
Bart de Best (6)
Nelleke Koot (6)
Eric Tiggeler (5)
» Toon alle opties (149)
Philip Kotler (5)
Roy Sahupala (5)
Asaf Gafni (4)
H.C. Theisens (4)
H.M.M. Krom (4)
Ir. H.C. Theisens (4)
Jaap de Waard (4)
John Bakker (4)
Paul Krugman (4)
Robin Wells (4)
Romée Snijders (4)
Veerle Smit (4)
Anja Valk (3)
Anton Horeweg (3)
B. Wessels (3)
Christopher Essex (3)
Corporatie (3)
Douglas Landoll (3)
Felicity O'Dell (3)
Fouke Jansen (3)
Gert Biesta (3)
Gert Walhof (3)
Hans van der Loo (3)
Jakop Rigter (3)
M.A. van Wijngaarden (3)
M.A.B. Chao-Duivis (3)
Martijn Baalman (3)
Michael McCarthy (3)
Pieternel Dijkstra (3)
Stefanie Dengler (3)
Stephen Robbins (3)
Vita Olijhoek (3)
Wim Broerse (3)
Wim Schauten (3)
Wim de Groot (3)
A. H. L. G. Bone (2)
A.C.M. Suijkerbuijk (2)
Abbas Al-Tonsi (2)
Ad Marijs (2)
Age Romkes (2)
Alex Bakker (2)
Andrew Heywood (2)
Anje Ros (2)
Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing (2)
Anne Buscha (2)
Anne Kaldewaij (2)
Annemarie Becker (2)
B. Baarda (2)
Barbara C. Martin (2)
Birgit Braun (2)
Brenda Mattison (2)
Bruce Bursten (2)
Bryan Kolb (2)
C.L. Hoogewerf (2)
Catherine Murphy (2)
D.J.J. Heslinga (2)
Daron Acemoglu (2)
David Laibson (2)
David R. Croteau (2)
David S. Moore (2)
Derk Jan Heslinga (2)
Donna J. Duell (2)
Eddy Vaassen (2)
Eline Janssen (2)
Elke Struyf (2)
Ernst Wolff (2)
Eveline Wouters (2)
G.H. Mellema (2)
Gary Armstrong (2)
H. Koenders (2)
H. LeMay (2)
Heather Elko McKibben (2)
Heleen Wadman (2)
Helen Schmitz (2)
Herbert Wittel (2)
Herman Blom (2)
I. Timmer (2)
Intertaal (2)
Isabella Brouwer (2)
Iwona Dubicka (2)
J. van Drongelen (2)
Jaap Grasmeijer (2)
Jan Verhaar (2)
Jan Wijnand Hoek (2)
Janna Bruijning (2)
Jean Pierre Wilken (2)
Joep Brinkman (2)
John Hattie (2)
John List (2)
Joriene Beks (2)
Joseph Jankovic (2)
Julie Starr (2)
Karen A. Mingst (2)
Kathrin Schweiger (2)
Kristen Brustad (2)
Lida Nijgh (2)
Linda van den Bergh (2)
M. Hadders-Algra (2)
M.J.A. van Mourik (2)
Maarten van der Meulen (2)
Mahmoud Al-Batal (2)
Margaret O'Keeffe (2)
Margreet Verboog (2)
Mariël Koopmans (2)
Mark Julsing (2)
Michael J. Sandel (2)
Mirjam Pol (2)
Nicole Schäfer (2)
P. Somers (2)
P.J. Diehl (2)
Paul Deitel (2)
Paul Hensels (2)
Paul Rusch (2)
Pedro De Bruyckere (2)
Peter Debets (2)
Peter Norvig (2)
Peter Thuis (2)
Pieter Dhaeze (2)
R. Veenhoven (2)
Remke van Staveren (2)
René Diekstra (2)
Rob Erven (2)
Robert Adams (2)
Rochelle Lieber (2)
Roel Grit (2)
Roel van Goor (2)
Roger Meuwissen (2)
Ronit Bird (2)
S. Greving (2)
S.H. de Groot (2)
Sandra F. Smith (2)
Sandra van Thiel (2)
Scott Smart (2)
Stefan van Wonderen (2)
Szilvia Szita (2)
T.A. Marra (2)
Tanja Mayr-Sieber (2)
Theodore Brown (2)
Tilly van Oosten (2)
Tim Gorter (2)
Toby Witte (2)
Tom Meerman (2)
Tom van Wel (2)
Tracie Miller-Nobles (2)
Ulrike Moritz (2)
Ulrike Trebesius-Bensc... (2)
Wilmie Colbers (2)
Wim Hulleman (2)
Yvonne van Zaalen (2)
Nederlands (962)
Engels (511)
Duits (19)
» Toon alle opties (2)
Paperback (1307)
Hardcover (192)
Postcard book or pack (4)
» Toon alle opties (2)
Management algemeen (107)
Onderwijs en opvoeding (83)
Economie en bedrijf al... (76)
» Toon alle opties (112)
Psychologie algemeen (41)
Geneeskunde algemeen (40)
Educatieve uitgaven al... (35)
Privaatrecht en mediat... (34)
Ondernemingsrecht (28)
Personeel en organisat... (25)
Algemene sociale weten... (24)
Recht algemeen (23)
Staats- en bestuursrec... (23)
Accountancy en adminis... (22)
Fiscaal recht (22)
Marketing (21)
Filosofie algemeen (19)
Geschiedenis algemeen (18)
Gezondheidsvakken, lic... (17)
Leidinggeven, coachen (16)
Mens en maatschappij a... (16)
Pedagogiek (16)
Algemene economie (15)
Didactiek (15)
Mens en maatschappij H... (15)
Taalkunde (15)
Bedrijfskunde algemeen (14)
Taal en cultuur algeme... (14)
Verpleegkunde en zieke... (14)
Specialistische genees... (13)
Technische wetenschapp... (13)
Biologie algemeen (12)
Politicologie (12)
Wiskunde algemeen (12)
Arbeids- en sociale ze... (11)
Naslagwerken algemeen (11)
Non-fictie informatief... (11)
Psychotherapie en ande... (11)
Softwarepakketten (boe... (11)
Technische en nautisch... (11)
(Instrumentele) vaardi... (10)
Economie, recht en bed... (10)
Exacte wetenschappen n... (10)
Foto, film, video en g... (10)
Informatica algemeen (10)
Taal BVE-sector (MBO +... (10)
Talen algemeen (10)
Grammatica, lexicograf... (9)
Literaire non-fictie a... (9)
Exacte vakken en infor... (8)
Onderwijskunde (8)
Psychiatrie (8)
Statistiek en methodol... (8)
Strafrecht en procesre... (8)
Taal Hoger Onderwijs (8)
Bouwkunst, architectuu... (7)
Communicatiekunde alge... (7)
Duitse taal, letterkun... (7)
Non-boeken algemeen (7)
Cel- en moleculaire bi... (6)
Literaire roman, novel... (6)
Programmeertalen (6)
Scheikunde algemeen (6)
Welzijnswerk (6)
Fictie kinder- en jeug... (5)
Geld- bank- krediet- e... (5)
Literaire fictie algem... (5)
Technische en nautisch... (5)
Theologie algemeen (5)
Bedrijfseconomie (4)
Bouwkunde (4)
Gezondheidswetenschapp... (4)
Internationaal (publie... (4)
Journalistiek (4)
Literatuurwetenschap (4)
Logopedie (4)
Paramedisch algemeen (4)
Geloofsopbouw (3)
Gezondheidsvakken, lic... (3)
Laboratoriumtechniek (3)
Medische handboeken (p... (3)
Natuur populair algeme... (3)
Onderwijskunde|Didacti... (3)
Orthopedagogiek (3)
Populaire fiction alge... (3)
Sociaal ruimtelijke we... (3)
Assisterende beroepen ... (2)
Basisschool (2)
Beleggen (2)
Biochemie (2)
Datacommunicatie en ne... (2)
Economie, recht en bed... (2)
Elektrotechniek (2)
Exacte vakken en infor... (2)
Exacte vakken en infor... (2)
Fantasy (2)
Farmacie;farmacotherap... (2)
Geestelijke gezondheid... (2)
Geografische atlassen (2)
Geschiedenis van de fi... (2)
Gezondheid algemeen (2)
Gezondheidsvakken, lic... (2)
Informatica & manageme... (2)
Interculturele communi... (2)
Jeugd (2)
Klinische psychologie (2)
Management algemeen|Be... (2)
Mens en maatschappij H... (2)
Moderne geschiedenis (... (2)
Natuurkunde algemeen (2)
Nieuwe geschiedenis (1... (2)
Productie, inkoop, log... (2)
Psychologische testen ... (2)
Sociale geografie alge... (2)
Toegepaste webdesign|I... (2)
Vormgeving en design (2)
Boom (165)
Wolters Kluwer Nederla... (114)
Pearson (86)
» Toon alle opties (104)
Noordhoff (80)
SAGE (75)
Taylor & Francis (51)
Coutinho (49)
Elsevier (46)
Bohn Stafleu van Loghu... (37)
Pearson Benelux B.V. (32)
Business Contact (31)
John Wiley and Sons Lt... (26)
Macmillan (25)
Van Duuren Media (25)
Vakmedianet (24)
Boom uitgevers Den Haa... (22)
Uitgeverij Pica (22)
Oxford University Pres... (20)
Koninklijke Van Gorcum (19)
Lannoo (18)
Acco (16)
S2 Uitgevers (16)
SWP (15)
ThiemeMeulenhoff bv (15)
Leuven University Pres... (14)
Expertboek (12)
McGraw-Hill (12)
Cambridge University P... (10)
Klett Sprachen (9)
Amsterdam University P... (8)
LSSA B.V. (8)
Uitgeverij Paris B.V. (8)
Balans (7)
Penguin (7)
Bloomsbury Publishing (6)
Cengage Learning (6)
Kogan Page Ltd (6)
Boom Beroepsonderwijs (5)
Cantal Uitgeverij (5)
Concept uitgeefgroep (5)
ExpertCollege (5)
Mediawerf (5)
Syntax Media (5)
dbmetrics (5)
BIS Publishers (4)
Compendium Geneeskunde (4)
Convoy Uitgevers BV (4)
Educatieve Uitgeversgr... (4)
HarperCollins (4)
Heart Media (4)
Human Kinetics Publish... (4)
Princeton University P... (4)
Prometheus (4)
Van Dale (4)
WW Norton & Co (4)
Atlas Contact (3)
Buijten en Schipperhei... (3)
Intertaal (3)
KokBoekencentrum Non-F... (3)
O'Reilly (3)
Phronese, Uitgeverij (3)
Politeia (3)
Pumbo.nl B.V. (3)
Uitgeverij Thema (3)
Universitaire Pers Leu... (3)
VAPRO B.V. (3)
VU University Press (3)
Van Haren Publishing (3)
WJAC (3)
Wolters Kluwer Health (3)
nai010 uitgevers publi... (3)
2010 Uitgevers (2)
APress (2)
Ars Aequi Libri (2)
Berghauser Pont Publis... (2)
Bijleveld, Uitgeverij (2)
CED Groep (2)
Cornelsen Verlag (2)
De Arbeiderspers (2)
De Correspondent (2)
Dokmar Maritime Publis... (2)
Duuren Media, Van (2)
Eburon (2)
Edufocus (2)
Expertise Vastgoed (2)
Georgetown University ... (2)
Hachette (2)
Hueber Verlag (2)
Instondo (2)
John Wiley (2)
Jones and Bartlett Pub... (2)
KNNV Uitgeverij (2)
Kosmos Uitgevers (2)
LENS Verkeersleermidde... (2)
Management Impact (2)
Nijgh & Van Ditmar (2)
Pelckmans (2)
Point (2)
Random House (2)
Schubert-Verlag (2)
Singel Uitgeverijen (2)
Ten Brink Uitgevers (2)
Vrije Uitgevers, De (2)
Wageningen Academic Pu... (2)
Walburg Pers (2)
WebEdu B.V. (2)
pica onderwijsmanageme... (2)
Social Work (24)
Verpleegkunde (24)
PABO (22)
» Toon alle opties (165)
Technische Bedrijfskun... (21)
Commerciële Economie (20)
Finance & Control (20)
International Business (19)
Bedrijfskunde (18)
Human Resource Managem... (17)
Bouwkunde (16)
Accountancy (15)
Integrale Veiligheidsk... (15)
Facility Management (13)
Ad Pedagogisch Educati... (12)
Communicatie (12)
HBO-ICT (12)
Ondernemerschap & Reta... (12)
Mechatronica (11)
Pedagogisch Educatief ... (11)
Werktuigbouwkunde (11)
Ad Engineering (10)
Biologie en Medisch La... (10)
Built Environment (10)
Geneeskunde (10)
Leraar Gezondheidszorg... (10)
Medische Hulpverlening (10)
Journalistiek (9)
Logopedie (9)
Bestuurskunde/Overheid... (8)
Business IT & Manageme... (8)
Chemische Technologie (8)
Creative Business (8)
HBO - Rechten (8)
Hotel Management (8)
Logistics Management (8)
Vastgoed en Makelaardi... (8)
Mondzorgkunde (7)
Sociaal-Juridische Die... (7)
Automotive (6)
Elektrotechniek (6)
Engels (6)
European Studies (6)
Fysiotherapie (6)
Leraar Spaans (6)
Mens en Techniek (6)
Pedagogiek (6)
Technische Informatica (6)
Toegepaste Psychologie (6)
Tourism Management (6)
Ad Accountancy (5)
Communication and Mult... (5)
Engineering (5)
European Food Business (5)
Finance, Tax and Advic... (5)
Geschiedenis (5)
HBO-rechten (5)
ICT Service Management (5)
International Business... (5)
International Business... (5)
International Business... (5)
International Event Ma... (5)
International Hotel & ... (5)
Leraar Duits (5)
Leraar Frans (5)
Leraar Nederlands (5)
Leraar Techniek (5)
Optometrie (5)
Theologie (5)
Vastgoedkunde (5)
Aardrijkskunde (4)
Ad ICT Service Managem... (4)
Applied Science (4)
Bedrijfsmanagement MKB... (4)
Biobased Chemie (4)
Biobased Chemische Tec... (4)
Biologie, voeding & ge... (4)
Ergotherapie (4)
Huidtherapie (4)
Integraal Bouwmanageme... (4)
Learning and Developme... (4)
Leraar Basisonderwijs (4)
Leraar Engels (4)
Leraar Nederlandse Geb... (4)
Logistics Engineering (4)
Maatschappijleer (4)
Management in de Zorg (4)
Safety and Security Ma... (4)
Vertaalacademie (4)
Ad Facility Management (3)
Ad Schrijftolk (3)
Ad Social Work (3)
Algemene Economie (3)
Chemie (3)
Farmakunde (3)
Fysiotherapeut (3)
HBO-rechten Kandidaat-... (3)
Industrieel Product On... (3)
Informatica (3)
Leraar Aardrijkskunde (3)
Leraar Biologie (3)
Leraar Geschiedenis (3)
Leraar Natuurkunde (3)
Leraar Omgangskunde (3)
Leraar Scheikunde (3)
Leraar Wiskunde (3)
Lichamelijke Opvoeding (3)
Logistiek Management (3)
Marketing of Social Bu... (3)
Master Leren en Innove... (3)
Medisch Beeldvormende ... (3)
Natuurkunde (3)
Orthoptie (3)
Procesontwikkeling en ... (3)
Ruimtelijke Ontwikkeli... (3)
Ruimtelijke Ontwikkeli... (3)
Sportcommunicatie (3)
Technische Natuurkunde (3)
Tolk Nederlandse Gebar... (3)
Vaktherapie (3)
Ad Diermanagement (2)
Ad Finance & Control (2)
Ad ICT (2)
Ad Integraal BouwManag... (2)
Ad Internet of Things (2)
Ad Logistiek Managemen... (2)
Ad Maintenance & Mecha... (2)
Ad Pastoraal Werk (2)
Ad Sales & Accountmana... (2)
Ad Sociaal Financiële... (2)
Ad Sociaal Werk in de ... (2)
Ad Software Developmen... (2)
Animals, Society and B... (2)
Bachelor Vertalen Duit... (2)
Basistheorie Vastgoedd... (2)
Biomedisch Onderzoek (2)
Civiele Techniek (2)
Commercieel Management (2)
Duits (2)
E-commerce & Entrepren... (2)
Economie (2)
Elektrotechniek en Tec... (2)
Equine, Sports and Bus... (2)
Evenementen & Hotelman... (2)
Forensisch Laboratoriu... (2)
Gezondheidszorg Techno... (2)
Gezondheidszorgtechnol... (2)
Godsdienst & Levensbes... (2)
International & Europe... (2)
International Business... (2)
International Financia... (2)
International Public P... (2)
International Tourism ... (2)
Internationale Communi... (2)
Internet of Things (2)
Life Sciences (2)
Maintenance & Mechanic... (2)
Managing New Retail (2)
Master in Internationa... (2)
Nederlands (2)
Pastoraal Werk (2)
Sales & Accountmanagem... (2)
Sociaal Financiële Di... (2)
Sociaal Werk in de Zor... (2)
Sportmarketing (2)
Tandprothetiek (2)
Teacher Education in S... (2)
Toegepaste Biologie (2)
Watermanagement (2)

Studieboeken (1525)

Levertijd: 9 werkdagen

Principles of Managerial Finance / 16th Global Edition

2021 || Paperback || Chad J. Zutter e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook

For introductory courses in managerial finance. Using financial concepts to solve real-world problems with a proven teaching and learning framework The Teaching and Learning System - a hallmark feature of Principles of Managerial Finance - weaves pedagogy into concepts and practice, giving students a roadmap to follow through the text and supplementary tools. The 16th Edition concentrates on the material students need to know in order to make effective financial decisions in an increasingly c...

Levertijd: 9 werkdagen

Total Facility Management / 5th edition

2021 || Paperback || Brian Atkin e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd


A comprehensive review of what facility management means to owners, operators, occupiers, facility managers and professional advisors

The newly revised Fifth Edition of Total Facility Management is an accessible and practical text that shows readers how the concept and principles of facility management can be implemented in practice. The book deals with the most common and intractable challenges facing professionals, academics and students in the field and provides p...

Levertijd: 9 werkdagen

Teaching Sprints

How Overloaded Educators Can Keep Getting Better

2021 || Paperback || Simon Breakspear e.a. || SAGE

Enhance teachers' expertise - in every term, every school year. With all of the everyday demands of teaching, the job of improving classroom practice is a challenge for teachers and school leaders. Grounded by research and field-tested around the world, Teaching Sprints offers a professional improvement process that works in theory and practice.

Including insights from the field, and practical protocols, this book outlines a simple model for engaging in short bursts of evidence-informed impro...

Levertijd: 9 werkdagen

Think Again

2021 || Hardcover || Adam Grant || Penguin

"Think Again is a must-read for anyone who wants to create a culture of learning and exploration, whether at home, at work, or at school... In an increasingly divided world, the lessons in this book are more important than ever."

--Bill and Melinda Gates

The bestselling author of Give and Take and Originals examines the critical art of rethinking: learning to question your opinions and open other people's minds, which can position you for excellence at work and wisdom in life

Intelligence is usually seen as the ability to think and learn, but in a rapidly changing world, there's another set of cognitive skills that might matter more: the ability to rethink and unlearn. In our daily lives, too many of us favor the comfort of conviction over the discomfort of doubt. We listen to opinions that make us feel good, instead of ideas that make us think hard. We see disagreement as a threat to our egos, rather than an opportunity to learn. We surround ourselves with people who agree with our conclusions, when we should be gravitating toward those who challenge our thought process. The result is that our beliefs get brittle long before our bones. Intelligence is no cure, and it can even be a curse: there's evidence that being good at thinking can make us worse at rethinking. The brighter we are, the blinder to our own limitations we can becom...

Levertijd: 10 werkdagen

Foundations of Finance / 10th Global Edition

The Logic and Practice of Financial Management

2021 || Paperback || Arthur Keown e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook

This title is a Pearson Global Edition. The Editorial team at Pearson has worked closely with educators around the world to include content which is especially relevant to students outside the United States. For undergraduate corporate finance courses.

The five key principles for the foundations of financeFoundations of Finance retains its foundational approach to the key concepts of finance, bolstered by real-world vignettes, cases, and problem exercises. Utilizing five principles, which are...

Levertijd: 10 werkdagen
met 5% korting 40,80

Con gusto - nieuw 1 tekstboek + Intertaal augmented

2021 || Paperback || Ribas || Intertaal

Con gusto – nieuw heeft dezelfde heldere opbouw als de vorige editie. Con gusto – nieuw bestaat uit twaalf unidades. Elke unidad heeft een thema, dat op de eerste pagina wordt gepresenteerd, en heeft zes pagina’s met gevarieerde teksten en oefeningen.

Elke unidad bevat een Tarea final (eindtaak).

De unidades 4, 8 en 12 zijn Miradores, waarin de cursisten terugblikken op de voorgaande unidades. Onderdelen van de leerstof worden herhaald en ook evalueren de cursisten hun vorderingen en de...

Levertijd: 11 werkdagen

Introducing Morphology / 3rd revised edition

2021 || Hardcover || Rochelle Lieber || Cambridge University Press

A lively introduction to morphology, this textbook is intended for undergraduates with relatively little background in linguistics. It shows students how to find and analyze morphological data and presents them with basic concepts and terminology concerning the mental lexicon, inflection, derivation, morphological typology, productivity, and the interfaces between morphology and syntax on the one hand and phonology on the other. By the end of the text students are ready to understand morpholo...

Levertijd: 11 werkdagen

Al-Kitaab Part Two with Website / 3rd edition

2021 || Paperback || Kristen Brustad e.a. || Georgetown University Press

Al-Kitaab Part Two, Third Edition with Website is the third book in the bestselling Al-Kitaab Arabic Language Program textbook series. Part Two focuses on strengthening reading and writing skills while continuing to grow conversation skills. This comprehensive program is designed for students in second-year or equivalent Arabic courses.

The accompanying companion website–included with the book–offers fully integrated exercises to use alongside the text. FEATURES • Three varieties of Ara...

Levertijd: 11 werkdagen

Campbell Biology in Focus / 3rd edition

2021 || Paperback || Lisa Urry e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook

For introductory biology course for science majors Focus. Practice. Engage.

Built unit-by-unit, Campbell Biology in Focus achieves a balance between breadth and depth of concepts to move students away from memorization. Streamlined content enables students to prioritize essential biology content, concepts, and scientific skills that are needed to develop conceptual understanding and an ability to apply their knowledge in future courses. Every unit takes an approach to streamlining the materia...

Levertijd: 11 werkdagen

La Grande Grammaire du français (2 volumes)

2021 || Hardcover || Anne Abeillé e.a. || Actes Sud

La première grande grammaire de la langue écrite et parlée contemporaine, mettant à l'honneur la diversité de tous les usages écrits et oraux, y compris quand ils s'écartent des normes enseignées. L'outil indispensable pour les étudiants et les enseignants, et tous les amoureux de la langue.