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Studieboeken (179)
Cunningham's Textbook of Veterinary Physiology / 6th edition
2019 || Hardcover || Bradley Klein || Elsevier
Learn how to understand normal body functions before learning about the mechanisms of veterinary disease. Cunningham's Textbook of Veterinary Physiology, 6th Edition approaches this vast subject in a practical, user-friendly way that helps you grasp key concepts and learn how they relate to clinical practice. From cell physiology to body system function to homeostasis and immune function, this comprehensive text provides the solid foundation needed before advancing in the veterinary curriculum.
Expanded resources on the companion Evolve website include state-of-the-art 3D animations, practice tests, a glossary, and Clinical Correlations. Clinical Correlations boxes present case studies that illustrate how to apply physiology principles and concepts to the diagnosis and treatment of veterinary patients. Practice questions at the end of each chapter test your understanding of what you've just read and provide valuable review for exam...
African Novels and the Question of Orality
2019 || Hardcover || Eileen M. Julien || Indiana University Press
Demonstrates that the search for oral origins in African literature is a quest for African authenticity. In a critique and revision of the conceptual category of orality as it has been understood and used by scholars, this title stresses the transformation of narrative genres as an index of sociopolitical relations and authorial vision.
"This is an extremely well written and carefully argued book that is quite persuasive. It should be essential reading for every scholar in African literature....
Probability and Statistics for Computer Scientists / 3rd edition
2019 || Hardcover || Michael Baron || Taylor & Francis
Praise for the Second Edition:"The author has done his homework on the statistical tools needed for the particular challenges computer scientists encounter... [He] has taken great care to select examples that are interesting and practical for computer scientists. ...
The content is illustrated with numerous figures, and concludes with appendices and an index. The book is erudite and … could work well as a required text for an advanced undergraduate or graduate course." ---Computing ReviewsP...
Learning and Memory / 4th edition
2019 || Hardcover || Mark A. Gluck e.a. || Macmillan
Real-world examples, fascinating applications, and clear explanations, help students to understand the basics of learning and memory research.
With real-world examples, fascinating applications, and clear explanations, this breakthrough text helps uninitiated students understand the basic ideas and human impact of groundbreaking learning and memory research. The text features a unified approach to behavioral studies and the biological mechanisms common to all species with integrated coverage ...
International Tax Primer
2019 || Hardcover || Brian J. Arnold || Kluwer Law International
International Tax Primer provides an accessible and comprehensive guide to the fundamental aspects of international taxation with an introduction to the policies that countries seek to advance with their international tax rules. Tax practitioners, multinational companies and national tax authorities have relied on this indispensable resource since its first edition nearly two decades ago. The Primer provides the reader with an introductory analysis of the major issues that a country must conf...
The Oxford Handbook of Neurolinguistics
2019 || Hardcover || Greig I. de Zubicaray || Oxford University Press
The Science of Nutrition / 5th edition
2019 || Hardcover || Janice Thompson e.a. || Pearson
For introductory Nutrition courses for Majors. Move students beyond memorization with a functional approach to nutrition The Science of Nutrition helps students master tough nutrition concepts while providing rich support to save instructors time. This best-selling, thoroughly current, research-based nutrition text is uniquely organized around the highly regarded functional approach, which organizes vitamins and minerals based on their functions within the body and is easily seen in the organ...
The Oxford Gothic Grammar
2019 || Hardcover || D. Gary Miller || Oxford University Press
This volume provides a comprehensive reference grammar of Gothic, the earliest attested language of the Germanic family (apart from runic inscriptions). It is the first in English to draw on the recently discovered Bologna fragment and Crimean graffiti, in addition to the traditional Bible translation explored in most works to date.
Langenscheidt Großwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache
Deutsch - Deutsch
2019 || Hardcover || Klett Verlag
Das einsprachige Wörterbuch für alle, die Deutsch lernen
Für Schule, Studium und Beruf: Das Deutsch-Wörterbuch für alle, die Deutsch lernen. Mit leicht verständlichen Worterklärungen und vielen Abbildungen
Umfassendes Standardwerk: Mitrund120.000 Stichwörtern, Zusammensetzungen, Wendungen und Beispielsätzen eignet sich das Wörterbuch ideal für Selbstlernende Studierende und Sprachprofis
Kenneichnung der ca. 5.000 häufigsten und wichtigsten Wörter
Online-Wörterbuch für 36 Monate...
morgen verzonden
Dit is onderzoek! / Druk 3
2019 || Hardcover || Ben Baarda || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook
- Toegankelijke en enthousiasmerende gids voor praktijkgericht kwalitatief en kwantitatief onderzoek;
- behandelt de essentie van onderzoek in vier praktische stappen;
- met handige checklists voor het zelf opzetten en uitvoeren van onderzoek.
Dit is onderzoek! leert hbo-studenten in vier stappen onderzoek doen. Het boek behandelt kort en krachtig de theorie en de praktijk van onderzoek en bevat een schat aan onderzoeksvoorbeelden, direct toepasbaar bij projecten, stage- en afstudeeropdrachte...