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Studieboeken (48)
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Lean Thinking / 1st Edition
Banish Waste And Create Wealth In Your Corporation
2003 || Paperback || James P. Womack e.a. || Simon & Schuster
Het boek dat de start was van de Lean-beweging door Jim Womack en Dan Jones.
Jim Womack en Dan Jones hebben (in de nasleep van hun MIT-onderzoek) Lean geïntroduceerd buiten Toyota. Hun eerste boek was vooral een beschrijving van de verschillen in prestaties tussen Toyota, overige Japanse autoproducenten, Europese autoproducenten en Amerikaanse autoproducenten. In dit tweede boek gaan ze dieper in op de onderliggende principes en kenmerken van Lean, en kijken ze voorbij de auto-industrie.
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Le visiteur
2003 || Paperback || Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt e.a. || Magnard
Juin 1938. Les troupes hitlériennes viennent d'envahir l'Autriche. Dans Vienne occupée, Sigmund Freud, vieux, malade, persécuté, inquiet pour le sort de sa fille Anna, découvre que derrière l'énigmatique visiteur qui le surprend dans son appartement se cache peut-être une incarnation de Dieu. Entre le vieil homme désabusé, qui ne croit que ce qu'il voit, et l'élégant personnage, spirituel et manipulateur, se noue un étrange dialogue.
A travers une intrigue quasi policière ménag...
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Complete Maus
2003 || Paperback || Art Spiegelman || Penguin
The Complete Maus by Art Spiegelman - the Pulitzer prize-winning Holocaust survivor story'The most affecting and successful narrative ever done about the Holocaust' Wall Street Journal'The first masterpiece in comic book history' The New YorkerThe Pulitzer Prize-winning Maus tells the story of Vladek Spiegelman, a Jewish survivor of Hitler's Europe, and his son, a cartoonist coming to terms with his father's story. Maus approaches the unspeakable through the diminutive. Its form, the cartoon ...
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Kruis en halve maan / Druk 2
de uitdaging van de Islam
2003 || Paperback || C. Chapman || Buijten en Schipperheijn
Een informatief boek over de islam met actuele thema’s als: islam in de hedendaagse wereld, vrouwen in de islam, dialoog met moslims, de politieke uitdaging van de islam. Met uitgebreide aandacht voor het hoe en waarom van christelijke getuigenis onder moslims.
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Pride and Prejudice
2003 || Paperback || Jane Austen || Penguin
One of the BBC's '100 Novels That Shaped Our World''The best-loved book by our best-loved novelist' IndependentWith its 'light and bright and sparkling' dialogue, its romantic denouement and its lively heroine, Pride and Prejudice is Jane Austen's most perennially popular novel. The love story of Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy, who misjudge, then challenge and change each other, is also a novel about the search for happiness and self- knowledge in a world of strict social rules, where...
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Vernon God Little
2003 || Paperback || DBC Pierre || Faber & Faber
Named as one of the 100 Best Things in the World by GQ magazine in 2003, the riotous adventures of Vernon Gregory Little in small town Texas and beachfront Mexico mark one of the most spectacular, irreverent and bizarre debuts of the twenty-first century so far. Its depiction of innocence and simple humanity (all seasoned with a dash of dysfunctional profanity) in an evil world is never less than astonishing. The only novel to be set in the barbecue sauce capital of Central Texas, Vernon God ...
Essential Medical Statistics / 2nd edition
2003 || Paperback || Betty R. Kirkwood e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Blackwell Publishing is delighted to announce that this book has been Highly Commended in the 2004 BMA Medical Book Competition. Here is the judges' summary of this book: "This is a technical book on a technical subject but presented in a delightful way. There are many books on statistics for doctors but there are few that are excellent and this is certainly one of them.
Statistics is not an easy subject to teach or write about. The authors have succeeded in producing a book that is as good a...
The Genealogy of Morals
2003 || Paperback || Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche || Dover Publications Inc.
Written in response to a book on the origins of morality by his erstwhile friend Paul Rée, the three essays comprising The Genealogy of Morals--all advancing the critique of Christian morality set forth in Beyond Good and Evil--are among Nietzsche's most sustained and cohesive work.
In the first essay, Nietzsche sets up a contrast between what he calls "master" morality and "slave" morality and shows how strength and action have often been replaced by passivity and nihilism. The next essay, l...
With Selections from Traditional Commentaries
2003 || Paperback || Confucius || Hackett Publishing Co, Inc
This edition goes beyond others that largely leave readers to their own devices in understanding this cryptic work, by providing an entree into the text that parallels the traditional Chinese way of approaching it: alongside Slingerland's exquisite rendering of the work are his translations of a selection of classic Chinese commentaries that shed light on difficult passages, provide historical and cultural context, and invite the reader to ponder a range of interpretations. The ideal student ...
Mille ans de littérature française
2003 || Hardcover || Claude Bouthier || Nathan éditions
Cette véritable anthologie s'adresse à tous ceux qui souhaitent découvrir, redécouvrir ou faire découvrir les trésors de la littérature française.
ans ce véritable ouvrage de référence, vous trouverez :
- une présentation chronologique des principaux écrivains et leurs plus grandes oeuvres dans leurs contextes historiques et culturels,
- plus de 150 écrivains,
- de nombreux extraits de textes enrichis de commentaires littéraires,
- les sources de la littérature française,
- t...