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Resultaten (76)
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English Grammar in Use with Answers / 5th edition
A Self-study Reference and Practice Book for Intermediate Learners of English
2019 || Paperback || Raymond Murphy || Cambridge University Press || met inkijkexemplaar
Raymond Murphy's English Grammar in Use is the first choice for intermediate (B1-B2) learners and covers all the grammar you will need at this level. This book with answers has clear explanations and practice exercises that have helped millions of people around the world improve their English. It is perfect for self-study and can also be used by teachers as a supplementary book in classrooms.
Legal English for Bachelors / Druk 2 (e-book)
2014 || E-book via Bookshelf || Tony Foster e.a. || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar
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Van tekst naar text / druk 1
Taal- en vertaalvaardigheid Engels
2014 || Paperback || Aletta Dorst e.a. || Coutinho || ook als eBook
Van tekst naar text is een vertaalboek dat veel meer biedt dan alleen vertalingen. Met dit boek bevorderen studenten via vertalen de vertaalvaardigheid, taalvaardigheid, het taalbewustzijn én het taalgevoel van het Engels. Specifieke moeilijkheden van verschillende soorten teksten komen aan bod, met aandacht voor culturele verschillen.
De duidelijke opbouw van het boek biedt studenten houvast bij het maken van een eindvertaling. Van tekst naar text bestaat uit 8 hoofdstukken die elk een tek...
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English Grammar through Dutch Eyes / Druk 1
2018 || Paperback || Tony Foster e.a. || Coutinho
To be able to understand and speak a language well, you need to know the rules of that language. Ideally, learning these rules should be as enjoyable and easy as possible. This is where our book and its accompanying website come into the picture: English Grammar through Dutch Eyes is a contrastive English grammar. Its focus on the differences with Dutch makes it easier for Dutch-speaking students to learn the rules of English. It also gives teachers and future teachers an idea of which areas ...
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The Making of Samuel Beckett's Beckett's Play / Comédie and Film
2019 || Paperback || Olga Beloborodova || UPA
Samuel Beckett’s short play Play / Comédie and his only film Film were written around the same time (1962-1963). They both have self-referential titles that invite meditation on the genres they represent. Although medium-specific opportunities and challenges underlie their very different geneses, they have influenced each other in terms of both form and content. In more ways than one, Film continues where Play left off. Whereas in Play the genesis shows a steady increase in speech tempo to...
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Righting English that's gone Dutch / Druk 3
2013 || Paperback || Joy Burrough-Boenisch || Kemper Conseil Publishing Consultancy || met inkijkexemplaar
Written English that's gone Dutch - Dunglish - contains carry-overs from Dutch language and follows Dutch conventions of layout and style. It's produced by Dutch native speakers and sometimes by English native speakers living in the Netherlands who've assimilated Dutch ways. Using examples she's collected, Joy Burrough takes a sideways look at what gets unintentionally transferred from Dutch to English, and why, and compares Dutch conventions with those in British and American English. The re...
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Oxford English for Information Technology
Student Book
2019 || Paperback || Eric Glendinning || Intertaal
Oxford English for Information Technology is a course for students and IT professionals at intermediate level or above.
Dynamic Presentations Student's Book with Audio CDs (2)
2014 || Paperback || Mark Powell || Cambridge University Press || met inkijkexemplaar
Aimed at today's busy executives and those studying for or wishing to further their careers in business, Dynamic Presentations looks at what constitutes a successful, motivating presentation and gives learners an insight into the essential skills and techniques they will need to ensure their presentations are both motivating and memorable. The Student's Book comes with two Audio CDs containing all the audio material used on the course. A Dynamic Presentations DVD is also available, with exper...
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De aarzelende lezer over de streep / druk 1
|| Paperback || Dick Schram || Eburon
Lezen draagt in belangrijke mate bij aan een succesvolle schoolcarrière van kinderen. Maar lezen is voor lang niet alle kinderen vanzelfsprekend, velen hebben een steuntje in de rug nodig. Deze bundel laat zien hoe aarzelende lezers over de streep getrokken kunnen worden. Verschillende auteurs geven hun visie op de aanpak van leesproblemen.
'De aarzelende lezer over de streep' is het resultaat van het wetenschappelijk congres van Stichting Lezen eind 2012. De auteurs belichten in de hier geb...
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Communication Lab
English for IT
2024 || Paperback || Femke Cornette || Owl Press
This book deals with multiple situations in which IT students may find themselves during their professional careers and focuses on the various skills that are required when having to use a second language during said career.
All units are centered on one IT-related topic and contain exercises on skills such as listening, reading, writing and speaking. The book contains many topical articles, podcasts and videos. The emphasis in the first six units is on telephone conversations/(client) meetin...