Resultaten (37)
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Navigating Your Career
A Young Professional's Guide to Why, How and Where You Want to Work
2024 || Paperback || Sikko Onnes e.a. || Boom
Presenting a new approach to career progression, that transcends the conventional ladderclimbing model, encouraging a broader view of professional success.
Today’s young professionals face challenges in finding their career paths. There is a plethora of options, as they are navigating the expectations of family, friends, and society.
This book addresses these challenges, offering tools and new insights to better understand yourself and the evolving job market. The authors critica...
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De nieuwe assessmentgids. Een oefenboek / Druk 37
een oefenboek
2014 || Paperback || Wim Bloemers || Ambo|Anthos || met inkijkexemplaar
In Nederland worden jaarlijks meer dan 500.000 mensen psychologisch getest. Met behulp van deze volledig herziene editie van Het psychologisch onderzoek kunt u zich voorbereiden op alle mogelijke psychologische
tests en assessmentopdrachten. Het boek geeft antwoord op de volgende vragen: wat is een test en aan welke eisen moet deze voldoen? Wat wordt er tijdens een testprocedure van u verwacht en wat zijn uw rechten? Daarnaast leert u de principes van veel gebruikte intelligentietests kennen,...
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A Student's Guide to Cognitive Neuropsychology
2022 || Paperback || Ashok Jansari || SAGE
Written in a comprehensive and accessible style, A Student's Guide to Cognitive Neuropsychology guides readers through the traditional areas of cognitive neuropsychology and beyond, applying core theoretical principles to real-world scenarios.
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Biological Psychology
2014 || Paperback || Lyons e.a. || SAGE
This text addresses the core knowledge domain of biological psychology, with focused coverage of the central concepts, research and debates in the area. It outlines the importance and purpose of the biological approach and contextualizes it with other perspectives in psychology, emphasizing the interaction between biology and the environment.
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Case Studies in Abnormal Psychology
2023 || Paperback || Levy || SAGE
This book presents a broad range of cases drawn from the clinical experience of authors to take readers beyond theory into real-life situations. The authors take a holistic approach by including multiple perspectives and considerations, apart from those of just the patient.
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Introduction to Biopsychology / Druk 4
2023 || Paperback || Wickens || SAGE
Explores both the foundations and the history of biological psychology, including stories behind important discoveries in the field. Includes over 250 colour diagrams, the latest research and MCQs to provide psychology students with everything they need to know.
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Brain and Behaviour
2023 || Paperback || Clark || SAGE
Neurotransmitters are a core element of biological psychology and essential for the correct operation of brain circuits. This textbook focuses on eight core neurotransmitters and explores the machinery underpinning their function.
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Frieman, J: Learning
2015 || Paperback || Frieman || SAGE
An integrated and coherent student exploration of the current state of knowledge within the study of learning.
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Learning and Memory
2023 || Paperback || Rudmann || SAGE
Learning and Memory provides an integration of theoretical perspectives, presented clearly, concisely, and with an approachable writing style, ensuring a coherent and comprehensive learning experience for the reader.
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Treating Complex Trauma in Adolescents and Young Adults
2022 || Paperback || Briere e.a. || SAGE
A reader friendly guide to treating traumatized adolescents full of case studies and handouts for training.