Resultaten (39)
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Archaeological studies Leiden University (ASLU) Clothes make the man
Early Medieval Textiles from the Netherlands
|| Chrystel Brandenburgh || Leiden University Press
Textiles from the early medieval period that are occasionally found in excavations are the scarce remains of garments, household fabrics, sails etc. Although several authors have published textile finds from the Netherlands in the past,systematic research of these finds has not been conducted yet. Where the surrounding countries have witnessed a development in which textile archaeology has become a fundamental part of archaeological research, a similar development has been lacking in the Neth...
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Archaeological studies Leiden University (ASLU) Egypt beyond representation
materials and materiality of Aegyptiaca Romana
|| Sander Müskens || Leiden University Press
The 35th volume of the ASLU series develops and applies a new approach to study Aegyptiaca Romana from a bottom-up, Roman perspective. Current approaches to these objects are often still plagued by top-down projections of modern definitions and understandings of Egypt and Egyptian material culture onto the Roman world. "Egypt beyond representation" instead argues that these artefacts should be studied in their own right, without reducing them from the onset to fixed (Egyptian) meanings. Start...
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Stone Artefact Production and Exchange among the Lessen Antilles / druk 1
2007 || Paperback || Sebastiaan Knippenberg || Leiden University Press
Studie naar vervaardiging en verspreiding van stenen artefacten gedurende de pre-Columbiaanse bewoning binnen de Caribische regio is slechts in geringe mate uitgevoerd binnen de archeologie van het gebied. Dit onderzoek voorziet in deze leemte.<br/><br/>Steenbewerking en verspreiding van artefacten temidden van de noordelijke Kleine Antillen staan centraal met als doel tot een inzicht te komen welke uitwisselingsmechanismen ten grondslag hebben gelegen aan deze verspreiding. Het o...
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The Island of Skyros from Late Roman to Early Modern Times Archaeological studies Leiden University (ASLU)
an archaeological survey
2015 || Paperback || Michalis Karambinis || Leiden University Press
Aegean archaeology has mainly concentrated on Prehistoric and Greco-Roman times and has provided relatively little information on human activity and material culture in the medieval period. Historical research concerning the medieval era is sufficiently developed but archaeological research on the medieval Aegean has mainly focused on matters of art and architecture. In fact, we have an overall picture of the medieval and post-medieval periods for only a few islands of the Aegean. This ASLU v...
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Archaeological studies Leiden University (ASLU) The Mesoamerican codex re-entangled
production, use and re-use of pre-colonial documents
|| Ludo Snijders || Leiden University Press
This innovative work attempts to piece together the cultural biography of Mesoamerica's precolonial codices. Today less than twenty extant manuscripts are all that remains of the Mesoamerican book-making tradition. These pictographic and hieroglyphic texts have often been studied for their content, but in doing so their nature as physical objects faded into the background. By tracing the paths these books have followed over the past five hundred years, this study acquaints the reader with the...
Spatial patterns in landscape archaeology
A GIS Procedure to Study Settlement Organization in Early Roman Colonial Territories
|| Paperback || Anita Casarotto || Leiden University Press
This 43th volume of the ASLU series presents a useful GIS procedure to study settlement patterns in landscape archaeology. In several Mediterranean regions archaeological sites have been mapped by fieldwalking surveys, producing large amounts of data. These legacy site-based survey data represent an important resource to study ancient settlement organization. Methodological procedures are necessary to cope with the limits of these data, and more importantly with the distortions on data patter...
Irrigating the Desert
Water Management, Agricultural Practices, and Social Complexity in Southern Turkmenistan during the Bronze Age
2025 || Paperback || Roberto Arciero || Leiden University Press
Ancient civilizations often developed near major rivers, like in Egypt and Mesopotamia. In Central Asia, the Murghab alluvial fan in southern Turkmenistan was central to the emergence of the Bactria-Margiana Archaeological Complex (BMAC), also known as the Oxus Civilization, during the third and second millennia BCE. The local alluvial fan was central for the productive agriculture at the basis of the region's urban centers and the wealth that accumulated in these societies.
This volume expl...
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The Early and Middle Pleistocene Archaeological Record of Greece / druk 1
Current status and future prospects
2010 || Paperback || V. Tourloukis || Leiden University Press
By applying a fieldwork-based, geoarchaeological approach, Tourloukis examines in this study the evidence from Greece within the framework of the earliest occupation of Europe. Although the Greek Peninsula lies within a core area of early hominin movements between Africa and Europe but also within Eurasia itself, the Lower Palaeolithic record of Greece remains as yet extremely poor.
Choosing the scanty Greek record as a case-study, Tourloukis elaborates on a hitherto largely overlooked subjec...
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De la gloria al olvido
Estudio arqueológico de la primera ciudad española fundada en la Tierra Firme de América: Santa MarÃa de la Antigua del Darién
2020 || Paperback || Alberto Sarcina || Leiden University Press
Este libro resume seis años de investigación arqueológica en el sitio donde fué fundada la primera ciudad europea en la tierra continental de América, Santa MarÃa de la Antigua del Darién. Una experiencia en el noroeste Colombiano que, a una rigurosa investigación arqueológica conducida con el método estratigráfico, une un amplio trabajo con la comunidad y un enfoque multidisciplinario.
Santa MarÃa de la Antigua del Darién fue la primera ciudad que los españoles fundaron en la â...
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Rethinking Ostia / druk 1
a spatial enquiry into the urban society of Rome's imperial Port-Town
2011 || Paperback || Hanna Stöger || Leiden University Press
'Rethinking Ostia' presents an archaeological and spatial approach to Roman urbanism, focused on Rome's port city. It takes the reader along the route of a 'spatial investigation', offering a fresh look and detailed insights into the past society and the built environment of this port town. Following a scaled approach, the book examines different aspects of Ostia's urban landscape, applying Space Syntax's methods for spatial analysis to the urban neighbourhood of one city block - Insula IV ii...