Studieboeken (21)
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Seven insights for more flow in your business and your life
2022 || Paperback || Jan Bommerez || Uitgeverij GAIA
FLOW can briefly be defined as ‘the optimal state of experience’. In FLOW we experience the kind of happiness that small children are in most of the time – the kind that does not need an external reason. It is the happiness of ‘unconditioned being’. This original state can become hidden, but it is never lost. In FLOW, it comes to the foreground again. We know it by being it.
FLOW is a state of inner alignment, spontaneous creativity and full access to intuition, inspiration and inn...
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Accountable conceptdenken
van slapend naar nalevend
2019 || Paperback || Gaby Crucq-Toffolo e.a. || BIS Publishers
Een goed concept biedt toegevoegde waarde. Een concept, ook wel de zogenaamde kapstok genoemd, opent allerlei mogelijkheden en kansen en zorgt ervoor dat keuzes maken makkelijk wordt. Hoe ontwikkel je een concept? En hoe maak je deze toegevoegde waarde zichtbaar, voelbaar en herkenbaar?
Het is voor het creëren van onderscheidend vermogen van belang dat ontwerpers rekening houden met de verwerking van het concept door de eindgebruiker. Hierbij speelt design een belangrijke rol. Dit boek geeft...
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This Human - Design Character
Know who you are as a designer
2022 || Paperback || Dr Melis Senova || BIS Publishers
As the second book in the ‘this human’ series, Design Character explores the values, ethics, and motivations behind every designer. It helps the reader navigate their inner world and create an authentic practice that is deeply informed by who they are at their core.
Perfect for a designer, or anyone keen to understand how values inform their actions, this book is for those wanting to have more impact with their work and accelerate mastery in their practice.
We have entered an era that a...
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Design. Think. Make. Break. Repeat - Revised edition (Heruitgave)
A Handbook of Methods
2021 || Paperback || Madeleine Borthwick e.a. || BIS Publishers
Revised edition: 20 additional methods and a new chapter to introduce humanity-centred design
This handbook documents 80 methods used in design innovation projects leading to the design of new products or services. It is the first publication to bring together methods, tools and case studies that involve multiple disciplines and perspectives – from product and service design to interaction and user experience design. In this revised edition, the authors look beyond the human-centred design ...
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The Characters of Creativity
Activate creativity by understanding your colleagues
2023 || Paperback || Prof. Alastair Pearce || BIS Publishers
Whether you’re a manager or creatives, a colleague of creatives, or simply creative yourself, chances are you recognise some of your colleagues or team members in this. If so, The Characters of Creativity is your go-to guide. The book offers specific strategies and techniques for releasing creativity.
A practical guide to the complex world of creativity.
Turn strategy into creativity and find out what management tools work for creatives.
Learn how to create a professional environment that s...
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Creative Struggle is real
Stop procrastinating and start making
2023 || Paperback || Holly Blondin || BIS Publishers
While the creative struggle may be inevitable, it doesn’t have to feel impossible. The book is organised into three parts: Exploring Your Creative Context, Designing Your Creative Practice, and Maintaining Your Creative Momentum. You will discover your imaginator type, become a superhero(ine) and define what creativity means to you.
The book walks you through practical and inspiring methods to make space and time for making so you will never again have an excuse to procrastinate. In additi...
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Creatief denken
slimme technieken om problemen op te lossen
2009 || Paperback || Edward de Bono || Business Contact || met inkijkexemplaar
Slimme technieken om problemen op te lossenVan de hand van Edward de Bono, bestsellerauteur van onder meer Zes denkende hoofddeksels en Gym voor je geest, is er nu het allesoverkoepelende magnum opus: Creatief denken. Met dit boek wil hij ons aanzetten ons denken te vernieuwen.Veel conflicten en problemen – van honger en oorlog tot onze eigen problemen thuis en op het werk – blijven onopgelost. Niet omdat ze niet op te lossen zijn, maar doordat we ze al jaren- of eeuwenlang op dezelfde ma...
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Zes denkhoeden / Druk 23
2011 || Paperback || Edward de Bono || Atlas Contact || met inkijkexemplaar
Dr. Edward de Bono wordt beschouwd als een internationale autoriteit op het gebied van conceptueel denken. In deze everseller verheldert hij op een originele manier alle ingewikkelde besluitvormingsprocessen. Door vanuit zes verschillende invalshoeken naar een probleem te kijken, komt u sneller tot een duidelijke oplossing. De invalshoeken worden verbeeld door zes verschillende denkhoeden: -De witte hoed: `puur denken, in de vorm van feiten, cijfers en informatie. -De rode hoed: `warm denken,...
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Event Design Handbook
systematically design innovative events using the event canvas
2020 || Paperback || Roel Frissen e.a. || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar
Some of the most life-changing connections are made at events. But if you can't design events, how can you change your world? The answer? This handbook will change the way you think about how events change the world you live in. It shows the way to re-design your world on one sheet of paper using the #EventCanvas.This book identifies the starting point of any event and outlines steps of how events come to life. It focuses on the DNA of specific aspects of events, and provides insight into how...
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Lick It
Challenge the way you experience food
2022 || Paperback || Marije Vogelzang || BIS Publishers
Lick It: Challenge the way you experience food
Over the course of 32 unique food challenges, 22 chapters of alternate angles, and countless insights from food design theory, Lick It will radically transform your relationship to food.
Through 24 unique challenges, a diverse range of angles, and detailed insights into the world of food design, Lick It will radically transform your relationship to food.
Whether mealtimes are your favourite part of the day or you're in the camp of ‘eat to live'...