Resultaten (38)
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Spies, secrets and lies
How yesterday's and today's censors compare
2015 || Paperback || Rachael Jolley || SAGE
Including an interview with Judy Blume, the author illustrates a short story from Turkey.
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Criminological Theory in Context
2015 || Paperback || John Martyn Chamberlain || SAGE
Presenting students with an easy-to-manage introduction to the area, this new text covers all theories that students will encounter on their course focussing on the context of the historical development of criminology as an academic discipline
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The Handbook of Pluralistic Counselling and Psychotherapy
2021 || Paperback || Mick Cooper e.a. || SAGE
'An excellent volume that will be of interest to all therapists (from trainee to more experienced practitioner) who have any curiosity about pluralistic therapy.' - Andy Pendle, Senior Lecturer in Counselling, Coaching and Mentoring, York St John University
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Person-centred and Experiential Therapies
Contemporary Approaches and Issues in Practice
2015 || Paperback || Paul Wilkins || SAGE
An essential new guide for any person-centred trainee or practitioner, this book offers a unique focus on how to practise the various contemporary person-centred therapies.
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Group dynamics, an introduction
2015 || Paperback || Jan Remmerswaal || Boom || met inkijkexemplaar
Group dynamics, which is the study of human behaviour in small groups, serves as a link between the two fields of psychology and sociology. The book, 'Group Dynamics: an introduction', provides the reader with a basic knowledge of the themes that pertain to this field and which have been developed over the past eighty years.
There are four main themes that group dynamics touches upon: group development, leadership, the functioning of groups and group context. Each group represents a unique an...
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Crisisbeheersing en veiligheidszorg Krachten rond de risico-regelreflex beschreven en geïllustreerd in 27 voorbeelden
2015 || Paperback || Ira Helsloot e.a. || Boom || met inkijkexemplaar
De risico-regelreflex is een term die sinds zijn introductie in 2010 steeds meer gebruikt wordt. Het verschijnsel wordt breed herkend onder bestuurders, volksvertegenwoordigers, ambtenaren, wetenschappers en journalisten, maar wordt op uiteenlopende manieren geduid. Deze publicatie geeft een uitgebreide definitie van de risico-regelreflex, die duidelijk maakt dat het gaat om de valkuil om na het bekend worden van een risico of naar aanleiding van een incident maatregelen te nemen die in wezen...
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Researching Social Life
2021 || Paperback || Nigel Gilbert e.a. || SAGE
Paul Stoneman and Nigel Gilbert breathe new energy into this classic bestselling textbook providing clear, relevant advice and extensive coverage of all the research methods you need to understand today's society.
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Responsive Leadership in Social Services
A Practical Approach for Optimizing Engagement and Performance
2015 || Paperback || Stephen de Groot || SAGE
Through practical and straightforward language, this book helps administrators master crucial tasks of relationship building, motivating and inspiring, sharing a common set of values and goals, focusing on employee strengths and creating a collaborative, supportive environment.
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Making the Most of Counselling & Psychotherapy Placements
2021 || Paperback || Michelle Oldale e.a. || SAGE
Packed full of practical hints and tips, advice, checklists and points for reflection, this practical guide will provide your students with everything they need to know to get the most out of their counselling and psychotherapy placements; from securing the right placement for them, to dealing with complex challenges that might arise during the placement.
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Youth Crime and Justice
2021 || Paperback || Barry Goldson e.a. || SAGE
This book sees leading national and international scholars provide a critical assessment of the relation between 'evidence' and contemporary youth justice policy formation, and it has been fully updated to recognize the major reforms of recent years in the youth justice policy environment.