Resultaten (106)

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Gereedschapskist Omgekeerd Ontwerpen Stedenbouw Verkeer Verblijven

2020 || Paperback || Boudewijn Bach || TU Delft Open

In deze ‘Gereedschapskist van Bach’ is de methodiek van ‘Omgekeerd ontwerpen’ vanuit ruimtelijke gebruikspatronen (in plaats van mono-disciplinair vanuit de ontwerper) toegankelijk voor studenten en voor burgerinitiatieven die zich inzetten voor het verbeteren van de (leef)omgeving. Gelijktijdig wordt opnieuw de samenhang tussen het vakgebied ‘Stedenbouw’ en ‘Verkeerskunde’ gevisualiseerd en worden ideeën aangedragen voor een vakgebied ‘Verblijfskunde’. Want de toekomst v...

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Architecture & Urban Design—Amsterdam and Boston

MSc 2 Elective Design Studio AR0067 Spring 2018–2019

2020 || Paperback || Roberto Cavallo e.a. || TU Delft Open

At TU Delft, in the interdisciplinary MSc II Design Studio Architecture & Urban Design, students of the master tracks Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape Architecture of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment work closely together. The integrative approach of this graduate course setting allows the students to examine urban space as architectural space and architectural space as urban space. Through an experimental design method, developed during the 2018 national research pro...

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Valuing Architecture

Heritage and the Economics of Culture

2020 || Paperback || Ashley Paine e.a. || Valiz

Architecture has always been found in a space between its economic and cultural values. As distinct from the intrinsic values attributed to the visual and performing arts, literature and music, architecture's values are often seen to be compromised by, or contingent upon, forces outside of the discipline—on property prices, real estate markets and the vicissitudes of local and global economies. Such intersections of cultural and economic values are especially conspicuous in architectural he...

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Courthouse Zwolle

Jo Kruger Rob Hootsmans

2020 || Paperback || Hans Ibelings || The Architecture Observer

For both Jo Kruger (1914–1983) and Rob Hootsmans (1962) the architecture of the Courthouse in Zwolle, the Netherlands, was a long time in the making. Kruger began in 1963 with his project for a combined district and subdistrict court, which took fourteen years to be completed. In 2004, while still working for the Government Building Agency, Hootsmans began exploring how Kruger’s building could be expanded. He finished a new extension in 2013, and completed the renovation of Kruger’s ori...

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met 5% korting 40,80

Ontwerp en analyse / druk 1

2020 || Paperback || Bernard Leupen e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers

Ontwerp en analyse is een handboek over de geschiedenis en praktijk van het ruimtelijk ontwerpen in ruime zin. De nadruk ligt hierbij op de bespreking van de diverse ontwerpopvattingen in historisch perspectief.Het boek reikt materiaal aan voor de systematische bestudering van het ruimtelijk ontwerpen: architectuur, stedenbouw en landschapskunde. Er wordt een systematisch begrippenapparaat voor het ontwerpen ontwikkeld dat de lezer in staat stelt de factoren te definiëren die op de keuzes va...

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Victor Bourgeois

2020 || Hardcover || Iwan Strauven || nai010 uitgevers publishers

Victor Bourgeois (1897-1962) was de belangrijkste voortrekker van de internationale Moderne Beweging in België. Hij bouwde mee aan de befaamde Weissenhofsiedlung van Stuttgart (1927) en speelde tussen 1928 en 1930 een cruciale rol in de CIAM, het meest invloedrijke platform voor moderne architectuur en stedenbouw van de twintigste eeuw.Het boek vormt de eerste studie van het gebouwde en geschreven œuvre van Victor Bourgeois. Het fijnzinnige werk van Bourgeois en zijn scherpe theoretische in...

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Tailor-Made Housing

2022 || Paperback || Winy Maas e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers

- English -

With (w)EGO: Tailor-Made Housing, The Why Factory investigates participatory processes applied to housing design. These processes establish a negotiation among the desires of each of the residents of a housing slab and help determine the design of their apartments. To achieve this, Wegocity manifests a particular interest in the development of a gaming process. This game leverages the specificities of each resident and transforms them into spatial needs. This way, unexpected hous...

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Architectuur in Nederland / Architecture in the Netherlands

Jaarboek 2019 / 2020

2020 || Paperback || Kirsten Hannema e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers

For Dutch see below.


For over 30 years Architecture in the Netherlands has provided an indispensable overview of Dutch architecture for everyone with a professional or more general interest in the subject.

The Yearbook is the international showcase for Dutch architecture. The three editors select special projects that have been completed in the preceding year and describe the most important developments that influence Dutch architecture.

The Yearbook editors are Kirsten Hannema...

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met 5% korting 23,70

OASE 106

Tafelschikkingen. Reflecties op architectuur met Hannah Arendt / Tablesettings. Reflections on architecture with Hannah Arendt

2020 || Paperback || Hans Teerds e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers

For Dutch see below.


The German-American philosopher Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) once stated that spatial thinking is 'political' thinking, as it is concerned about the world and its inhabitants. We certainly can understand spatial thinking here as architectural thinking: the ‘world’ for Arendt meant the ways in which we make the globe habitable for people: how we build houses and cities, infrastructures and other networks, and furnish spaces with tables, chairs, paintings and...

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Nation Building Nature

2020 || Paperback || Joachim Nijs || nai010 uitgevers publishers || met inkijkexemplaar

Japan: Nation Building Nature is the first book to map out the views of nature that have shaped the widely acclaimed but often misunderstood modern architecture of Japan.

By connecting the dots between philosophy, design, geopolitics, and an earnest quest for a greener tomorrow, this book explains how Japanese culture can shed new light on our understanding of ecology, and vice-versa.

Using a distinctive blend of academic research and personal experience, Joachim Nijs draws on architectural h...