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met 5% korting 18,95

The Body Keeps the Score

Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma

2015 || Paperback || Bessel van der Kolk || Penguin

What causes people to continually relive what they most want to forget, and what treatments could help restore them to a life with purpose and joy? This book offers a new paradigm for effectively treating traumatic stress.

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Beyond E-Business

Towards networked structures

2015 || Paperback || Paul Grefen || Taylor & Francis

In Beyond E-Business: Towards Networked Structures Paul Grefen returns with his tried and tested BOAT framework for e-business, now fully expanded and updated with the very latest overview of digitally connected business; from business models, organization structures and architecture, to information technology. What used to be termed "e-business" is now simply business as usual. Today's successful organizations are complex; they are part of dynamic business networks built on digital channels,...

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

Blue Ocean Strategy / 1st edition

How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant

2015 || Hardcover || W. Chan Kim e.a. || Harvard Business School || met inkijkexemplaar

The global phenomenon that has sold 3.6 million copies, is published in a record-breaking 44 languages and is a bestseller across five continents--now updated and expanded with new content. In this perennial bestseller, embraced by organizations and industries worldwide, globally preeminent management thinkers W. Chan Kim and Ren e Mauborgne challenge everything you thought you knew about the requirements for strategic success. Recognized as one of the most iconic and impactful strategy books...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Governance Networks in the Public Sector

2015 || Paperback || Erik Hans Klijn e.a. || Taylor & Francis

Governance Networks in the Public Sector presents a comprehensive study of governance networks and the management of complexities in network settings. Public, private and non-profit organizations are increasingly faced with complex, wicked problems when making decisions, developing policies or delivering services in the public sector. These activities take place in networks of interdependent actors guided by diverging and sometimes conflicting perceptions and strategies.

As a result these net...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Creative Confidence : Unleashing the Creative Potential within Us All

Unleashing the Creative Potential within Us All

2015 || Paperback || David Kelley e.a. || HarperCollins

A powerful and inspiring book from the founders of IDEO, the award-winning design firm, on unleashing the creativity that lies within each and every one of us. Too often, companies and individuals assume that creativity and innovation are the domain of the 'creative types'. But two of the foremost experts in innovation, design and creativity on the planet show us that each and every one of us is creative.

In an entertaining and inspiring narrative that draws on countless stories from their wo...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Changing Organizational Culture / 2nd edition

Cultural Change Work in Progress

2022 || Paperback || Mats Alvesson e.a. || Taylor & Francis

How is practical change work carried out in modern organizations? And what kind of challenges, tasks and other difficulties are normally encountered as a part of it?In a turbulent and changing world, organizational culture is often seen as central for sustained competitiveness. Organizations are faced with increased demands for change but these are often so challenging that they meet heavy resistance and fizzle out. Changing Organizational Culture encourages the development of a reflexive app...

Vandaag besteld,
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met 5% korting 63,65

Marketing Ethics & Society

2021 || Paperback || Lynne Eagle e.a. || SAGE

Taking a holistic and international perspective, this book critically examines the ethical challenges marketing faces and explores strategies marketers can use to respond to those challenges.

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De ondernemende staat

waarom de markt niet zonder overheid kan

2015 || Paperback || Mariana Mazzucato || Nieuw Amsterdam || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook


Waarom de markt niet zonder overheid kan

Zonder de jarenlange investeringen van de Amerikaanse overheid waren Apple en Microsoft, om twee topbedrijven te noemen, nooit zo groot geworden. De alom gewaardeerde econoom Mariana Mazzucato laat in De ondernemende staat zien hoe belangrijk een investerende en innoverende overheid is; onontbeerlijk voor slimme en duurzame groei.

Mazzucato ontkracht de mythe van een ingeslapen, bureaucratische overheid versus een dynamische, inno...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 57,48

Toegepaste micro-economie / Druk 2

2015 || Paperback || Frank Dietz e.a. || Coutinho

Studenten ervaren de wereld van de micro-economie vaak als zeer abstract. Deze uitgave slaat een brug tussen de concrete belevingswereld van studenten en de abstracte manier waarop in de micro-economie maatschappelijke vraagstukken worden geanalyseerd. De theorie is ruim geïllustreerd met grafieken. Van algebra wordt slechts beperkt gebruik gemaakt.De theorie wordt op de bijbehorende website toegepast op situaties uit het dagelijks leven zoals de sterke prijsdalingen op de woningmarkt, de ve...