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Road Map for Creative Problem Solving Techniques

Organizing and facilitating group sessions

2019 || Paperback || Katrina Heijne e.a. || Boom || met inkijkexemplaar

Creativity is one of the vital 21st century skills. As the subject of a large academic and practitioner community since 1950, there are literally hundreds of books and thousands of techniques on creativity.

In this book, this body of knowledge is boiled down for modern scholars and facilitators to one framework called iCPS, integrated Creative Problem Solving. For the techniques, the book focuses on techniques for groups and details 40 essential ones. This is the main part of the book. The se...

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Fundamentals and Prospects

2020 || Paperback || Han Meyer e.a. || Boom

Stedenbouw biedt een overzicht van de grondslagen van de stedenbouwkundige discipline en behandelt de relevantie hiervan voor de opgaven van de 21ste eeuw.

De stedenbouwkunde schept de ruimtelijke condities voor het functioneren van de burgerlijke samenleving. Fundamenteel daarin is het onderscheid tussen openbaar en privaat domein. De kerntaak van de stedenbouwkunde is daarom het ontwerp van

de stadsplattegrond, waarmee de indeling van het grondgebied in openbare en private gronden wordt v...

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Applying Statistics in Behavioural Research

2016 || Paperback || Jules L. Ellis || Boom

This book is written for undergraduate students in behavioural sciences, such as psychology, pedagogy, sociology and ethology. The topics range from basic techniques such as correlation and t-tests, to moderately advanced analyses such as multiple regression and MANOVA. The focus is on practical application and reporting, and on the correct interpretation of what is being reported. For example, why is interaction so important? What does it mean when the null hypothesis is retained? Why do we ...

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Textbook of Psychiatry (herziening) / Druk 2

A Concise Guide to Psychiatry in The Netherlands

2022 || Paperback || Michiel Hengeveld e.a. || Boom

Translation of Leerboek psychiatrie

Ever since its publication, the Dutch textbook of psychiatry (Leerboek psychiatrie) edited by Hengeveld, van Balkom, van Heeringen and Sabbe has been used to teach psychiatry at the medical schools of many Dutch and Flemish universities. The textbook has been widely praised by both teachers and students. With an ever-growing influx of foreign students at Dutch universities more courses are currently taught in English, so the call for English-language readin...

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Project Management for PhD’s / Druk 2

2017 || Paperback || Jeanine de Bruin e.a. || Boom

Only a small percentage of PhD students manage to complete their PhD thesis on time. How can you plan the PhD program in such a way that you do finish within the set time period?

Project Management for PhDs shows you that you can plan a PhD program, no matter how complex and unique it is, as a project. The writing process receives special attention as it has been proven to be one of the most important factors in delayed PhD progress. This book offers a practical step-by-step plan. Using the a...

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Doing research / Druk 6

2022 || Paperback || Nel Verhoeven || Boom || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook

Dit product bestaat uit een boek inclusief website met hierop o.a. het online boek.

Doing Research is a clear introduction to the methods and techniques required for research. It answers questions like: what does ‘doing research’ actually mean, how do you design a research project, what steps do you have to take, how do you collect data and what are the pitfalls?

Doing Research sheds light on the complicated process of research. It teaches you research skills one step at a time. It discus...

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Academic Writing Skills for Economics and Business Administration

2017 || Paperback || Bas Karreman e.a. || Boom

Writing a professional text that is easy to read? Many students find this challenging. The Academic Writing Skills for Economics and Business Administration teaches how to get there.

The book may be used as a source of reference. The online course is available on www.academicwritingskillsforeconomics.com

It breaks down the writing process into different skills (Diskits) like structuring, quoting, sentence structure and argumentation. For each skill, students get instruction, rules of thumb ...

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Academic Writing Skills for Economics and Business Administration / 2nd edition

2024 || Paperback || Bas Karreman e.a. || Boom

For many students writing an academic text can be challenging. However, with diligent practice, academic writing is a skill you can learn. The online writing course Academic Writing Skills for Economics and Business Administration offers students specific practice as to various ‘micro’ writing skills, including the structure of an academic text, the theoretical framework, data and methodology, results, as well as citing, paraphrasing and quoting, argumentation, cohesion and sentence struc...

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4000 Years of Thinkers on Education

2020 || Paperback || Henk Sissing || Boom

Het boek is verdeeld in zes hoofdstukken en meerdere subhoofdstukken. Elk hoofdstuk wordt ingeleid door twee vooraanstaande Nederlandse hoogleraren:

Chapter 1. On education - prof. dr. Gert Biesta en prof. dr. Monique Volman

Chapter 2. On teachers - dr. Femke Geijsel en prof. dr. Paulien Meijer

Chapter 3. On students - prof. dr. Rob Martens en prof. dr. Luc Stevens

Chapter 4. On school leaders - prof. dr. Marc Vermeulen en prof. dr. Sietske Waslander

Chapter 5. On parents - p...

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Industrial Production / 6th Edition

The manufacture of mechanical products

2019 || Paperback || Huub Kals || Boom

Industrial Production offers a broad and thorough introduction to the multidisciplinary field of production engineering, with a focus on the production of mechanical products. The book covers design and machining processes, as well as topics such as materials behaviour, manufacturing, assembly and manufacturing machines. It also looks at quality, costs, important aspects of product and production development (including design for production) as well as technical and organisational management.
