Studieboeken (16)
maandag verzonden
Het oog in de storm
Handboek 2
2021 || Paperback || Ellen Geerlings e.a. || Boom
Bevat de modules Ethiek, Sociale & Politieke filosofie, Cultuurfilosofie en Antropologie.
maandag verzonden
De steenkapper en de robot
Reflecties over handwerk en ambacht
2019 || Paperback || Thomas Crombez || Uitgeverij Vrijdag
Zijn vakmensen vandaag overbodig geworden? Ambacht en handwerk zijn in de verdrukking. Steeds verfijndere en slimmere machines vagen langzaam de laatste sporen van metier uit.
Neem het werk van de steenkapper. Letters op grafstenen en monumenten worden al enige tijd door freesmachines gemaakt. Steenkappers bleven in trek voor moeilijke taken. Zoals wanneer hedendaagse kunstenaars een werk in marmer wilden realiseren. Denk aan de sculpturen van Ai Weiwei, Damien Hirst, Jeff Koons of Jan Fabre.
How the World Thinks / 1st edition
A Global History of Philosophy
2019 || Paperback || Julian Baggini || Granta Books
The first ever global overview of philosophy: how it developed around the world and impacted the cultures in which it flourished, now in paperback.
Think Critically
2021 || Paperback || Tom Chatfield || SAGE
A Super Quick guide to thinking critically, from reasoning and arguments to spotting bias and avoiding information overload.
History and Philosophy of the Humanities
An Introduction
2019 || Paperback || Michiel Leezenberg e.a. || Amsterdam University Press
History and Philosophy of the Humanities: An Introduction presents a reasoned overview of the conceptual and historical backgrounds of the humanities.
The humanities include disciplines as diverse as literary theory, linguistics, history, film studies, theology, and philosophy. Do these various fields of study have anything in common that distinguishes them from, say, physics or sociology? The tripartite division between the natural sciences, the social sciences and the humanities may seem se...
Ethics and Public Policy / 2nd edition
A Philosophical Inquiry
2019 || Paperback || Jonathan Wolff || Taylor & Francis
An ideal introduction for those coming to philosophy, ethics or public policy for the first time, and a vital resource for anyone grappling with the moral complexity underlying policy debates. The 2nd edition includes four new chapters and has been revised and updated throughout.