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Studieboeken (418)

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Scenario Based Strategy

Navigate the Future

2014 || Hardcover || Paul de Ruijter || Taylor & Francis

We need strategy. The world is changing, the future uncertain. What is required is vision: What might the future bring? Where is our business going? What are our fundamental business values? This book is a manual for all those who want to apply strategy in organisations.

It is intended for everyone who wants to put the future on the agenda, to look beyond the short term and beyond mere profit. It describes in practical terms the eight questions we must continually discuss in order to pursue a...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

A Practical Guide

2014 || Paperback || Claudia Ross e.a. || Taylor & Francis

Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar provides an innovative reference guide to Mandarin Chinese, combining traditional and function-based grammar in a single volume. The Grammar is divided into two parts. Part A covers traditional grammatical categories such as phrase order, nouns, verbs and specifiers.

Part B is carefully organized around language functions and notions such as: Communication strategiesMaking comparisonsGiving and seeking informationExpressing apologies, regrets and sympathiesThe ...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Signals, Systems, & Transforms / 5th edition

2014 || Paperback || Charles L. Phillips e.a. || Pearson

For sophomore/junior-level signals and systems courses in Electrical and Computer Engineering departments. This text provides a clear, comprehensive presentation of both the theory and applications in signals, systems, and transforms. It presents the mathematical background of signals and systems, including the Fourier transform, the Fourier series, the Laplace transform, the discrete-time and the discrete Fourier transforms, and the z-transform.

The text integrates MATLAB examples into the p...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen
met 5% korting 29,93

DSM-5: Gids voor de huisartsenpraktijk

2014 || Paperback || Michiel W. Hengeveld || Boom || met inkijkexemplaar

De Gids voor de huisartsenpraktijk: DSM-5 helpt de huisarts of POH-GGZ eenvoudig een DSM- classificatie te kiezen. Korte beslisbomen met de belangrijkste klachten verwijzen naar de psychische stoornis die daar het beste bij past.

Bij elke DSM-stoornis is de code van de Inter- national Classification of Diseases (ICD) opgenomen. Daarnaast bevat de gids een lijst met codes van het classificatie systeem International Classification of Primary Care (ICPC). Via deze lijst is gemakkelijk op te zo...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

An Introduction to Political Geography / 2nd edition

Space, Place and Politics

2014 || Paperback || Martin Jones e.a. || Taylor & Francis

An Introduction to Political Geography continues to provide a broad-based introduction to contemporary political geography for students following undergraduate degree courses in geography and related subjects. The text explores the full breadth of contemporary political geography, covering not only traditional concerns such as the state, geopolitics, electoral geography and nationalism; but also increasing important areas at the cutting-edge of political geography research including globaliza...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Materials and Design / 3rd Edition

2014 || Paperback || Michael F. Ashby e.a. || Elsevier Science & Technology

Materials are the stuff of design. From the very beginning of human history, materials have been taken from the natural world and shaped, modified, and adapted for everything from primitive tools to modern electronics. This renowned book by noted materials engineering author Mike Ashby and industrial designer Kara Johnson explores the role of materials and materials processing in product design, with a particular emphasis on creating both desired aesthetics and functionality.

The new edition ...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Changing the Food Game

Market Transformation Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture

2014 || Paperback || Lucas Simons || Taylor & Francis

Changing the Food Game shows how our unsustainable food production system cannot support our population growth and argues it can only be solved by effective market transformation to achieve sustainable agriculture and food production. Provocative and eye-opening, it presents a game-changing solution to revolutionise the industry.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

The Field Guide to Understanding 'Human Error' / 3rd edition

2014 || Paperback || Sidney Dekker || Taylor & Francis

When faced with a ’human error’ problem, you may be tempted to ask 'Why didn’t these people watch out better?' Or, 'How can I get my people more engaged in safety?' You might think you can solve your safety problems by telling your people to be more careful, by reprimanding the miscreants, by issuing a new rule or procedure and demanding compliance. These are all expressions of 'The Bad Apple Theory' where you believe your system is basically safe if it were not for those few unreliable...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Moral Psychology

A Contemporary Introduction

2014 || Paperback || Valerie Tiberius || Taylor & Francis

This is the first philosophy textbook in moral psychology, introducing students to a range of philosophical topics and debates such as: What is moral motivation? Do reasons for action always depend on desires? Is emotion or reason at the heart of moral judgment? Under what conditions are people morally responsible? Are there self-interested reasons for people to be moral? Moral Psychology: A Contemporary Introduction presents research by philosophers and psychologists on these topics, and add...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Marks' Essentials of Medical Biochemistry / 2nd edition

A Clinical Approach

2014 || Paperback || PhD Michael A. Lieberman || Lippincott Williams and Wilkins

Marks' Essentials of Medical Biochemistry takes a patient-oriented approach that links biochemistry to physiology and pathophysiology, allowing students to apply fundamental concepts to the practice of medicine. Based on the established text, Marks' Basic Medical Biochemistry, Marks' Essentials is streamlined to focus only on the most essential biochemical concepts, while maintaining intuitively organized chapters centered on hypothetical patient vignettes and helpful icons for smooth navigat...