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Levertijd: 6 werkdagen
met 5% korting 41,56

Beademing / Druk 3

Een praktische handleiding

2014 || Paperback || Diederik Gommers e.a. || Stichting Venti-Care

Beademen komt niet alleen veel op de intensive care voor, maar ook op de spoedeisende hulp, de recovery, de operatiekamer en in de ambulance. Om veilig te kunnen beademen is een goed basisbegrip van groot belang.

Na het lezen van dit boek kom je beslagen ten ijs en heeft beademen voor jou geen geheimen meer. Achtereenvolgens komen de fysiologie van de ademhaling, de verschillende beademingsmodi, de behandeling en zorg voor de beademingspatiënt en een aantal praktijkvoorbeelden van curven en ...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Reconstructing Quaternary Environments / 3rd edition

2014 || Paperback || Lowe || Taylor & Francis

This third edition of Reconstructing Quaternary Environments has been completely revised and updated to provide a new account of the history and scale of environmental changes during the Quaternary. The evidence is extremely diverse ranging from landforms and sediments to fossil assemblages and geochemical data, and includes new data from terrestrial, marine and ice-core records. Dating methods are described and evaluated, while the principles and practices of Quaternary stratigraphy are also...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Sociolinguistics and Second Language Acquisition

Learning to Use Language in Context

2014 || Paperback || Kimberly L. Geeslin e.a. || Taylor & Francis

Sociolinguistics and Second Language Acquisition is a comprehensive textbook that bridges the gap between the fields of sociolinguistics and second language acquisition, exploring the variety of ways in which social context influences the acquisition of a second language. It reviews basic principles of sociolinguistics, provides a unified account of the multiple theoretical approaches to social factors in second languages, summarizes the growing body of empirical research, including examples ...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Design Tools for Evidence-Based Healthcare Design

2014 || Paperback || Michael Phiri || Taylor & Francis

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Geographies of Developing Areas / 2nd Edition

The Global South in a Changing World

2014 || Paperback || UK) Glyn (University of Sheffield Williams e.a. || Taylor & Francis

Geographies of Developing Areas is a thought provoking and accessible introductory text, presenting a fresh view of the Global South that challenges students' pre-conceptions and promotes lively debate. Rather than presenting the Global South as a set of problems, from rapid urbanization to poverty, this book focuses on the diversity of life in the South, and looks at the role the South plays in shaping and responding to current global change. The core contents of the book integrate 'traditio...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Practicing Core Reflection

Activities and Lessons for Teaching and Learning from Within

2014 || Paperback || Frits G. Evelein || Taylor & Francis

Practicing Core Reflection features 78 concrete educational activities and exercises based on research. These can be used individually and in groups to support 'teaching and learning from within.' Core Reflection is an approach focused on people's personal strengths and on using practical strategies to overcome obstacles to the enactment of these strengths. This approach has been used in many contexts all over the world and has shown great promise in helping to re-chart the course for educati...

Levertijd: 7 werkdagen

Research Methodologies in Translation Studies

2014 || Paperback || Gabriela Saldanha e.a. || St Jerome Publishing

As an interdisciplinary area of research, translation studies attracts students and scholars with a wide range of backgrounds, who then need to face the challenge of accounting for a complex object of enquiry that does not adapt itself well to traditional methods in other fields of investigation. This book addresses the needs of such scholars – whether they are students doing research at postgraduate level or more experienced researchers who want to familiarize themselves with methods ...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

A Practical Guide

2014 || Paperback || Claudia Ross e.a. || Taylor & Francis

Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar provides an innovative reference guide to Mandarin Chinese, combining traditional and function-based grammar in a single volume. The Grammar is divided into two parts. Part A covers traditional grammatical categories such as phrase order, nouns, verbs and specifiers.

Part B is carefully organized around language functions and notions such as: Communication strategiesMaking comparisonsGiving and seeking informationExpressing apologies, regrets and sympathiesThe ...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Signals, Systems, & Transforms / 5th edition

2014 || Paperback || Charles L. Phillips e.a. || Pearson

For sophomore/junior-level signals and systems courses in Electrical and Computer Engineering departments. This text provides a clear, comprehensive presentation of both the theory and applications in signals, systems, and transforms. It presents the mathematical background of signals and systems, including the Fourier transform, the Fourier series, the Laplace transform, the discrete-time and the discrete Fourier transforms, and the z-transform.

The text integrates MATLAB examples into the p...

Levertijd: 7 werkdagen

Mit Erfolg zum Goethe-Zertifikat C2

2014 || Paperback || Claudia Boldt e.a. || Klett Sprachen Gmbh

Das Große Deutsche Sprachdiplom leicht gemachtMit Erfolg zum Goethe-Zertifikat C2: GDSgezielte Vorbereitung auf das Goethe-Zertifikat C2: Großes Deutsches Sprachdiplomfür Ihren Deutschkurs und für Selbstlernende Das Übungs- und Testbuch enthält:eine ausführliche Vorstellung der Prüfungein Schritt-für-Schritt-Trainingsprogramm zu jedem Testmodulzwei komplette Modelltests zur Prüfungssimulationhilfreiche Tipps und LösungsstrategienLösungen zur SelbstkontrolleTranskriptionen der Hör...