
Carola Hein (22)
Kees Somer (12)
Herman van Bergeijk (10)
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Piet Vollaard (10)
Dick van Gameren (9)
Dirk van den Heuvel (9)
Gestalten (9)
Klaske Havik (9)
Mark Hendriks (9)
Philip Jodidio (9)
Ulrich Knaack (9)
Alice Roegholt (8)
Herman Hertzberger (8)
M. Kloos (8)
Paul Groenendijk (8)
Winy Maas (8)
Hans Ibelings (7)
Michael W. Mehaffy (7)
Christoph Grafe (6)
Joran Kuijper (6)
Kirsten Hannema (6)
Olv Klijn (6)
Roberto Cavallo (6)
Tom Avermaete (6)
Ton Heijdra (6)
Véronique Patteeuw (6)
Wido Quist (6)
gestalten (6)
Andrej Radman (5)
Angeliki Sioli (5)
Chris van Uffelen (5)
David Andreu (5)
David Peleman (5)
Frank van der Hoeven (5)
Frederique van Andel (5)
Hilde Heynen (5)
Kas Oosterhuis (5)
Kenneth Frampton (5)
Koos Havelaar (5)
Lara Schrijver (5)
Marc Schoonderbeek (5)
Martine Bakker (5)
Steffen Nijhuis (5)
Teun van den Ende (5)
Tillmann Klein (5)
Aaron Betsky (4)
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Annuska Pronkhorst (4)
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Eireen Schreurs (4)
Floris Alkemade (4)
Fred Feddes (4)
Henriette Bier (4)
Jantje Engels (4)
Maarten Kloos (4)
Marcel Teunissen (4)
Nelson Mota (4)
Nikos A. Salingaros (4)
Pierijn van der Putt (4)
Saskia de Wit (4)
Sibylle Kramer (4)
Stavros Kousoulas (4)
Susan Holden (4)
Tijs van den Boomen (4)
Uri Gilad (4)
Adrien Ravon (3)
Anton Groot (3)
Ashley Paine (3)
Bruno Notteboom (3)
Conrad White (3)
Daniela Santos Quartin... (3)
Darinka Czischke (3)
Dikkie Scipio (3)
Doede Hardeman (3)
Elsbeth Ronner (3)
Frank Suurenbroek (3)
Fransje Hooimeijer (3)
Frits Palmboom (3)
Gideon Spanjar (3)
Hanneke Ronnes (3)
Hans Teerds (3)
Harald Mooij (3)
Harm Tilman (3)
Heidi Sohn (3)
Jacques Vink (3)
Jan de Bruijn (3)
Janneke Bierman (3)
Kelly Shannon (3)
Kornelia Dimitrova (3)
Luuk Kramer (3)
M. Behm (3)
Maarten Liefooghe (3)
Manuela Triggianese (3)
Marc Nolden (3)
Marcel Smets (3)
Marie-Thérèse van Th... (3)
Matteo D'Agostino (3)
Matteo D’Agostino (3)
Maurits de Hoog (3)
Max Cramer (3)
Michiel Kruidenier (3)
Niels de Zwarte (3)
Obbe Norbruis (3)
Peter de Winter (3)
Rafico Ruiz (3)
Ries van der Wouden (3)
Rob Gruben (3)
Robert McCarter (3)
Sam Lubell (3)
Sara Stroux (3)
Stanley Kurvers (3)
Taco Hermans (3)
W.J. Quist (3)
Wies van Leeuwen (3)
Wouter Davidts (3)
Wouter van Elburg (3)
X. Xia (3)
A. de Back (2)
Abidin Kusno (2)
Alan Hess (2)
Alan Powers (2)
Aleksandar Stanicic (2)
Alex Elaut (2)
Andreas Luible (2)
André Loeckx (2)
Annenies Kraaij (2)
Annette Koenders (2)
Anthony Lisman (2)
Anton Kos (2)
Arie den Dikken (2)
Arjan den Boer (2)
Armina Pilav (2)
Arna Mackic (2)
Arna Mačkić (2)
Baires Raffaelli (2)
Bernard Colenbrander (2)
Bettina van Santen (2)
Bieke van der Mark (2)
Botine Koopmans (2)
Carlos Machado e Moura (2)
Caroline Voet (2)
Cathelijne Nuijsink (2)
Catja Edens (2)
Charo Sanjuan (2)
Cruz Garcia (2)
D. Scagliola (2)
Dalia Milián Bernal (2)
Djuna Spreksel (2)
Edith Wouters (2)
Edwin Lucas (2)
Els Vervloesem (2)
Eric Frijters (2)
Erik Dorsman (2)
Eva Vroom (2)
Evelien Pieters (2)
FUEL (2)
Francesc Zamora Mola (2)
Frank Foole (2)
Franz Ziegler (2)
Françoise Aubry (2)
Gaston Bekkers (2)
Giuseppe Resta (2)
H. de Haan (2)
Harry van der Voort (2)
Helge Mooshammer (2)
Hester van Gent (2)
Hilde Sennema (2)
Hilde de Haan (2)
Ids Haagsma (2)
Ineke Marx-van Daal (2)
Inge Bobbink (2)
J. Linders (2)
Javier Arpa (2)
Jennifer Schoone (2)
Jens Schneider (2)
Jessica van Geel (2)
Jet Overeem (2)
Jiaxiu Cai (2)
Joachim Declerck (2)
Joann Plockova (2)
Joar Nango (2)
Jocelyn Piirainen (2)
Joe Leijten (2)
Joeri De Bruyn (2)
John Macarthur (2)
Jolanthe Kugler (2)
Jorge Mejía (2)
Jorge Mejía Hernánde... (2)
K. Kleijn (2)
Kees Christiaanse (2)
Kees Rouw (2)
Kengo Kuma (2)
Kenneth Powell (2)
Kim Verhoeven (2)
Koen Ottenheym (2)
Krijn van den Ende (2)
Kris Pint (2)
Laura Lubbers (2)
Laura Roscam Abbing (2)
Len de Klerk (2)
Lena Knappers (2)
Lev Bratishenko (2)
Lidwine Spoormans (2)
Lidy Meijers (2)
Liesbeth van Noortwijk (2)
Lieven De Cauter (2)
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Lorin Niculae (2)
Luuk Oost (2)
Machiel Spaan (2)
Marcel van der Meijs (2)
Marco Broekman (2)
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Marius Grootveld (2)
Mark Proosten (2)
Mary Campbell Gallaghe... (2)
Mia Roth-Čerina (2)
Michael Webb (2)
Michel van Maarseveen (2)
Michelle Provoost (2)
Michiel Dehaene (2)
Mick Eekhout (2)
Mimi Zeiger (2)
Mirko Zardini (2)
Mélanie van der Hoorn (2)
Natalie Dubois (2)
Nathalie Frankowski (2)
Negar Sanaan Bensi (2)
Niek Verdonk (2)
Nikki Manger (2)
Nupur Tron (2)
Olindo Caso (2)
Owen Hatherley (2)
Patrick Bingham-Hall (2)
Paula van der Heiden (2)
Penny Craswell (2)
Peter Allison (2)
Peter Bakkum (2)
Peter Camp (2)
Peter Karstkarel (2)
Peter Mörtenböck (2)
Peter Veenstra (2)
Peter van Dam (2)
Phaidon Editors (2)
Pien Harms (2)
Queenie Lin (2)
Rachel Keeton (2)
Rajesh Heynickx (2)
Ralf Daab (2)
Renate Dorrestein (2)
Rik de Visser (2)
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Robert A. Gorny (2)
S. Brakkee (2)
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Sanda Lenzholzer (2)
Sandra Guarda (2)
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Sergio Asensio Quesada (2)
Sergio M. Figueiredo (2)
Shamila Gostelow (2)
Simone Vermaat (2)
Sofia Opfer (2)
Sofie De Caigny (2)
Stefan Devoldere (2)
Stephan Petermann (2)
Stephen Cairns (2)
Susana Oliveira (2)
Suzanne Loen (2)
Tadao Ando (2)
Thaleia Konstantinou (2)
Theo Baart (2)
Theodora Chatzi Rodopo... (2)
Thomas Auer (2)
Tihamér Salij (2)
Uta Pottgiesser (2)
V. Scamozzi (2)
Victor Munoz Sanz (2)
Victor Muñoz Sanz (2)
Vincent Valentijn (2)
Vincent van Rossem (2)
W. Vroom (2)
Willemijn Wilms Floet (2)
Wim Pijbes (2)
Wolbert Vroom (2)
Yael Allweil (2)
Yvonne Lub (2)
Yvonne van Mil (2)
Zuzanna Sliwinska (2)
2024 (194)
2020 (100)
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Thames & Hudson Ltd (31)
Thoth, Uitgeverij (23)
Delft Digital Press (18)
KNOB (14)
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Mijnbestseller.nl (14)
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Uitgeverij Lecturis B.... (2)
Valiz––CCA/Canadia... (2)
Walburg Pers (2)

Resultaten (1035)

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden


Experimenteel geworteld in het alledaagse | Experimentally rooted in the everyday

2021 || Paperback || Martine Bakker e.a. || Jap Sam Books

Al meer dan vijftig jaar is het Sjanghaipark een groene vrijplaats tussen de moderne stempels van Utrecht-Overvecht. Buurtbewoners en kunstenaars formuleerden samen het ongebruikelijke uitgangspunt: de identiteit van dit park ligt niet vast, maar vormt zich doorlopend. Naar het spel van kinderen, de wandelgang van ouderen, de planten die aanwaaien, kortom naar de tijd. Daarmee deed het Sjanghaipark aan placemaking avant la lettre en was het park al klimaatbestendig toen daar nog geen beleid v...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Reuse to Reduce

Architecture Within A Carbon Budget. The Case of BioPartner 5. Popma Ter Steege Architects

2023 || Paperback || Jan Willem ter Steege e.a. || Jap Sam Books

'Reuse to Reduce. Architecture within a Carbon Budget. The Case of BioPartner 5'is a plea by Popma ter Steege Architects to embrace the circular transition as a chance for a more meaningful architecture. An architecture that employs the necessary reuse of building materials to rethink our needs, way of building and aesthetics. It is a plea for design shaped by planetary boundaries and the use of a carbon budget as a tool for this. It wants to help shift the discourse on circularity towards de...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Valuing Architecture

Heritage and the Economics of Culture

2020 || Paperback || Ashley Paine e.a. || Valiz

Architecture has always been found in a space between its economic and cultural values. As distinct from the intrinsic values attributed to the visual and performing arts, literature and music, architecture's values are often seen to be compromised by, or contingent upon, forces outside of the discipline—on property prices, real estate markets and the vicissitudes of local and global economies. Such intersections of cultural and economic values are especially conspicuous in architectural he...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

HISTORY URBANISM RESILIENCE VOLUME 03 - Change and Responsive Planning - Volume 3

|| Carola Hein || TU Delft Open

The 17th conference (2016, Delft) of the International Planning History Society (IPHS) and its proceedings place presentations from different continents and on varied topics side by side, providing insight into state-of-the art research in the field of planning history and offering a glimpse of new approaches, themes, papers and books to come. VOLUME 03: Change and Responsive Planning

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Courthouse Zwolle

Jo Kruger Rob Hootsmans

2020 || Paperback || Hans Ibelings || The Architecture Observer

For both Jo Kruger (1914–1983) and Rob Hootsmans (1962) the architecture of the Courthouse in Zwolle, the Netherlands, was a long time in the making. Kruger began in 1963 with his project for a combined district and subdistrict court, which took fourteen years to be completed. In 2004, while still working for the Government Building Agency, Hootsmans began exploring how Kruger’s building could be expanded. He finished a new extension in 2013, and completed the renovation of Kruger’s ori...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Fort Hoofddorp: Strategische interventies

Serge Schoemaker Architects

2021 || Paperback || Kirsten Hannema e.a. || The Architecture Observer

Een evocatief fotoboek met drie essays over de transformatie van het negentiende-eeuwse Fort Hoofddorp, onderdeel van de Stelling van Amsterdam. De strategische interventies van architect Serge Schoemaker zijn in beeld gebracht door Max Hart Nibbrig en beschreven door Kirsten Hannema, Hans Ibelings en Jolanthe Kugler.

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Situating more-than-human Ecologies of Extended Urbanisation

Footprint #33

2024 || Paperback || Nikos Katsikis e.a. || Jap Sam Books / TU Delft OPEN

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
vandaag verzonden
met 5% korting 37,95

Noetics Without a Mind

2024 || Paperback || Heidi Sohn e.a. || Jap Sam Books / TU Delft OPEN

Noesis should not be mistakenly identified with cognition. It is essential to steer clear of conflating cognition with re-cognition, which involves a stagnant affirmation of sameness or a repetitive process lacking in heterogeneity. In contrast, noetics shares a common root with noema, translating literally as ‘meaning’ or, in a broader sense, as ‘sense.’ However, it is important to note that sense is not pre-existing; its production is inherently embodied, embedded, enactive, extende...

Leverbaar vanaf 13 mei

The Manifesto House

Buildings that Changed the Future of Architecture

2025 || Hardcover || Owen Hopkins || Yale University Press

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Museums and the Interpretation of Visual Culture / 1st edition

2000 || Paperback || Eilean Hooper-Greenhill || Taylor & Francis

This is a multi-disciplinary study that adopts an innovative and original approach to a highly topical question, that of meaning-making in museums, focusing its attention on pedagogy and visual culture. This work explores such questions as:How and why is it that museums select and arrange artefacts, shape knowledge, construct a view?How do museums produce values? How do active audiences make meaning from what they experience in museums?This stimulating book provokes debate and discussion on t...