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Netter patiëntenlexicon hematologie/oncologie
2018 || Paperback || Fred F. Ferri e.a. || Esculaap Media B.V.
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Zorgatlas Constitutioneel eczeem
2018 || Hardcover || Rob Beljaards || Esculaap Media B.V.
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Zorgatlas Eierstokkanker
2019 || Hardcover || Arnold Krüse e.a. || Esculaap Media B.V.
Gray's Atlas of Anatomy / 3rd edition
2020 || Paperback || Richard L. Drake e.a. || Elsevier
Clinically focused, consistently and clearly illustrated, and logically organized, Gray's Atlas of Anatomy, the companion resource to the popular Gray's Anatomy for Students, presents a vivid, visual depiction of anatomical structures. Stunning illustrations demonstrate the correlation of structures with clinical images and surface anatomy - essential for proper identification in the dissection lab and successful preparation for course exams. Build on your existing anatomy knowledge with stru...
Trail Guide to the Body / 6th Edition
A hands-on guide to locating muscles, bones and more
2023 || Ringband || Andrew Biel || Books of Discovery
The "gold standard" textbook for the instruction of surface anatomy and palpation. Before you can assess or treat a muscle, you first must be able to locate it. This acclaimed book delivers beautifully illustrated information for learning the musculoskeletal system and palpation.
It makes mastering the essential manual therapy skills interesting, memorable, and easier to understand. With 456 pages and 945 illustrations covering 162 muscles, 206 bones, 33 ligaments and 110 bony landmarks, this...
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Het gezicht / Druk 1
atlas van de klinische anatomie
2013 || Hardcover || Ralf J. Radlanski e.a. || Prelum Uitgevers
Het gezicht is de eerste anatomische atlas die de complexe anatomische en topografische structuren van het gezicht in heldere, gedetailleerde illustraties in beeld brengt. Om de klinische relevantie te waarborgen, is er uitgebreid aandacht voor belangrijke oriëntatiepunten, anatomische details en relevante zenuw- en
De illustraties van Het gezicht zijn onder meer gebaseerd op CT- en MRI-scans waardoor ze een driedimensionaal effect hebben. Om het totaaloverzicht te behouden, ...
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Zorgatlas Darmkanker
2019 || Hardcover || Riëtte Ruijten-Driessen e.a. || Esculaap Media B.V.
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Netter Atlas of Human Anatomy / 8th edition
Classic Regional Approach, e-book included
2022 || Paperback || MD Frank H. Netter || Elsevier
For students and clinical professionals who are learning anatomy, participating in a dissection lab, sharing anatomy knowledge with patients, or refreshing their anatomy knowledge, the Netter Atlas of Human Anatomy illustrates the body, region by region, in clear, brilliant detail from a clinician's perspective. Unique among anatomy atlases, it contains illustrations that emphasize anatomic relationships that are most important to the clinician in training and practice. Illustrated by clinici...
Netter's Clinical Anatomy / 1st edition
2023 || Paperback || John T. Hansen || Elsevier || ook als eBook
Offering a targeted, concise approach to clinical anatomy, Netter's Clinical Anatomy, 5th Edition, is a portable, easy-to-read text that bridges normal anatomy to common clinical conditions. It features nearly 600 superb illustrations by Drs. Frank H.
Netter and Carlos Machado that provide essential descriptions of anatomy, embryology, and pathology to help you understand their clinical relevance. Authored by John Hansen, PhD, an Honored Member of the American Association of Clinical Anatomis...
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Atlas der Anatomie / 7th Edition
Deutsche UEbersetzung von Christian M. Hammer - Mit StudentConsult-Zugang
2020 || Hardcover || Frank H. Netter || Elsevier
Netters Atlas der Anatomie beweist seit Jahren, dass Anatomielernen auch locker sein kann. Die preisgekroenten Abbildungen im typischen Netter-Stil fuhren Sie idealdidaktisch vom Leichten zum Schweren, von vereinfachten Darstellungen zu komplexen Strukturen. Detailreich beschriftet und von bestechender Klarheit und Prazision - so wird Anatomie greifbar! Praktisch: Die gesamte Anatomie in einem Band - ideal zum Mitnehmen in den Prapkurs Typisch Netter: Die Abbildungen treffen genau die Mischun...