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Studieboeken (170)
Eats Shoots & Leaves
2009 || Paperback || Lynne Truss || Fourth Estate
Anxious about the apostrophe? Confused by the comma? Stumped by the semicolon? Join Lynne Truss on a hilarious tour through the rules of punctuation that is sure to sort the dashes from the hyphens.
Anxious about the apostrophe? Confused by the comma? Stumped by the semicolon? Join Lynne Truss on a hilarious tour through the rules of punctuation that is sure to sort the dashes from the hyphens.
We all had the basic rules of punctuation drilled into us at school, but punctuation pedants have g...
Public Finance and Public Choice
Analytical Perspectives
2009 || Paperback || John G. Cullis e.a. || Oxford University Press
Public Finance and Public Choice provides a comprehensive analysis of the economics of the public sector, taking a diagrammatic approach to the subject. Particular emphasis is given to the public choice and behavioural economics schools of thought.
Sport Policy and Development
An Introduction
2009 || Paperback || Daniel Bloyce e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Who makes sport policy and why do we need it? What is the purpose of sport development programmes? Sport Policy and Development answers these questions and more by closely examining the complex relationships between modern sport, sport policy and development and other aspects of the wider society. These important issues are explored via detailed case studies of key aspects of sport policy and sport development activity, including: school sport and physical educationsocial inclusionhealthelite...
Risk: An Introduction
The Concepts of Risk, Danger and Chance
2009 || Paperback || the Netherlands) Ben (Delft University of Technology Ale || Taylor & Francis
Investments, global warming and crossing the road – risk is a factor embedded in our everyday lives but do we really understand what it means, how it is quantified and how decisions are made? In six chapters Ben Ale explains the concepts, methods and procedures for risk analysis and in doing so provides an introductory understanding of risk perception, assessment and management. Aided by over seventy illustrations, the author casts light on the often overlooked basics of this fascinati...
Lean Six Sigma Secrets for the CIO
2009 || Hardcover || William Bentley || Taylor & Francis || ook als eBook
Going beyond the usual how-to guide, Lean Six Sigma Secrets for the CIO supplies proven tips and valuable case studies that illustrate how to combine Six Sigma rigorous quality principles with Lean methods for uncovering and eliminating waste in IT processes. Using these methods, the text explains how to take an approach that is all about improving IT performance, productivity, and security much as it is about cutting costs. Savvy IT veterans describe how to use Lean Six Sigma with IT governa...
Art In China / 2nd edition
2025 || Paperback || Craig (Professor of the History of Art Clunas || Oxford University Press
China boasts a history of art lasting over 5,000 years and embracing a huge diversity of forms - objects of jade, lacquer and porcelain, painted scrolls and fans, sculptures in stone, bronze and wood, and murals. But this rich tradition has not, until now been fully appreciated in the West where scholars have focused attention on the European high arts of painting and sculpture, downplaying arts more highly prized by the Chinese themselves, such as calligraphy. Art in China marks a breakthrou...
Schaums Outline Of Basic Electricity / 2nd edition
2009 || Paperback || Milton Gussow || Schaum Outline Series
Schaum's Outline of Basic Electricity covers the fundamentals of electricity and electric circuits. Written as a complement to vocational and technical courses, the book reviews digital and computer technology and the more advanced level of expertise required of technicians in these fields. Chapters focus on particular subjects as they are related to electric circuits, so you can target specific areas or tackle the subject as a whole. You will also learn how to solve circuit values in more co...
Introducing Chinese Religions
2009 || Paperback || Mario Poceski || Taylor & Francis
Introducing Chinese Religions is the ideal starting point for students exploring the fascinating religious traditions of China. This introduction covers the whole spectrum of Chinese religious history, from the multi-faceted religious heritage of pre-modern China, to the practice of different religions in China today, as well as the spread and influence of Chinese religions throughout the world. Mario Poceski, an experienced teacher of Chinese religions, explores the three main traditions of ...
Intercultural Interaction
A Multidisciplinary Approach to Intercultural Communication
2009 || Paperback || H. Spencer-Oatey e.a. || Macmillan
Written in a highly accessible style and in four parts, this book provides rapid and authoritative access to current ideas and practice in intercultural communication. It draws on concepts and findings from a range of different disciplines and uses authentic examples of intercultural interaction to illustrate points.
Comparative Children's Literature
2009 || Paperback || Emer O'Sullivan || Taylor & Francis
WINNER OF THE 2007 CHLA BOOK AWARD!Children's literature has transcended linguistic and cultural borders since books and magazines for young readers were first produced, with popular books translated throughout the world. Emer O'Sullivan traces the history of comparative children's literature studies, from the enthusiastic internationalism of the post-war period - which set out from the idea of a supra-national world republic of childhood - to modern comparative criticism. Drawing on the scho...