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Studieboeken (37)
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Understanding Comics
The Invisible Art
2001 || Paperback || Scott McCloud || HarperCollins
The bestselling international classic on storytelling and visual communication "You must read this book." - Neil Gaiman Praised throughout the cartoon industry by such luminaries as Art Spiegelman, Matt Groening, and Will Eisner, Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics is a seminal examination of comics art: its rich history, surprising technical components, and major cultural significance. Explore the secret world between the panels, through the lines, and within the hidden symbols of a powerfu...
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Madame Bovary
2023 || Paperback || Gustave Flaubert || Gallimard
C'est l'histoire d'une femme mal mariée, de son médiocre époux, de ses amants égoïstes et vains, de ses rêves, de ses chimères, de sa mort. C'est l'histoire d'une province étroite, dévote et bourgeoise. C'est, aussi, l'histoire du roman français. Rien, dans ce tableau, n'avait de quoi choquer la société du Second Empire. Mais, inexorable comme une tragédie, flamboyant comme un drame, mordant comme une comédie, le livre s'était donné une arme redoutable : le style. Pour ce vrai...
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investeringsstrategie voor de informatievoorziening
2009 || Paperback || R.R. van Oirsouw e.a. || Academic service || met inkijkexemplaar
Informatie- en communicatietechnologie (ICT) heeft in het derde millennium een geweldige invloed op het leven. Grote bedragen worden geïnvesteerd in ICT, terwijl het rendement nog steeds onvoldoende gemeten wordt. Dit boek is een praktische handleiding voor bedrijfseconomische analyses en investeringsstrategieën voor ICT. Wat levert ICT op? Hoe meet je dat?
Hoewel de kern van INEC niet aan actualiteit heeft ingeboet, is er in de jaren tussen de eerste druk en deze tweede herziene uitgave vee...
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Understanding Philosophy of Science
2001 || Paperback || James Ladyman || Taylor & Francis
Few can imagine a world without telephones or televisions; many depend on computers and the Internet as part of daily life. Without scientific theory, these developments would not have been possible. In this exceptionally clear and engaging introduction to philosophy of science, James Ladyman explores the philosophical questions that arise when we reflect on the nature of the scientific method and the knowledge it produces.
He discusses whether fundamental philosophical questions about knowle...
The Inner Chapters
The Inner Chapters
2001 || Paperback || Chuang-Tzu e.a. || Hackett Publishing Co, Inc
The Inner Chapters are the oldest pieces of the larger collection of writings by several fourth, third, and second century B.C. authors that constitute the classic of Taoism, the Chuang-Tzu (or Zhuangzi). It is this core of ancient writings that is ascribed to Chuang-Tzu himself.
The Data Model Resource Book
A Library of Universal Data Models by Industry Types v. 2
2001 || Paperback || Len Silverston || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
This third volume of the best-selling "Data Model Resource Book" series revolutionizes the data modeling discipline by answering the question "How can you save significant time while improving the quality of any type of data modeling effort?" In contrast to the first two volumes, this new volume focuses on the fundamental, underlying patterns that affect over 50 percent of most data modeling efforts. These patterns can be used to considerably reduce modeling time and cost, to jump-start data ...
Le preposizioni italiane
Grammatica, esercizi, giochi
2001 || Paperback || Alessandro de Giuli || Alma Edizioni
Applied Organometallic Chemistry and Catalysis
2001 || Paperback || Robin Whyman || Oxford University Press
This Primer has two main objectives: to provide an overview of the influence of organometallic chemistry on homogeneous and heterogenous catalysis and to provide an account of the principle commercial applications of homogeneous catalysis in industry. The book builds on the coverage of organometallic chemistry in two Primers by Bochmann, OCPs 12 and 13.
The Data Model Resource Book / Revised Edition, Volume 1
A Library of Universal Data Models for All Enterprises
2001 || Paperback || Len Silverston || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
A quick and reliable way to build proven databases for core business functions Industry experts raved about The Data Model Resource Book when it was first published in March 1997 because it provided a simple, cost-effective way to design databases for core business functions. Len Silverston has now revised and updated the hugely successful 1st Edition, while adding a companion volume to take care of more specific requirements of different businesses. This updated volume provides a common set ...
L'Amour, la fantasia
2001 || Paperback || Assia Djebar || Le Livre de Poche
Nous glissons du passé lointain au passé proche, de la troisième personne à la première ; extraordinaire évocation du père, instituteur de français, de la mère, des cousines, des femmes cloîtrées vives et dont le cri et l'amour nous poursuivent.
Assia Djebar, sans conteste la plus grande romancière du Maghreb, nous donne ici son oeuvre la plus aboutie.