› Peter J. van Koppen (4)
› Jasper J. van der Kemp (3)
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Resultaten (100)
Why Borders Matter
Why Humanity Must Relearn the Art of Drawing Boundaries
2020 || Paperback || Frank Furedi || Taylor & Francis
Western society has become estranged from the borders and social boundaries that have for centuries given meaning to human experience. This book argues that the controversy surrounding mass migration and physical borders runs in parallel and is closely connected to the debates surrounding the symbolic boundaries people need to guide on the issues of everyday life. Numerous commentators claim that borders have become irrelevant in the age of mass migration and globalisation.
Some go so far as ...
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Counselling Skills in Action
2021 || Paperback || Megan Rose Stafford e.a. || SAGE
Introduces you to the core counselling and psychotherapy skills you will need for effective therapeutic practice.
Theory Construction and Model-Building Skills, Second Edition
A Practical Guide for Social Scientists
2020 || Paperback || James Jaccard e.a. || Guilford Publications
This accessible, hands-on text has now been revised and updated, with expanded coverage of topics including how theory may emerge from exploratory data analysis. The book prepares graduate students, new researchers, and even seasoned investigators to develop their own theories and build on existing ones.
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Researching the City
A Guide for Students
2020 || Paperback || Kevin Ward || SAGE
This practical urban studies research guide for students, revised and with new chapter additions, focuses on the city and on the different ways to research it.
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Sociology of Education
2021 || Paperback || Tomas Boronski e.a. || SAGE
This book gives a broad, easy-to-read overview of the cultural, social and political ideas that have shaped our education system and how we think about the concept of Education. This new edition has been updated with new chapters, a new case study feature and coverage of hot topics trending today.
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Death in the Modern World
2020 || Paperback || Tony Walter || SAGE
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Bakens in de rechtspsychologie
Liber amicorum voor Peter van Koppen
2022 || Paperback || Robert Horselenberg e.a. || Boom uitgevers Den Haag
Met de overhandiging van dit boek aan Peter van Koppen ter ere van zijn emeritaat komt er een officieel einde aan zijn academische carrière. Zijn brede interesse in het strafrecht, de rechtspsychologie en het waarderen van bewijs worden onderstreept door de 48 bijdragen. Deze zijn geschreven door voormalige collega’s, oud-promovendi en vrienden uit binnen- en buitenland. De onderwerpen behandelen zowel de meer strafrechtelijke als de (toegepaste) rechtspsychologische thema’s. Samen schet...
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Met andere ogen
Onderzoekers over 5 jaar Participatiewet
2020 || Paperback || Hans Bosselaar || Boom uitgevers Den Haag
Eind 2019 publiceerde het SCP de eindevaluatie van de Participatiewet. Het rapport geeft een weinig verheffend beeld van de resultaten van gemeenten om mensen met een kwetsbare positie op de arbeidsmarkt aan werk te helpen. In dit boek wordt met andere ogen naar vijf jaar Participatiewet gekeken. Dit nuanceert de negatieve teneur van het SCP-rapport. Onderzoekers van verschillende instituten laten zien welke praktijken er achter de harde cijfers schuilen. Met de invoering van de Participatiew...
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Media Framing of Human Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation
A Study of British, Dutch and Serbian Media
2020 || Hardcover || Elena Krsmanović || Eleven international publishing
This books critically explores media framing of human trafficking for sexual exploitation in UK, Dutch and Serbian media. It draws upon data from content analysis of online news reports and interviews with journalists and anti-trafficking professionals in order to further explore the framing of trafficking, its production and consequences. Through a combination of quantitative, qualitative and visual research methods, this book offers a comprehensive insight into the mediated representation o...
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Educational Research / 6th Global Edition
Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research
2020 || Paperback || John W. Creswell || Pearson
A practical, step-by-step core research text that balances coverage of qualitative, quantitative and combined methods
Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research offers a truly balanced, inclusive, and integrated overview of the processes involved in educational research. This text first examines the general steps in the research process and then details the procedures for conducting specific types of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed me...