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Mapplethorpe Flora

the Complete Flowers

2024 || Hardcover || Robert Mapplethorpe e.a. || Phaidon

The definitive collection of Robert Mapplethorpe’s flower photographs in a sophisticated new edition

Leverbaar vanaf 26 september

Jonathan Becker

Lost Time

2024 || Hardcover || Jonathan Becker || Phaidon Press B.V.

The first retrospective monograph on photographer Jonathan Becker, one of the great visual storytellers of our time

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Fear Guards the Lemon Grove

2024 || Paperback || Klaus Pichler || Fw:Books

The Sicilian mafia is probably the most famous criminal organisation in the world. It’s been known to exist at least since the 1870s, when a Sicilian landlord documented how a local group of mafia members threatened and harassed his business to the point that he had to escape from the island. Over the years, the Cosa Nostra and its North American offshoots have been depicted in numerous books, movies and works of popular culture. Yet the origins of the mafia have been regarded as something ...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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Eva Rossie. Unfolded

2024 || Hardcover || Eva Rossie || MER

In dit boek doet fotografe Eva Rossie ons nadenken over hoe we naar elkaar kijken, in casu de vrouwelijke fotografe die naar het mannelijke model kijkt. Eerder dan af te rekenen met een kwalijk stuk geschiedenis, nodigt ze ons uit om de mannelijke kwetsbaarheid te observeren. Te bekijken wat het betekent als blikken elkaar kruisen en er verbinding ontstaat. Fotografie wordt interessant zodra het onze blik verder brengt dan de loutere representatie van de wereld. Wanneer beelden ons meer tonen...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen
met 5% korting 35,14

From the Life of Witches


2024 || Hardcover || Susannah Stracer || Brave New Books

Photography from an Arcadian universe on the other side of reality, inhabited by Sapphic guitar goddesses, dressed in denim, lace and leather, otherwordly breadstick fairies and erotically indefinable witches.

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27 Drafts

2024 || Paperback || Simone Engelen || Fw:Books

A defining moment for Simone Engelen was when she was sexually abused by two individuals during her high school year in the U.S. This devastating event not only influenced how Engelen interacts with others but also reshaped her perception of intimacy. In ‘27 Drafts’, she visually articulates this inner battle of dealing with her body, identity and feminity. Her inward journey began with shame, and led her to develop coping mechanisms involving addiction, anger and control issues. In 2022 ...

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2024 || Hardcover || Kate Moss || Phaidon Press B.V.

Intimate and elegant photographs taken just before Kate Moss’s rise to fame, in a stylish new edition

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen


2024 || Hardcover || Thijs Rutten || Brave New Books

Met dit fotoboek wil Thijs Rutten de lezer aan het denken zetten. Hoe ziet de binnenkant van een abattoir eruit? Hoe ziet een slachtproces eruit? Hebben dieren angst als ze worden geslacht? Lijdt een dier pijn? Kun je een dier in de ogen kijken, terwijl je het doodt? Wat is eigenlijk de keerzijde van onze dagelijkse portie vlees? Als je weet wat er in een abattoir gebeurt, kun je dan de gewelddadige dood van de enorme aantallen slachtdieren nog moreel rechtvaardigen? Wij consumenten beseffen ...

Leverbaar vanaf 22 oktober
met 5% korting 30,35

Studio Ghibli: Architecture in Animation

2024 || Hardcover || Studio Ghibli || VIZ Media

A deluxe art book featuring exclusive commentary, sketches, concept art, and paintings detailing the unique architecture in Studio Ghibli’s films.

Leverbaar vanaf 12 juli

The Humanness of Our Lonely Selves

2024 || Hardcover || Awoiska van der Molen || Idea Books B.V.

During a trip through Japan’s southern islands, where small houses are built from a range of materials using traditional methods, photographer Awoiska van der Molen was drawn to the windows. Walls there are thin because of the mild climate, but she was struck by the fact that, apart from the sound of the television, stockinged feet on hollow floors, or noises from the kitchen, all that could be heard was the hum of the air conditioning – no heated discussions, no loud laughter, no casual ...