
E.R. Muller (9)
B. Wessels (8)
Friedrich Paulsen (7)
» Toon alle opties (286)
Tim Gorter (7)
C.J.H. Jansen (6)
Jon Gordon (6)
Klaas van Dokkum (6)
R. Boeklagen (6)
Robert J. Marzano (6)
Ben van Cranenburgh (5)
Jos Olgers (5)
P. Cammeraat (5)
Philip Kotler (5)
Rini van Solingen (5)
S.E. Bartels (5)
Alexander Osterwalder (4)
Angela Talen (4)
Annemarije Kruis (4)
Arend Ardon (4)
Ben Baarda (4)
C.D.J. Bulten (4)
C.R. Rao (4)
Gregory J. Boyle (4)
Hans Vermaak (4)
Hermawan Kartajaya (4)
Iwan Setiawan (4)
Jitske Kramer (4)
Just Eekhof (4)
L.J.A. Pieterse (4)
Li Lefébure (4)
René Ter Beke (4)
Rob van Es (4)
Sjoerd Bruggink (4)
Tammy Heflebower (4)
Tobias Bonten (4)
W.J.M. van Veen (4)
Wouter ten Have (4)
A.M. Eliens (3)
Alina Wheeler (3)
André de Waal (3)
Birgit Snijder-Kuipers (3)
Björn Prevaas (3)
Brecht Daams (3)
C.H. Sieburgh (3)
C.J.M. Klaassen (3)
DK (3)
Danielle Braun (3)
Debra J. Pickering (3)
Eric de Haan (3)
Erik Schulte (3)
Gabriël Anthonio (3)
Gerben Meynen (3)
H.C. Theisens (3)
Ir. H.C. Theisens (3)
J.J. Reiziger (3)
J.L.R.A. Huydecoper (3)
J.W.B. Stark (3)
Jacqueline de Jong (3)
Jan Rijken (3)
Jan de Leeuw (3)
Jens Waschke (3)
Menno Lanting (3)
Michael Schünke (3)
N. van Tiggele-van der... (3)
N.S.G.J. Vermunt (3)
Nadja Louwerse (3)
Nick van Dam (3)
P. van Amelsvoort (3)
Ph.W. Schreurs (3)
R. Kohnstamm (3)
R.J.N. Schlössels (3)
René ter Beke (3)
S.E. Zijlstra (3)
Sanne Ramakers (3)
Sergio van der Pluijm (3)
Spencer Johnson (3)
Th. van Achterberg (3)
Udo Schumacher (3)
Wouter Hart (3)
Y. Borrius (3)
Yves Pigneur (3)
A. van der Schee (2)
A.D.L. Knook (2)
A.F.J.A. Leijten (2)
A.H. van den Baar (2)
A.M. Mennens (2)
A.R. Houweling (2)
Adrian Sargeant (2)
Alan Smith (2)
Albert Wolthuis (2)
Alla Podgaevskaja (2)
American Psychiatric A... (2)
André Wierdsma (2)
Anne-Bregje Huijsmans (2)
Annelieke Petrus (2)
Annette Capel (2)
Anoeska Nas (2)
Arnoud Engelfriet (2)
Aron K. Barbey (2)
B.A. Schuijling (2)
B.A. de Graaf (2)
B.F. Assink (2)
Barbara Hoogenboom (2)
Ben Schmand (2)
Ben Tiggelaar (2)
Bente Nyvad (2)
Bernard Marr (2)
Betteke van Ruler (2)
Bob Wessels (2)
Bob de Wit (2)
Brian Gibson (2)
Bronis Verhage (2)
C. Asser (2)
C. Assers (2)
C. van Loveren (2)
C.J.J.C. van Nispen (2)
C.M. Grundmann-van de ... (2)
C.M. Harmsen (2)
Chris Hazelebach (2)
Chris Mooij (2)
Christos Kassapoglou (2)
Conrad Lashley (2)
Cor Oostveen (2)
D. Busch (2)
D.J. Oranje (2)
D.J.J. Heslinga (2)
D.L. Rodrigues Lopes (2)
Damiaan Denys (2)
Dan J. Stein (2)
Daniel K. Clegg (2)
Daphne Wouts (2)
David Anderson (2)
David J. Griffiths (2)
David McCandless (2)
Dusan Djukich (2)
E.A.L. van Emden (2)
E.J.R. Verwey (2)
Eelco Bilstra (2)
Ella Wijsman (2)
Eric Mooijman (2)
Ervand Abrahamian (2)
F.C.M.A. Michiels (2)
Fer van den Boomen (2)
Francesc Miralles (2)
Frank H. Netter (2)
Frank Wouters (2)
Frans Faber (2)
G. van Solinge (2)
G.A.C. Aarts (2)
G.J.J.W. Bours (2)
Gabor L. Hornyak (2)
Gallup (2)
Georg Northoff (2)
Giovanni Maciocia (2)
Guy Brook-Hart (2)
Gwendolen Jull (2)
H.B. Krans (2)
H.H. Snijder (2)
H.M.G.M. Steenbergen (2)
H.W. Heyman (2)
Hanneke Wennink (2)
Hans Vedder (2)
Hans van Eekelen (2)
Hans van der Loo (2)
Harold Kerzner (2)
Harold McGee (2)
Harry Danes (2)
Harry van de Pol (2)
Henk Leenaers (2)
Hrishikesh D. Vinod (2)
Héctor García (2)
I.S. Wuisman (2)
Inez Kohlmann (2)
Inge van Kamp (2)
J. van Bekkum (2)
J.A.F. Peters (2)
J.B.M. Vranken (2)
J.B.S. Hijink (2)
J.D. Visser (2)
J.H. Wansink (2)
J.M. van Slooten (2)
J.S. Kortmann (2)
J.W. Welleman (2)
Jaap van 't Hek (2)
Jacques Pijl (2)
James H. Gilmore (2)
James Stewart (2)
Jan Hoogland (2)
Jan Jacob Stam (2)
Jan Tromp (2)
Jan Weel (2)
Janka Stoker (2)
Jean Pollefliet (2)
Jean-Pierre Thomassen (2)
Jeanette Bron (2)
Jen Shang (2)
Jeroen Schipper (2)
Jo Bos (2)
Joe Pulizzi (2)
Joel D. Ernst (2)
Joep Verbugt (2)
Johan Toonstra (2)
John M. Butler (2)
John P. Kotter (2)
John Slaght (2)
Jolie Derkx (2)
Jon Bergsma (2)
Jos Burgers (2)
Joseph Jankovic (2)
Judith Stuijt (2)
Karen van Barschot (2)
Karim Khan (2)
Kees Korrelboom (2)
Kees Kraaijeveld (2)
Ken Blanchard (2)
Kilian Bennebroek Grav... (2)
Koen van Dijk (2)
Koos Meinderts (2)
L.A.D. Keus (2)
L.G. Verburg (2)
Leanne Steeghs (2)
Leike van Oss (2)
Lia Voerman (2)
Lisa van Rossum (2)
Luc F. Greven (2)
Léon de Caluwé (2)
M. Heemskerk (2)
M. Holtzer (2)
M. van Olffen (2)
M.J.F. van der Wolf (2)
M.L.H. Reumers (2)
M.M.C. van de Moosdijk (2)
M.P. Nieuwe Weme (2)
Magda van der Rijst (2)
Margaret Ray (2)
Marilijn Boumeester (2)
Marisa R. Nucci (2)
Marissa Scherptong-Eng... (2)
Marjolein Visser (2)
Marlijn van Kempen (2)
Michael B. Gotway (2)
Michiel de Ronde (2)
Mijke Lambregtse-van d... (2)
Monique Bellersen (2)
Napoleon Hill (2)
Odette Moeskops (2)
Ole Fejerskov (2)
Oscar David (2)
Oscar van Leeuwen (2)
P.J.J. Zoontjens (2)
Patrick M. (Emeryville... (2)
Patrick Petersen (2)
Peter Brukner (2)
Peter Geelen (2)
Peter Klosse (2)
Piet Verhagen (2)
Pieter Dhaeze (2)
Pieter Walstra (2)
R. Göbel (2)
Redactie (2)
Richard Oude Voshaar (2)
Rob Westerdijk (2)
Rob van den Brink (2)
Robert Novack (2)
Roel Otten (2)
Roel Riepma (2)
Rudy Kor (2)
Russell Hibbeler (2)
S. Renssen (2)
Saleem Watson (2)
Samantha Renssen (2)
Sasja Dirkse (2)
Sasja Dirkse-Hulscher (2)
Siets Bakker (2)
Simon Sinek (2)
Sjoerd Segijn (2)
Stefani Buijsman (2)
Stephen C. Lazarus (2)
Stephen Covey (2)
Sydney Brouwer (2)
T. Cohen Jehoram (2)
Teun van Aken (2)
Theo de Groot (2)
Theo van der Tak (2)
Tim Clark (2)
Tom M. Berkhout (2)
W. Chan Kim (2)
William R. Miller (2)
Yaakov Stern (2)
Wolters Kluwer Nederla... (529)
Elsevier (196)
Boom (102)
» Toon alle opties (156)
Taylor & Francis (100)
John Wiley and Sons Lt... (93)
Bohn Stafleu van Loghu... (75)
Noordhoff (68)
Vakmedianet (57)
Macmillan (44)
Business Contact (31)
Pearson (31)
Springer (28)
Cambridge University P... (26)
Cengage Learning (26)
Prelum Uitgevers (21)
Mediawerf (20)
Oxford University Pres... (19)
SAGE (18)
Boom uitgevers Den Haa... (16)
Amsterdam University P... (15)
Expertboek (15)
McGraw-Hill (13)
Boom juridisch (12)
John Wiley & Sons Inc (11)
KNNV Uitgeverij (11)
S2 Uitgevers (11)
Bazalt Educatieve Uitg... (10)
MIT Press (10)
Pumbo.nl B.V. (9)
SWP (9)
Bouwen met Staal (8)
Dokmar Maritime Publis... (8)
Eleven international p... (8)
Harvard Business Revie... (8)
Lannoo (8)
Maklu, Uitgever (8)
Scriptum (8)
Tijdstroom, Uitgeverij... (8)
Bloomsbury Publishing (7)
Clavis Uitgeverij (7)
HarperCollins (7)
Sdu (7)
TEC CAD College B.V., ... (7)
Atlas Contact (6)
BSL Media & Learning (6)
Bazalt Groep Educatiev... (6)
Coutinho (6)
Edufocus (6)
Kloosterhof Neer BV (6)
LSSA B.V. (6)
Lemniscaat (6)
Pearson Benelux B.V. (6)
Van Dale (6)
Van Duuren Media (6)
nai010 uitgevers publi... (6)
Koninklijke Van Gorcum (5)
Leuven University Pres... (5)
Penguin (5)
Uitgeverij Het Noorder... (5)
VBK Media (5)
Wolters Kluwer Health (5)
Yale University Press (5)
Arko Sports Media BV (4)
Brave New Books (4)
Convoy Uitgevers BV (4)
Eburon (4)
Edu'Actief (4)
Garnet Publishing Ltd (4)
Harvard University Pre... (4)
Instondo (4)
Intertaal (4)
Kosmos Uitgevers (4)
Lannoo Campus (4)
MK Publishing (4)
OvW training (4)
Pegasus, Stichting Uit... (4)
Prometheus (4)
Querido (4)
Reality Bites Publishi... (4)
Stichting Instituut vo... (4)
Uitgeverij Damon VOF (4)
Uitgeverij Thema (4)
Van Ditmar Boeken B.V. (4)
Vrije Uitgevers, De (4)
Acco (3)
Apple Academic Press I... (3)
Bertram + de Leeuw Uit... (3)
Concept uitgeefgroep (3)
Corwin UK (3)
Expertisecentrum Neder... (3)
Guilford Publications (3)
KokBoekencentrum Non-F... (3)
Lanasta (3)
Management Impact (3)
Plantyn NV (3)
Princeton University P... (3)
Royal Society of Chemi... (3)
SPRYG Real Estate Acad... (3)
ST-Groep (3)
Spectrum (3)
Union Square & Co. (3)
Veltman Distributie Im... (3)
Wageningen Academic Pu... (3)
AClassBooks (2)
Academia Press / Lanno... (2)
Acco uitgeverij (2)
Aeneas (2)
Allen Lane (2)
Becht (2)
Bezige Bij b.v., Uitge... (2)
BigBusinessPublishers (2)
Birkhauser Boston Inc (2)
Boekerij (2)
Cornelsen Verlag (2)
De Argumentenfabriek (2)
De Groot Goudriaan (2)
Documentatiecentrum (2)
Duden (2)
Duuren Media, Van (2)
Educatieve Uitgeverij ... (2)
Edward Elgar Publishin... (2)
Hachette (2)
Harvard Business Schoo... (2)
Heart Media (2)
Het Boekenschap (2)
Hodder & Stoughton (2)
Hollandia (2)
Hoogland & Van Klavere... (2)
Human Kinetics Publish... (2)
ICTRecht (2)
Industrial Press (2)
Invictus Publishing (2)
J.M. Meulenhoff (2)
Jap Sam Books (2)
Jones and Bartlett Pub... (2)
Kolisko (2)
Kwintessens (2)
Le Robert (2)
Leiden University Pres... (2)
Leopold (2)
Nieuw Amsterdam (2)
Owl Press (2)
Rebo Productions (2)
Scriptum Books (2)
Simon & Schuster (2)
Springer International... (2)
Springer US (2)
Stichting Wijn Onderwi... (2)
Sydney Brouwer (2)
Thames & Hudson Ltd (2)
The University of Chic... (2)
Thieme Publishing Grou... (2)
ThiemeMeulenhoff bv (2)
Uitgeverij Noordboek (2)
Uitgeverij Paris B.V. (2)
Uitgeverij Pica (2)
Undesigning, Uitgeveri... (2)
Vanbinnenuit (2)
WW Norton & Co (2)
Ondernemingsrecht (231)
Management algemeen (186)
Privaatrecht en mediat... (150)
» Toon alle opties (135)
Geneeskunde algemeen (110)
Economie en bedrijf al... (90)
Staats- en bestuursrec... (66)
Psychologie algemeen (60)
Technische wetenschapp... (59)
Arbeids- en sociale ze... (42)
Strafrecht en procesre... (37)
Recht algemeen (33)
Onderwijs en opvoeding (26)
Exacte wetenschappen n... (25)
Marketing (25)
Non-fictie informatief... (23)
Psychiatrie (22)
Educatieve uitgaven al... (21)
Specialistische genees... (19)
Fiscaal recht (18)
Verpleegkunde en zieke... (17)
Bedrijfskunde algemeen (16)
Geschiedenis algemeen (15)
Medische handboeken (p... (15)
Personeel en organisat... (15)
Psychotherapie en ande... (15)
Informatica algemeen (14)
Wiskunde algemeen (14)
Accountancy en adminis... (13)
Algemene sociale weten... (13)
Fysiotherapie (13)
Leidinggeven, coachen (13)
Filosofie algemeen (12)
Literaire fictie algem... (12)
Tandheelkunde (11)
Bouwkunst, architectuu... (10)
Internationaal (publie... (10)
Communicatiekunde alge... (9)
Gezondheid algemeen (9)
Scheikunde algemeen (9)
Taal Hoger Onderwijs (9)
Basisschool (8)
Biologie algemeen (8)
Didactiek (8)
Literaire non-fictie a... (8)
Mens en maatschappij a... (8)
Politicologie (8)
Woordenboeken (8)
Bedrijfseconomie (7)
Economie, recht en bed... (7)
Geld- bank- krediet- e... (7)
Geografische atlassen (7)
Gezondheidsvakken, lic... (7)
Grammatica, lexicograf... (7)
Mens en maatschappij H... (7)
Theologie algemeen (7)
Algemene economie (6)
Pedagogiek (6)
Taalkunde (6)
Technische en nautisch... (6)
Bijbelse handboeken (5)
Educatieve uitgaven al... (5)
Eten en drinken algeme... (5)
Fictie 10-12 jaar (5)
Kunstzinnige vorming a... (5)
Naslagwerken, woordenb... (5)
Natuurkunde algemeen (5)
Programmeertalen (5)
Technische en nautisch... (5)
Technische en nautisch... (5)
Bouwkunde (4)
Computertechniek (4)
Landbouw en natuurlijk... (4)
Naslagwerken algemeen (4)
Natuur populair algeme... (4)
Orthopedagogiek (4)
Softwarepakketten (boe... (4)
Taal en cultuur algeme... (4)
Taalonderwijskunde (4)
Vormgeving en design (4)
Anatomie en fysiologie (3)
Beroepenvoorlichting (3)
Bijbels (3)
Biochemie (3)
Buitenlandse talen, le... (3)
Cultuur- en mentalitei... (3)
Economie, recht en bed... (3)
Engelse taal, letterku... (3)
Farmacie;farmacotherap... (3)
Fictie kinder- en jeug... (3)
Geschiedenis van de fi... (3)
Klinische psychologie (3)
Kunst algemeen (3)
Kunstmatige intelligen... (3)
Landinrichting (3)
Leidinggeven, coachen|... (3)
Literaire roman, novel... (3)
Milieugeografie (3)
Moderne geschiedenis (... (3)
Non-boeken algemeen (3)
Paramedisch algemeen (3)
Rijmpjes, versjes, lie... (3)
Statistiek en methodol... (3)
Talen algemeen (3)
123 (2)
Assisterende beroepen ... (2)
Basis kookboeken (2)
Bestuurs- en beleidsku... (2)
Cadeauboeken algemeen (2)
Cel- en moleculaire bi... (2)
Cultuur- en mentalitei... (2)
Economie, recht en bed... (2)
Elektrotechniek (2)
Foto, film, video en g... (2)
Geestelijke gezondheid... (2)
Geschiedenis (<12 jaar... (2)
Kaakchirurgie en mondz... (2)
Kunstgeschiedenis (2)
Lichamelijke opvoeding... (2)
Luchtvaart (2)
Management algemeen|Be... (2)
Management algemeen|Me... (2)
Maritiem (2)
Medische handboeken (p... (2)
Mode (2)
Onderwijsvormen en sch... (2)
Psychologie algemeen|E... (2)
Psychologie algemeen|M... (2)
Sociale geografie alge... (2)
Softwarepakketten (boe... (2)
Softwarepakketten (boe... (2)
Softwarepakketten (boe... (2)
Sportgeneeskunde (2)
Strips algemeen (2)
Vertaalde literaire ro... (2)
Watersporten (2)
Welzijnswerk (2)
Wiskundige economie (2)
Zwangerschap en opvoed... (2)
2023 (255)
2024 (243)
2020 (216)
» Toon alle opties (28)
Nederlands (1454)
Engels (839)
Duits (19)
» Toon alle opties (2)
Commerciële Economie (15)
Human Resource Managem... (15)
PABO (15)
» Toon alle opties (131)
Bedrijfskunde (14)
Geneeskunde (14)
International Business (13)
Technische Bedrijfskun... (13)
Finance & Control (11)
Ondernemerschap & Reta... (11)
Social Work (11)
Master Begeleidingskun... (10)
Mondzorgkunde (9)
Built Environment (8)
Fysiotherapeut (8)
Mens en Techniek (8)
Verpleegkunde (8)
Automotive (7)
Communication and Mult... (7)
Creative Media and Gam... (7)
Facility Management (7)
International Hotel & ... (7)
Logistics Management (7)
Theologie (7)
Toegepaste Psychologie (7)
Werktuigbouwkunde (7)
Accountancy (6)
Communicatie (6)
Elektrotechniek (6)
Engels (6)
Finance, Tax and Advic... (6)
Godsdienst & Levensbes... (6)
Haptonomisch Counselor (6)
Haptotherapeut (6)
Tandprothetiek (6)
Verloskunde (6)
Voeding en Dietetiek (6)
Ad Pastoraal Werk (5)
Bachelor Vertalen Duit... (5)
Bachelor Vertalen Enge... (5)
Bachelor Vertalen Fran... (5)
Bouwkunde (5)
Business IT & Manageme... (5)
Fysiotherapie (5)
Hotel Management (5)
International Business... (5)
International Business... (5)
Orthoptie (5)
Technische Natuurkunde (5)
Ad Voedingsmiddelentec... (4)
Bachelor Vertalen Russ... (4)
Bos- en Natuurbeheer (4)
Gezondheidszorgtechnol... (4)
Huidtherapie (4)
Integraal Bouwmanageme... (4)
Integrale Veiligheidsk... (4)
International Business... (4)
International Public P... (4)
Maritiem Officier (4)
Mechatronica (4)
Optometrie (4)
Pastoraal Werk (4)
Software (4)
Ad Accountancy (3)
Ad Engineering (3)
Ad Integraal BouwManag... (3)
Ad Ondernemen (3)
Ad Sales & Accountmana... (3)
Ad Tuin- en Landschaps... (3)
Biologie, voeding & ge... (3)
Chemie (3)
Civiele Techniek (3)
Creative Business (3)
Ergotherapie (3)
Food Technology (3)
GL Bachelor DTO (3)
HBO - Rechten (3)
Industrial Engineering... (3)
Industrieel Product On... (3)
Informatica (3)
International & Europe... (3)
Learning and Developme... (3)
Leraar Nederlandse Geb... (3)
Logopedie (3)
Management in de Zorg (3)
Master Consultancy and... (3)
Master in Internationa... (3)
Pedagogiek (3)
Sportmarketing (3)
Toegepaste Biologie (3)
Tourism Management (3)
Tuin- en Landschapsinr... (3)
Aarde en Klimaat (2)
Aardrijkskunde (2)
Ad Commerciële Econom... (2)
Ad Diermanagement (2)
Ad Ondernemerschap & R... (2)
Ad Online Contentcreat... (2)
Basisopleiding Taxateu... (2)
Bedrijfsmanagement MKB... (2)
Bestuurskunde/Overheid... (2)
Biologie (2)
Biologie en Medisch La... (2)
Chemische Technologie (2)
Electrical Engineering (2)
Engineering (2)
Farmakunde (2)
Fashion & Textile Tech... (2)
Forensisch Laboratoriu... (2)
Global Marketing en Sa... (2)
HALO (2)
Innovatieve Plantentee... (2)
Interior Design & Styl... (2)
International Agribusi... (2)
International Financia... (2)
Leraar Duits (2)
Managing New Retail (2)
Marketing of Social Bu... (2)
Milieukunde (2)
Ondernemen (2)
Podotherapie (2)
Praktijkleer en Vakbek... (2)
Ruimtelijke Ontwikkeli... (2)
Ruimtelijke Ontwikkeli... (2)
Safety and Security Ma... (2)
Sales & Accountmanagem... (2)
SportMarketing en Mana... (2)
Teacher Education in G... (2)
Toegepaste Wiskunde (2)
Tolk Nederlandse Gebar... (2)
Vaktherapie (2)
Vastgoed en Makelaardi... (2)
Vastgoedkunde (2)
Wiskunde (2)

Studieboeken (2367)

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Shooting Incident Reconstruction

2023 || Hardcover || Michael G. Haag e.a. || Elsevier

Shooting Incident Reconstruction, Third Edition, offers a thorough explanation of matters from simple to complex to help the reader understand the factors surrounding ballistics, trajectory, and shooting scenes.

Forensic scientists, law enforcement, and crime scene investigators are often tasked with reconstruction of events based on crime scene evidence, along with the subsequent analysis of that evidence. The use and misuse of firearms to perpetrate crimes from theft to murder necessitates ...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Basic Pharmacokinetics / 3rd edition

2023 || Hardcover || Mohsen A. Hedaya || Taylor & Francis

This book introduces basic pharmacokinetic concepts to beginner learners to help them understand the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of drugs. After a basic introduction to pharmacokinetics and its related fields, the book clearly introduces readers to quantitative pharmacokinetic relations and the interplay between pharmacokinetic parameters. Emphasizing the application and importance of pharmacokinetic concepts in clinical practice throughout, the book features: - A clea...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

How Children Develop

2019 || Hardcover || Robert Siegler e.a. || Macmillan

The topically organized textbook teachers and researchers trust.

How Children Develop has established itself as the topically organized textbook teachers and researchers trust for the most up-to-date perspectives on child and adolescent development. The authors introduce core concepts and impactful discoveries with an unparalleled integration of theory, cultural research, and applications, all in a style that is authoritative yet immediately understandable and relevant to students.

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Industrial/Organizational Psychology

Understanding the Workplace

2019 || Hardcover || Paul Levy || Macmillan

Written by a leading researcher in one of the nation’s top I/O (Industrial/Organizational) programs, Paul Levy’s text has long been acclaimed for its concise, research-based approach and personable writing.Known for its ability to balance depth and quality this text stresses analytical reasoning whilst remaining accessible for students. Throughout this book students have ample opportunities to explore what’s happening in I/O psychology today. Relevant examples based on current events an...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Gardner's Art Through the Ages / 16th edition

A Global History

2019 || Hardcover || Fred Kleiner || Cengage Learning

Experience the wonders of human creativity in GARDNER'S ART THROUGH THE AGES: A GLOBAL HISTORY, 16th Edition! A grand tour of the world's most celebrated works from the Stone Age to the modern era, this introductory text has been a classroom favorite for 85 years. Every chapter includes rich and compelling discussions of pivotal art works, periods and geographies in art history, as well as new artists and art forms. Of course, the bold illustrations on the pages look almost as good as the rea...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

The Use of Force and International Law

2023 || Hardcover || Christian Henderson || Cambridge University Press

Newly revised, this textbook provides an authoritative conceptual and practical overview of international law governing the resort to force. Following an introductory chapter, with a section on the key issues in identifying the law and actual and potential changes to it, the book addresses the breadth and scope of the prohibition of the threat or use of force and the meaning of 'force' as the focus of this. The book proceeds to address the use of force through the United Nations and regional ...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Artificial Intelligence for Games / 3rd Edition

2019 || Hardcover || Ian Millington || Taylor & Francis

AI is an integral part of every video game. This book helps propfessionals keep up with the constantly evolving technological advances in the fast growing game industry and equips students with up-to-date infortmation they need to jumpstart their careers. This revised and updated Third Edition includes new techniques, algorithms, data structures and representations needed to create powerful AI in games.

The companion website includes downloadable and executable source code that will be regula...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

My Gothic Heart

2023 || Hardcover || Charlie Castelletti || Veltman Distributie Import Books

A beautiful gift anthology that celebrates gothic prose and poetry in all its wild and captivating glory.

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Methods in Molecular Biophysics

Structure, Dynamics, Function for Biology and Medicine

2017 || Hardcover || Nathan R. Zaccai e.a. || Cambridge University Press

Current techniques for studying biological macromolecules and their interactions are based on the application of physical methods, ranging from classical thermodynamics to more recently developed techniques for the detection and manipulation of single molecules. Reflecting the advances made in biophysics research over the past decade, and now including a new section on medical imaging, this new edition describes the physical methods used in modern biology. All key techniques are covered, incl...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Test Theory : A Unified Treatment

1999 || Hardcover || Roderick P. McDonald || Taylor & Francis

This book introduces the reader to the main quantitative concepts, methods, and computational techniques needed for the development, evaluation, and application of tests in the behavioral/social sciences, including educational tests. Two empirical examples are carried throughout to illustrate alternative methods. Other data sets are used for special illustrations.

Self-contained programs for confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis are available on the Web. Intended for students of psycho...