Resultaten (19)
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Strategic investment of embodied energy during the architectural planning process
2019 || Paperback || Linda Hildebrand || TU Delft Open
Building industry impacts natural cycles and has potential for optimization. While impairment on nature reached a new dimension already some three centuries ago the building industry started to realize the dependency in the second half of the 20th century. With LCA method all life cycle phases can be monitored and the environmental impact of each can be quantified. The energy consuming and emission generating components in the building context can be distinguished in the groups transport, ope...
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Social housing organisations in England and The Netherlands
between the state, market and community
2019 || Paperback || Darinka Czischke || TU Delft Open
Rapid and deep changes in society, the economy and policy over the last decades are having an increasing impact on the delivery of social housing in North Western Europe. These changes are transforming the way in which social housing providers perform their task and are reshaping their relationships with the State, communities and with other market actors. The combination of continued State withdrawal from service provision, the deep and persistent effects of the global financial crisis th...
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Understanding culture in territorial management and its implications for spatial planning
the case of floodplain management in urbanised delta regions in the Netherlands and Thailand
2019 || Paperback || Suwanna Rongwiriyaphanich || TU Delft Open
Previous experiences have shown that the implementation of planning policy does not always lead to the originally intended territorial management outcomes. This issue is particularly crucial when policy ideas, institutions, models and programmes are transferred into places with different cultural settings without adaptations (Knieling and Othengrafen 2009b; Sanyal 2005). These unexpected consequences in planning practice and management outcomes have brought a significant amount of attention...
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Dwelling on courtyards
Exploring the energy efficiency and comfort potential of courtyards for dwellings in the Netherlands
2019 || Paperback || Mohammad Taleghani || TU Delft Open
The urban heat island (UHI) phenomenon and the dependency of buildings on fossil fuels were the two main issues that formed this dissertation. UHI results in higher air temperatures in dense urban areas compared with their suburbs and rural surroundings. This phenomenon affects human health through thermal discomfort. Furthermore, in the Netherlands, it is estimated that by 2050 the air temperature could be up to 2.3°C warmer as compared to the period of 1981-2010. Besides, the energy cons...
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Evaluation of plan implementation
peri-urban development and the Shanghai master plan 1999-2020
2019 || Paperback || Jinghuan He || TU Delft Open
Since the 1980s China has experienced unprecedented urbanisation as a result of a series of reforms promoting rapid economic development. Shanghai, like the other big cities along China’s coastline, has witnessed extraordinary growth in its economy and population with industrial development and rural-to-urban migration generating extensive urban expansion. Shanghai’s GDP growth rate has been over 10 per cent for more than 15 years. Its population in 2013 was estimated at 23.47 million, wh...
Principles of Life for the AP course
2014 || Hardcover || David Hillis e.a. || Macmillan Learning
AP Biology is rigorous and challenging, but Principles of Life helps lighten the load with one-of-a-kind resources for students and teachers. Therein, experts in AP Biology offer point-of-use, in-the-margin teaching tips such as "Doing" Science, AP Exam Tips, Mini-Labs, Common Misconceptions, Science Literacy, and more.
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Kwantum (POD)
Einstein, Bohr en het grote debat over de natuurkunde
2014 || Paperback || Manjit Kumar || Ambo
Zonder de kwantumtheorie had de wereld zoals deze er nu uitziet nooit bestaan: computers en televisies zouden bijvoorbeeld niet werken. Kwantum is het eerste boek dat de dramatische geschiedenis van de kwantumtheorie - en daarmee het grootste intellectuele debat van de twintigste eeuw - voor een breed publiek beschrijft. Centraal in Kwantum staat de discussie tussen Niels Bohr en Albert Einstein, die in 1927 in alle hevigheid ontbrandde. Bohr ging ervan uit dat de objectieve realiteit onkenba...
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Het exacte verhaal
wetenschapscommunicatie voor beta's
2014 || Paperback || Ionica Smeets || Nieuwezijds b.v. || met inkijkexemplaar
Als bètawetenschapper is het niet eenvoudig om je werk onder de aandacht te brengen bij een groot publiek. Niet omdat exacte wetenschappen per se moeilijk zijn, maar omdat voor veel mensen Higgs-deeltjes en priemgetallen abstracter lijken dan oorlog en liefde.
Hoe breng je de kern van je onderzoek over? Waar let je op bij de keuze van een onderwerp? Hoe schrijf je een aansprekend persbericht of een toegankelijk artikel voor de krant? Gebruik je metaforen en formules, of juist niet? Hoe berei...
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Facade refurbishment toolbox
supporting the design of residential energy upgrades
2019 || Paperback || Thaleia Konstantinou || TU Delft Open
The starting point of the research is the need to refurbish existing residential building stock, in order to reduce its energy demand, which accounts for over one fourth of the energy consumption in the European Union. Refurbishment is a necessary step to reach the ambitious energy and decarbonisation targets for 2020 and 2050 that require an eventual reduction up to 90% in CO2 emissions. In this context, the rate and depth of refurbishment need to grow. The number of building to be renovated...