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› Erik Blom (3)
› Fridus van der Weijden (3)
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› Bohn Stafleu van Loghu... (16)
› AccreDidact (11)
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Studieboeken (41)
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Calciumsilicaatcementen in de endodontie
2024 || Paperback || Till Dammaschke e.a. || AccreDidact
Titel: Calciumsilicaatcementen in de endodontie
Hydraulische calciumsilicaatcementen kunnen worden gebruikt om worteldefecten te repareren of de vitaliteit van de pulpa in stand te houden. Het zijn zowel biocompatibele als bioactieve materialen. Als ze in contact komen met weefselvocht of lichaamsvloeistoffen, geven ze Ca2+- en OH--ionen af, wat in de omgeving van het cement resulteert in een alkalische pH van ongeveer 12,5. De hoge pH-waarde remt de groei van micro-...
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Mondziekten, kaak- en aangezichtschirurgie / Druk 3
Handboek voor mondziekten, kaak- en aangezichtschirurgie
2023 || Hardcover || A. Vissink e.a. || Koninklijke Van Gorcum
Tandartsen, huisartsen en mondhygiënisten worden veelvuldig geconfronteerd met klachten en afwijking van mond, kaak of aangezicht. Het bepalen van de juiste diagnostische en therapeutische benadering kan lastig zijn. Een zekere basiskennis is essentieel om de juiste keuze te maken. Deze basiskennis is ook belangrijk om voortschrijdend inzicht en nieuwe technieken op waarde te (kunnen) schatten.
De herziene versie van dit standaardwerk, welke geheel is geüpdatet, voorziet de lezer in de ‘...
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Preventieve tandheelkunde / Druk 2
op weg naar een doelmatige aanpak
2014 || Hardcover || C. van Loveren e.a. || Bohn Stafleu van Loghum
Dit boek geeft naast achtergronden en basisadviezen, aanknopingspunten om een individueel preventieprogramma op te stellen voor iedere patiënt aan wie uitvoering van het basisadvies zelfs na optimalisering onvoldoende bescherming biedt.
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AccreDidact Slaapapneu
2016 || Paperback || Aarnoud Hoekema e.a. || AccreDidact
In de afgelopen decennia heeft de slaapgeneeskunde zich ontwikkeld tot een multidisciplinair vakgebied, waarmee inmiddels ook de tandarts te maken heeft. De tandheelkundige slaapgeneeskunde is een relatief jong vakgebied, dat zich bezighoudt met de bestudering van de dento-alveolaire, orale en maxillofaciale aspecten van slaapgerelateerde problematiek. In deze nascholing worden de achtergronden van slaapgerelateerde ademhalingsstoornissen (snurken, obstructieveslaapap...
Dental Anatomy Coloring Book / 4th Edition
2023 || Paperback || Redactie || Elsevier
Bring the complex structures of the head and neck to life! Dental Anatomy Coloring Book is an easy-to-use introduction to foundational embryology and anatomy, along with the basic body systems affecting dentistry. Chapters include images to color and connect with corresponding labels, and each image includes questions for self-testing and comprehension. Coverage includes body systems, orofacial anatomy, dentition, skeletal system, muscles, veins, glands, nerves, lymph nodes, and fasciae and s...
Caries Management - Science and Clinical Practice
Science and Clinical Practice
2013 || Hardcover || Hendrik Meyer-Luckel e.a. || Thieme Publishing Group
A comprehensive approach to modern caries managementThis systematic approach to modern caries management combines new, evidence-based treatment techniques with the scientific underpinnings of caries formation, providing an in-depth review for both clinicians in daily practice and students advancing in the field. Beginning with patho-anatomic changes in the dental hard tissues, Dental Caries: Science and Clinical Practice goes on to cover non-invasive, minimally invasive, and more aggressive i...
Dental Caries / 3th edition
The Disease and its Clinical Management
2015 || Hardcover || Ole Fejerskov e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
First published in 2003, Dental Caries: The Disease and Its Clinical Management has become the leading resource on cariology. In this highly anticipated new edition, the editors maintain the same focus on high-level coverage of the disease etiology and process, clinical management best-practice, and wider public health issues connected with dental caries management, including an enhanced focus on the 'caries control concept'. The aim is to link theory with clinical performance, making prevent...
Applied Dental Materials / 9th edition
2008 || Paperback || John F. McCabe e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
This textbook covers all aspects of materials science relevant to the practice of dentistry. It is aimed primarily at undergraduate dental students, although it will also be useful for practising dentists, dental technicians and dental assistants. The 9th edition has been extensively revised to include the many advances in dental materials and their use that have occurred during the past nine years.
The chapters on Resin-based filling materials and Adhesive restorative materials have been exp...
Handbook of Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen Sedation / 5th edition
2019 || Paperback || Morris S. Clark e.a. || Elsevier
The only product of its kind focused specifically on nitrous oxide and oxygen sedation (N2O/O2), Handbook of Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen Sedation, 5th Edition, is ideal in educational and clinical settings. This portable text features a user-friendly outline format that is easy to digest, along with summary tables and boxes, clear illustrations, step-by-step techniques with photos, and review questions and critical thinking exercises - right when and where you need it. The 5th edition of this ch...
Wilkins' Clinical Practice of the Dental Hygienist / 14th edition
2023 || Paperback || Linda D. Boyd e.a. || Jones and Bartlett Publishers
Wilkins' Clinical Practice of the Dental Hygienist, Fourteenth Edition progresses through crucial topics in dental hygiene in a straightforward format to ensure students develop the knowledge and skills they need for successful, evidence-based practice in today's rapidly changing oral health care environment. This cornerstone text, used in almost every dental hygiene education program in the country, has been meticulously updated by previous co-authors, Linda Boyd, and Lisa Mallonee to even b...