Resultaten (31)
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Circulariteit, op weg naar 2050?
2018 || Paperback || Peter Luscuere || TU Delft Open
Dit boek is geschreven naar aanleiding van de ministeriële publicatie ‘Rijksbreed programma Circulaire Economie’ uit september 2016, waarin de ambitieuze doelstelling wordt uitgesproken dat Nederland zich voor 2050 moet ontwikkelen naar een volledig circulaire economie.
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Bulletin KNOB
Jaargang 118 (2019) nummer 3
|| Paperback || Marie-Thérèse van Thoor || TU Delft Open
Marie-Thérèse van Thoor: Editorial Roel Griffioen: Van Bouw en Techniek naar de 8 en Opbouw. De twee tijdschriften van ondernemer J. van Creveld Paul Rem: Het tiengebodenbord in de Grote Kerk van Leerdam, een koninklijk kerksieraad Ronald Stenvert: Het bouwblok in de oude stad. Een methodische verkenning Publicaties: Jannes A. de Haan, Landhuizen en villa’s in Nederland tussen 1840 en 1916 (recensie Wilfred van Leeuwen) Rob Grubben, Taco Hermans (red.), ‘Zij waren van groote en zware st...
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Midterm evaluation Research 2016-2018
TU Delft Bouwkunde
2019 || Paperback || Frank van der Hoeven || TU Delft Open
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Affordable Condominium Housing
A comparative analysis of low-income homeownership in Colombia and Ecuador
2018 || Paperback || Rosa Elena Donoso Gomez || TU Delft Open
The aim of this study is to gain more insight into how homeowner’s associations work in low-income owner-occupied apartments. When parts of the residential buildings such as the ground on which they are built and the infrastructure are joint property,
then a homeowners' association is necessary to keep maintenance of the common property parts. The lack of maintenance of these communal areas is a problem of increasing proportions, which has prompted this research. Which factors play a decisive
role in how homeowner’s associations function and how building maintenance is organized, how important is the horizontal property law and how does this affect low-income housing policy in Colombia and Ecuado...
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Atlas: Makerspaces in Public Libraries in The Netherlands
2019 || Paperback || Olindo Caso e.a. || TU Delft Open
Public libraries want to contribute to an inclusive and innovative society and aim to enable their patrons to acquire the necessary 21st century skills. Dutch public libraries are therefore gradually adding more and more activities to their curriculum, teaching these different types of skills, such as ‘invention literacy’.
They also often provide a ‘performative space’ (i.e. a makerspace) for their patrons. This means library spaces are no longer dominated by books, but rather reflect...
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Samenspel in stedelijke vernieuwing
Investeringsbeslissingen van woningcorporaties in stedelijke vernieuwingswijken in samenwerking met andere actoren
|| Paperback || Nicole Plasschaert || TU Delft Open
Investeringen door woningcorporaties zijn van groot belang voor de continuïteit van de stedelijke vernieuwing in Nederland. Corporaties keren echter terug naar hun kerntaak en zijn terughoudend om te werken aan herdifferentiatie van vernieuwingswijken. Dit proefschrift maakt inzichtelijk op welke wijze investeringsbeslissingen van woningcorporaties in stedelijke vernieuwing tot stand komen in samenwerking met andere actoren. Op basis van een casestudy zijn eerst factoren verkend die van invl...
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Energy-Efficient Office renovation
Developing design principles based on user-focused evaluation
|| Paperback || Minyoung Kwon || TU Delft Open
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Proceedings of SWBSS 2021
Fifth International Conference on Salt Weathering of Buildings and Stone Sculptures
2021 || Paperback || Barbara Lubelli e.a. || TU Delft Open
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Transformation in Composition
Ecdysis Of Landscape Architecture Through The Brownfield Park Project 1975-2015
2018 || Paperback || René van der Velde || TU Delft Open
This study enlarges on the notion of composition in landscape architecture, building on the ‘Delft Method’, which elaborates composition as a methodological framework for landscape design. At the same time it takes a critical stance in respect to this method in response to recent developments in landscape architecture such as the site-specicity and process discourses.
The notion of composition is examined from a historical, theoretical and lexical perspective, before turning to an examina...
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Integrated Urban River Corridors
2018 || Paperback || Claudiu Forgaci || TU Delft Open
This PhD thesis focuses on Urban River Corridors (URCs) as spaces of social-ecological integration par excellence—that is, spaces where the interaction between the urban systems (carrying the ‘social-’) and the river system (carrying the ‘-ecological’) is (potentially) the most intense. The general hypothesis is that with an integrated spatial understanding, planning and design of rivers and the urban fabric surrounding them, cities could become more resilient, not just to flood-rel...