Resultaten (21)
Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice / 8th edition
2022 || Paperback || William Stallings || Pearson
For courses in Cryptography, Computer Security, and Network Security.
Keep pace with the fast-moving field of cryptography and network security
Stallings' Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice introduces students to the compelling and evolving field of cryptography and network security. In an age of viruses and hackers, electronic eavesdropping, and electronic fraud on a global scale, security is paramount. The purpose of this book is to provide a practical survey of bot...
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An Introduction to Data Science With Python
2024 || Paperback || Jeffrey S. Saltz e.a. || SAGE
For those new to Python and data science, this text guides readers through the tools and techniques used to analyze data and generate predictive models. This book starts with the basics, includes practice questions to check understanding, and delves into advanced topics like neural networks and deep learning, all with clarity and a touch of humor.
Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design, and Implementatio
2015 || Paperback || David Kroenke e.a. || Pearson
For undergraduate database management courses. Get Students Straight to the Point of Database ProcessingDatabase Processing: Fundamentals, Design, and Implementation reflects a new teaching and professional workplace environment and method that gets students straight to the point with its thorough and modern presentation of database processing fundamentals. The Fourteenth Edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect the latest software.
Data Modeling Made Simple / 2nd edtion
A Practical Guide for Business & IT Professionals
2009 || Paperback || Steve Hoberman || Technics Publications LLC
Data Modeling Made Simple will provide the business or IT professional with a practical working knowledge of data modeling concepts and best practices. This book is written in a conversational style that encourages you to read it from start to finish and master these ten objectives:
Know when a data model is needed and which type of data model is most effective for each situation
Read a data model of any size and complexity with the same confidence as reading a book
The Data Warehouse Toolkit / 3rd edition
The Definitive Guide to Dimensional Modeling
2013 || Paperback || Ralph Kimball e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Updated new edition of Ralph Kimball's groundbreaking book on dimensional modeling for data warehousing and business intelligence! The first edition of Ralph Kimball's The Data Warehouse Toolkit introduced the industry to dimensional modeling, and now his books are considered the most authoritative guides in this space. This new third edition is a complete library of updated dimensional modeling techniques, the most comprehensive collection ever. It covers new and enhanced star schema dimensi...
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2010 || Paperback || Ton de Rooij || Boom
Een datamodel geeft in modelvorm weer welke soorten informatie nodig zijn bij het uitvoeren van een bedrijfsproces.
Daarmee is een datamodel een belangrijk en nuttig hulpmiddel bij onder andere het ontwerpen van een database, het opstellen van functionele eisen voor standaardsoftware, het opzetten van een data warehouse, het maken van testsets, het beoordelen van administratieve organisatie, het uitwerken van autorisatie,
en het beheren van informatiesystemen.
Voor het opstellen van een datamode...
Introduction to Data Mining
2018 || Hardcover || Pang-Ning Tan e.a. || Pearson Education (US)
Introducing the fundamental concepts and algorithms of data mining Introduction to Data Mining, 2nd Edition, gives a comprehensive overview of the background and general themes of data mining and is designed to be useful to students, instructors, researchers, and professionals. Presented in a clear and accessible way, the book outlines fundamental concepts and algorithms for each topic, thus providing the reader with the necessary background for the application of data mining to real problems...
Data Mining / 4th edition
Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques
2016 || Paperback || Ian H. Witten e.a. || Elsevier
Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques, Fourth Edition, offers a thorough grounding in machine learning concepts, along with practical advice on applying these tools and techniques in real-world data mining situations. This highly anticipated fourth edition of the most acclaimed work on data mining and machine learning teaches readers everything they need to know to get going, from preparing inputs, interpreting outputs, evaluating results, to the algorithmic methods at ...
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Grip op datamodelleren
2025 || Paperback || Bert Dingemans || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar
Een boek over datamodelleren in het digitale tijdperk, is dat niet vreemd? Als ik kijk naar mijn dagelijkse werkzaamheden waarin datamodellering een centrale plek inneemt dan denk ik van niet. Datamodelleren geeft grip op data vanuit perspectieven als governance, datamanagement, softwareontwikkeling en business intelligence. Een naslagwerk met modelleervormen, toepassingsgebieden en een voorbeeld van een drielaags datamodel gebaseerd op een geïntegreerd conceptueel, logisch en fysiek datamo...
A Practical Guide to Digital Forensics Investigations / 2nd edition
2020 || Paperback || Darren R. Hayes || Pearson
THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO DIGITAL FORENSICS-NOW THOROUGHLY UPDATED WITH NEW TECHNIQUES, TOOLS, AND SOLUTIONS Complete, practical coverage of both technical and investigative skills Thoroughly covers modern devices, networks, and the Internet Addresses online and lab investigations, documentation, admissibility, and more Aligns closely with the NSA Knowledge Units and the NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework As digital crime soars, so does the need for experts who can recover and evaluate evid...