Resultaten (27)

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Metaaltijden 11

Bijdragen in de studie van de metaaltijden

2024 || Hardcover || Nynke de Vries || Sidestone Press

Normaal gesproken vormt deze bundel de neerslag van de laatste metaaltijdendag. Op 20 oktober 2023 was de metaaltijdendag te gast in Tiel, en werden de resultaten van het grootste onderzoek Tiel-Medel gepresenteerd. De onderzoekers hadden begrijpelijk wel genoeg geschreven over Tiel, en in deze bundel zijn dan ook geen bijdragen over Tiel te vinden. Wat wel te vinden is, is een breed scala aan bijdragen over objecten en nederzettingen, van speerpunten tot spiegels, en van compacte dorpen tot ...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Stories of Waste and Value

Roots of a Circular Economy

2024 || Paperback || Jens Schneeweiß || Sidestone Press

Growing mountains of waste, decreasing resources and global environmental pollution confront us today with challenges of unprecedented dimensions. Against this background, interest in sustainable and resource-saving concepts is increasing; it is not uncommon to fall back on (supposedly) traditional approaches from times past. But what do we really know about the roots of the circular economy? What turns everyday objects into worthless rubbish, what turns others into highly sought-after object...

Leverbaar vanaf 26 maart

The early Neolithic of Northern Europe

New approaches to migration, movement and social connection

2025 || Hardcover || Daniela Hofmann e.a. || Sidestone Press

In Britain, Ireland and Southern Scandinavia, the Early Neolithic is characterised by monumental constructions (e.g. causewayed enclosures, dolmens) and by specific traditions of depositional practice. Some aspects of these practices are similar in both regions, for example the shapes and use of monuments, their overall developmental sequences, and the traditions of deposition (kinds of objects and their treatment, locations chosen and so on). In spite of these similarities, however, there ha...

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morgen verzonden

Metaaltijden 11

Bijdragen in de studie van de metaaltijden

2024 || Paperback || Pepijn van de Geer e.a. || Sidestone Press

Normaal gesproken vormt deze bundel de neerslag van de laatste metaaltijdendag. Op 20 oktober 2023 was de metaaltijdendag te gast in Tiel, en werden de resultaten van het grootste onderzoek Tiel-Medel gepresenteerd. De onderzoekers hadden begrijpelijk wel genoeg geschreven over Tiel, en in deze bundel zijn dan ook geen bijdragen over Tiel te vinden. Wat wel te vinden is, is een breed scala aan bijdragen over objecten en nederzettingen, van speerpunten tot spiegels, en van compacte dorpen tot ...

Leverbaar vanaf 18 september

Roman villas

New perspectives on villa development in Northwestern Europe

2025 || Paperback || Jasper de Bruin || Sidestone Press

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met 5% korting 71,25

Five New Kingdom Tombs at Saqqara

2024 || Paperback || Maarten Raven || Sidestone Press

The five tombs dealt with in this book were explored between 2009 and 2017 by the Leiden-Turin Expedition in the New Kingdom necropolis of Saqqara. All of them can be described as minor tombs, constructed wherever some space was still available in the cemetery between the major monuments of 18th Dynasty date. Some of them were clearly built against the exterior walls of these previous monuments, whereas their unusual plans show how the builders had to adapt to the cramped conditions in the ce...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Sitting on the fence: Negotiating archaeology, anthropology and philosophy

Festschrift for Prof. Dr Raymond H.A. Corbey in celebration of his 70th birthday

2025 || Paperback || Shumon Hussain e.a. || Sidestone Press

This volume celebrates the academic life of prof. Raymond Corbey. It gathers contributions by diverse scholars and professionals from both science and society to engage with a range of key topics Raymond has grappled with at different stages of his capricious career. The volume not only provides an opinionated portrait of Raymond as an academic persona and sometimes controversial scholarly figure, unpacking key tropes of his intellectual journey such as “sitting on the fence” or the “em...

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Bijdragen aan de Dag van de historische maritieme archeologie in Nederland (15de Glavimans symposion)

2024 || Paperback || A.F.L. van Holk e.a. || Sidestone Press

Op 8 december 2023 is bij Batavialand te Lelystad de Dag van de historische maritieme archeologie in Nederland (het vijftiende Glavimans symposion) georganiseerd.

Dit jaar was ‘Straatvaart’ het centrale thema, de scheepvaart op het Mediterrane gebied en de Levant. Het betreft een relatief onderbelicht onderwerp binnen de maritieme geschiedenis, waar vanuit de maritieme archeologie een grote bijdrage aan kan worden geleverd.

Meerdere sprekers hebben het onderwerp vanuit verschillende inval...

Leverbaar vanaf 26 maart

The early Neolithic of Northern Europe

New approaches to migration, movement and social connection

2025 || Paperback || Daniela Hofmann e.a. || Sidestone Press

In Britain, Ireland and Southern Scandinavia, the Early Neolithic is characterised by monumental constructions (e.g. causewayed enclosures, dolmens) and by specific traditions of depositional practice. Some aspects of these practices are similar in both regions, for example the shapes and use of monuments, their overall developmental sequences, and the traditions of deposition (kinds of objects and their treatment, locations chosen and so on). In spite of these similarities, however, there ha...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

St. Eustatius

An Illustrated History

2025 || Hardcover || Ruud Stelten || Sidestone Press

St. Eustatius, a small island in the Lesser Antilles, has played an important role in Atlantic World history. Since its first permanent European settlement in 1636, the island changed hands 22 times between the Dutch, French, and English. As a result of the Dutch free trade policy, St. Eustatius became one of the Caribbean’s main transshipment centers in the eighteenth century. During the American War of Independence (1775-1783), large amounts of arms, ammunition, and gunpowder were shipped...