neuroscience / 2nd edition
2013 || Hardcover || Dale Purves e.a. || Oxford University Press
Written by seven leading authors, the text covers the growing subject of cognitive neuroscience and makes clear the many challenges that remain to be solved. Now, in this second edition, the text has been streamlined to 15 chapters for ease of reference. The condensation makes the topics covered easier to assimilate, and better suited to presentation in a single-semester course.
Each chapter has been updated to address the latest developments in the field, including expanded coverage of genet...
Typical and Atypical Motor Development
2013 || Hardcover || David Sugden e.a. || Mac Keith Press
Sugden and Wade, leading authors in this area, comprehensively cover motor development and motor impairment, drawing on sources in medicine and health-related studies, motor learning and developmental psychology. A theme that runs through the book is that movement outcomes are a complex transaction of child resources, the context in which movement takes place, and the manner in which tasks are presented. The core themes of the book involve descriptions of motor development from conception thr...
Statistics for Veterinary and Animal Science / 3rd edition
2013 || Paperback || Aviva Petrie e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
New edition of a highly successful student textbook. An introductory text for the complete novice in statistics, starting with very basic concepts. It enables students to handle numerical data and critically appraise the statistical methodology in veterinary and animal science literature.
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Orthopedic Physical Examination Tests / 2nd edition
Pearson New International Edition
2013 || Paperback || Chad Cook e.a. || Pearson
For courses in orthopedics, physical therapy, athletic training, and physical examination, in programs for healthcare providers including physicians, nurses, athletic trainers, physician's assistants, physical therapists, and occupational therapists. This is the field's most comprehensive evidence-based guide to clinical tests for orthopedic physical examination. It presents complete explanations and photography visualizing all commonly used physical exam tests for all body regions, including...
Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals / 1st edition
2013 || Hardcover || R.Michael Akers e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals, Second Edition offers a detailed introduction to the foundations of anatomy and physiology in a wide range of domestic species. Well illustrated throughout, the book provides in-depth information on the guiding principles of this key area of study for animal science students, fostering a thorough understanding of the complex make-up of domestic animals. This Second Edition includes access to supplementary material online, including images and tables...
Design for Care
Innovating Healthcare Experience
2013 || Paperback || Peter Jones || Rosenfeld Media
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Leven met de dood voor ogen / druk 1
2013 || Paperback || Jos Kremers || Brave New Books
Carla krijgt alvleesklierkanker. Ze wordt geopereerd in twee verschillende ziekenhuizen. Een enorm heftige periode volgt waarbij ze, samen met haar partner, fysiek en emotioneel in alle richtingen stuitert. Ze ondergaat chemotherapie en krijgt daarna te horen dat ze het niet zal overleven.
Die diagnose was echter fout! Hoe leef je met het idee dat je dood gaat? Je regelt je eigen uitvaart en je regelt je eigen nalatenschap. Wat gebeurt er met je als je daarna hoort dat de dokters fouten hebb...
Piermattei's Atlas of Surgical Approaches to the Bones and Joints of the Dog and Cat / 5th edition
2013 || Hardcover || Kenneth A. Johnson || Elsevier
This expertly illustrated atlas has been the go-to reference in veterinary orthopedic surgery for nearly 50 years and remains the premier resource for small animal surgical procedures. As in prior editions, Piermattei's Atlas of Surgical Approaches to the Bones and Joints of the Dog and Cat, 5th Edition is teeming with highly detailed drawings that illustrate a wide range of surgical approaches. This edition also features six all new surgical approaches and three approaches which have been ex...
Psychology for Nurses and Health Professionals / 2nd Edition
2013 || Paperback || Richard Gross e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Psychology for Nurses and Health Professionals, Second Edition is an accessible guide providing comprehensive coverage of psychology for nurses and healthcare professionals in training and practice. Key features include: Fully updated and restructured to ensure content matches training requirements for nurses and healthcare practitioners Stronger focus on the biopsychosocial model, therapeutic relationships and self-awareness More examples to highlight application with theories demonstrated t...
Skills for Communicating with Patients / 3rd edition
2013 || Paperback || Jonathan Silverman e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Skills for Communicating with Patients, Third Edition is one of two companion books on improving communication in medicine, which together provide a comprehensive approach to teaching and learning communication skills throughout all levels of medical education in both specialist and family medicine. Since their publication, the first edition of this book and its companion, Teaching and Learning Communication Skills in Medicine, have become established standard texts in communication skills te...