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Studieboeken (131)
Compositional Semantics
An Introduction to the Syntax/Semantics Interface
2014 || Paperback || Pauline Jacobson || Oxford University Press
This book provides an introduction to compositional semantics and to the syntax/semantics interface. It is rooted within the tradition of model theoretic semantics, and develops an explicit fragment of both the syntax and semantics of a rich portion of English. Professor Jacobson adopts a Direct Compositionality approach, whereby the syntax builds the expressions while the semantics simultaneously assigns each a model-theoretic interpretation.
Alongside this approach, the author also presents...
Grammaire progressive du français B1 B2 / 3e édition
niveau avancé corrigés
2024 || Paperback || CLE International
Corrigés de l'ouvrage de Grammaire en français langue étrangère (FLE) dans la collection Progressive destiné aux grands adolescents et adultes, niveau avancé (B1/B2).
Evaluation en ligne
Un véritable parcours d'évaluation de 180 tests auto-correctifs
Ce qui fait le succès de cet ouvrage de Grammaire:
Une organisation claire: la leçon sur la page de gauche; les exercices et les activités communicatives sur la page de droite
72 chapitres présentants les points généraleme...
Optimality Theory
1999 || Paperback || Rene Kager || Cambridge University Press
Optimality Theory's central idea is that surface forms of language reflect resolutions of conflicts between competing constraints. Exercises with chapters 1-7 and sections on further reading. For linguists with a knowledge of derivational Generative Phonology.
Critical Thinking and Communication / 7th edition
The Use of Reason in Argument
2014 || Paperback || Edward Inch e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook
Stresses the importance of argumentation in everyday life Critical Thinking and Communication, 7/e, encourages students to develop skills in constructing and refuting arguments in contexts ranging from informal conversations to structured debates. The authors stress the importance of argumentation in everyday life while building student competence and critical awareness. Through exercises and examples, students learn to create arguments and develop, understand, and interpret extended cases.
A Little Book of Language
2025 || Paperback || David Crystal || Yale University Press
Discovering Sociolinguistics
From Theory to Practice
2017 || Paperback || Dick Smakman || Bloomsbury Publishing
The second half of the book equips readers with the skills needed to undertake sociolinguistic research of their own. This is an ideal introductory text for students taking courses in sociolinguistics, language and society, language in use or language variation.
Languages of the World / 3rd edition
An Introduction
2020 || Paperback || Asya Pereltsvaig || Cambridge University Press
Designed for students with no prior experience in linguistics, this is an engaging guide to the rich variety and typology of world languages. This third edition has been updated with new problem sets, an updated glossary and index, and a new section on linguistic cartography.
Elements of Journalism / 4th edition
What Newspeople Should Know and the Public Should Expect
2021 || Paperback || Bill Kovach e.a. || Crown
A timely new edition of the classic journalism text, now featuring updated material on the importance of reporting in the age of media mistrust and fake news and how journalists can use technology to navigate its challenges
More than two decades ago, the Committee of Concerned Journalists gathered some of America's most influential newspeople and asked them, "What is journalism for?" Through exhaustive research, surveys, interviews, and public forums, the committee identified the essential el...
Ruslan Russian 2 Course Book / 4th edition
With free audio download
2022 || Paperback || John Langran e.a. || Ruslan Ltd
The Ruslan 2 course book (160 pages in full colour) continues the exciting Ruslan 1 story line with Ivan, Lyudmila, Peter and Vadim. There are 10 lessons with lively dialogues, clear grammar explanations, lots of reading, listening and writing exercises and language games for the classroom or for online training. Ruslan 2 takes you to a very good GCSE level, and is easily equivalent to the Council of Europe A2 standard.
Germanistische Linguistik fur Dummies
2024 || Paperback || Ralf Methling || Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH
Müssen oder dürfen auch Sie sich in Ihrem Studium mit germanistischer Linguistik beschäftigen? Ralf Methling bringt mit anschaulichen Beispielen und verständlichen Erklärungen Leben in diese scheinbar trockene Materie. Er macht Sie mit den Teilbereichen der Linguistik vertraut: mit der Semiotik, die sich mit Zeichen, der Phonetik und Phonologie, die sich mit Lauten, der Morphologie, die sich mit Wörtern, und der Syntax, die sich mit Satzbau beschäftigt. Auch die Semantik, die Lehre de...