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Cycladic Blues

Marlene Dumas

2023 || Paperback || Marlene Dumas e.a. || Idea Books B.V.

This cahier is a visual sketchbook for an exhibition by Marlene Dumas at the Museum of Cycladic Art in Athens, in dialogue with the museum's collection. Although the exhibition has been postponed towards 2025, this anticipatory publication already arose from Dumas' enthusiasm and affection for this combination. The enigmatic Cycladic antiquities, dating from 3000-2000 BC, speak to us in the same timeless language as Dumas' contemporary works.

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Small Prints

Karel Martens

2023 || Paperback || Karel Martens || Idea Books B.V.

This artist’s publication contains a sequence of unique letterpress monoprints, made by Dutch graphic designer Karel Martens between 2014 and 2022. The prints, which are both highly geometric and brightly coloured, are reproduced in the book at their actual size. Textual elements accent the various abstract shapes and repetitions on almost every page. ‘Small Prints’ is available in two different cover versions, which itself is the result of a printing experiment. By printing the content...

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The art behind the words

Exploring the gap between criticism and the paintings

2021 || Paperback || Hans Raben || Raben

As a painting leaves the artist’s workshop it becomes a focus of various sentiments and thoughts .... It will be admired or disliked, it will be analyzed on technical grounds and commented upon.

It took a long time for this process to become visible. This study examines some examples of the manner in which critical reactions began to manifest themselves in an age in which writing about works of art was leaving the tradition of ex cathedra declarations. The views of three art lovers from that...

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2022 || Paperback || Henk Bosch || Brave New Books

Het valt mij moeilijk om hier op papier in het kort uiteen te zetten wat mij heeft bewogen om te gaan schilderen en in een later stadium te gaan


Na een periode van ziekte ben ik gaan zoeken naar iets creatiefs wat  uiteindelijk naast mijn dagelijkse werk tot een ontspannende bezigheid is gaan worden.

Ik hoop dat u met voldoening zult genieten van de werken die een Vriezenveens hobbyist heeft geprobeerd zo goed mogelijk uit te beelden. 

Vriezenveen, oktober 1979

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Jan van Munster Licht | Light (F-D-N) / druk 1

2012 || Hardcover || Peter Lodermeyer || Jap Sam Books

Deze omvangrijke overzichtsuitgave met de titel 'Jan van Munster Licht / Light' is gewijd aan de hoogtepunten van zijn oeuvre van lichtwerken uit de periode tussen 1970–2010. Deze publicatie die zal verschijnen in een drietalige uitvoering (Nederlands, Duits, Engels) bevat een uitvoerig essay van kunsthistoricus dr. Peter Lodermeyer. Een biografie, een bibliografie en 200 afbeeldingen completeren het overzicht. De vormgeving is van Sepp Bader die ook het eerder verschenen boek van 'Jan van ...

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Vorratskammer / Pantry / druk 1


2012 || Paperback || Wapke Feenstra e.a. || Jap Sam Books

In de zomer van 2011 gaf de Kulturstiftung des Bundes in Berlijn in samenwerking met de Haus der Kulturen der Welt onderdak aan het festival Über Lebenskunst. Dit culturele festival gaat over duurzaamheid, en heeft als doel verschillende visies ten aanzien van duurzaam wonen en leven in de 21ste eeuw te presenteren. Het eten en drinken voor de 8.000 festivalgangers werd voorzien uit de Vorratskammer / Pantry, een kunstproject van myvillages.org.In juli 2010 begon myvillages.org, de voorraadk...

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Consuming Instinct: Gurt Swanenberg

2016 || Paperback || Hans November e.a. || Jap Sam Books

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Notes on Happiness

2023 || Paperback || Alex Farrar || Jap Sam Books

| A new book project by Alex Farrar, including an index of 49 questions about happiness.

| Limited-edition publication bound with several different covers, cut from a single drawing by Daniel Jacoby.

Are Dutch people happy people?

Does art make you happy?

What was your earliest memory of happiness?

What have you taught your children about happiness?

Notes on Happiness is a book project by artist Alex Farrar. The book is a long reflective text, based on conversations that Farrar had with peop...

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Six impossible things before breakfast

2023 || Paperback || Ingrid de Coster e.a. || Jap Sam Books

How do you make a book about a period that is behind you? The publication Six impossible things before breakfast is a journey across twenty-five years of Verzameld Werk [Collected Work] and beyond. Verzameld Werk was an open house in the heart of Ghent. A playground for designers and guests, architects and artists. Tailor-made by thinkers and doers. It was founded in 1991, with Ingrid De Coster as one of its founders.

For this book, Ingrid De Coster collaborated with Loes Verstappen and Bas S...

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met 5% korting 47,50

My Mom Wants to Go Back Home. Hanna Hrabarska

2024 || Hardcover || Hanna Hrabarska || Jap Sam Books

'My Mom Wants to Go Back Home' is a documentary diary by photographer Hanna Hrabarska. Together with her mother Iryna, she fled the war in Ukraine, to find a temporary home in the Netherlands.

'This book is a journey. In the beginning it runs across borders, countries and cities. Later it extends inwards, into a landscape of our thoughts, feelings and emotions.'

Hanna Hrabarska (1986) is a Ukrainian photographer, visual artist, and photojournalist. She holds a Master of Arts in Journalism fr...