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Recht algemeen (5)
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Tourism Management (2)
Vakspecialist Muziek (2)
Werktuigbouwkunde (2)

Studieboeken (653)

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

An Introduction to Sustainability

Environmental, Social and Personal Perspectives

2017 || Paperback || Martin Mulligan || Taylor & Francis

An Introduction to Sustainability provides students with a comprehensive overview of the key concepts and ideas which are encompassed within the growing subject of sustainability. This is an essential textbook for any sustainability course.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Sociology / 16th Global Edition

2017 || Paperback || John Macionis || Pearson

For courses in Introductory Sociology Sociology empowers students to see the world around them through a sociological lens, helping them better understand their own lives and the world we all share. John Macionis, author of the best-selling Introductory Sociology franchise over the last three decades, takes students step by step through the theories and research that make up the discipline, helping them to find and use the science of social behavior in everyday life. In addition to extensivel...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Introducing Sociology Using the Stuff of Everyday Life

2017 || Paperback || Josee Johnston e.a. || Taylor & Francis

The challenges of teaching a successful introductory sociology course today demand materials from a publisher very different from the norm. Texts that are organized the way the discipline structures itself intellectually no longer connect with the majority of student learners. This is not an issue of pandering to students or otherwise seeking the lowest common denominator.

On the contrary, it is a question of again making the practice of sociological thinking meaningful, rigorous, and relevan...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Public Policy Analysis / 6th edition

An Integrated Approach

2021 || Paperback || William N. Dunn || Taylor & Francis

Public Policy Analysis, the most widely cited book on the subject, provides students with a comprehensive methodology of policy analysis. It starts from the premise that policy analysis is an applied social science discipline designed for solving practical problems facing public and nonprofit organizations. This thoroughly revised sixth edition contains a number of important updates: Each chapter includes an all-new "big ideas" case study in policy analysis to stimulate student interest in ti...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen
met 5% korting 55,10

Stadsbomen Vademecum 3A

Boomcontrole en Onderzoek

2023 || Paperback || G.J. van Prooijen || IPC Groene Ruimte

Systematische boomcontrole is de laatste jaren een steeds belangrijker rol gaan spelen in het boombeheer. Bij een juiste uitvoering hiervan blijft de eigenaar op de hoogte van veranderingen in conditie en structuur én voldoet hij aan de zorgplicht.

In de nieuwe derde druk is vooral hoofdstuk 2 Boomcontrole ingrijpend herzien. De informatie over de SIA-methode is flink uitgebreid en mede door deze uitbreiding kunnen met name oude, dikke, holle bomen nog serieuzer worden beoordeeld, voordat de...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen
met 5% korting 21,80


2017 || Paperback || L.M. van der Sluis || AcademicStore

In dit deel Arbeidsrecht worden de hoofdlijnen van het arbeidsrecht beschreven.

Voor wie?

Dit boek (titel) is bestemd voor alle belangstellenden, maar is op de eerste plaats afgestemd op alle studenten binnen het vakgebied (titel in kleine letters) in hun rechtenstudie aan de universiteit of hbo.

Ook voor juristen, zoals advocaten en notarissen, is dit een bruikbaar praktisch boek.


Snel, slim en effectief voorbereid op je tentamen en colleges.

In heldere taal een overzichtelijke en c...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Individual Differences and Personality

2017 || Paperback || Michael Ashton || Elsevier

Individual Differences and Personality, Third Edition provides a comprehensive overview of research on personality. The book begins with the main approaches to the study of personality, basic principles of personality measurement, the concept of personality traits, and the major dimensions of personality variation. Further chapters review personality change and stability, biological causal mechanisms, genetic and environmental influences and evolutionary adaptive function.

Personality disorde...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen


A Guide to Patient Management

2017 || Paperback || Stanley F. Malamed e.a. || Elsevier

Learn how to safely sedate your dental patients and help control their anxiety with Sedation: A Guide to Patient Management, 6th Edition. Written by sedation expert Stanley Malamed, DDS, this concise guide combines essential theory with "how-to" technical instruction to help you master basic techniques in dental sedation and anxiety control. This new sixth edition also incorporates the latest guidelines from the ADA and the American Society of Anesthesiologists, along with vivid images of the...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Conservation Science

Balancing the Needs of People and Nature

2017 || Paperback || Peter M. Kareiva e.a. || Macmillan

Now is the time for conservation science—a mission-oriented scientific enterprise that seeks to protect nature, including Earth’s animals, plants, and ecosystems, in the face of unprecedented human demands upon the planet. Conservation scientists apply principles from ecology, population genetics, economics, political science, and other natural and social sciences to manage and preserve nature. The focus of this textbook is first and foremost on protecting nature and especially Earth’s ...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Earth's Climate / 3rd Edition

Past and Future

2017 || Paperback || William Ruddiman || Macmillan

Understanding the earth’s climate system has never been more crucial.

At a time when the evidence is stronger than ever that human activity is the primary cause for global climate change, Ruddiman's breakthrough text provides a thorough and multi-disciplinary introduction to the earth’s climate. It offers a clear, engaging, objective portrait of the current state of climate science, including compelling recent findings on global warming and important advances in understanding past climates.